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3. Basing
Basing Material
Base Finish
Base Step by Step
4. Painting
Acrylics: Basics
Acrylics: Brush Technique
Acrylics: Special Topics
Acrylics: Special Effects
Oil Paint
Wargaming Techniques
5. Step by Step
Step by Step: Fantasy
Step by Step: Sci/Fi, Steampunk
Step by Step: Historical
Step by Step: Got pimped!
6. Sculpting
7. Photography
8. Inspiration
take a minute to read the introduction for this area so you can have a happy time in here.
You may find tons of Articles
about Miniature Painting, Sculpting and maybe other important hobby stuff in here written by the apes. They are arranged in categories to provide a simple navigation - for the categories we have used big banners for categories, smaller ones for sub-categories, below them you find the articles.
Those articles
are linked via a banner that gives you a preview on what is behind it. Simply click the banner to get to the article you want to read. Important: We are working on translation of the articles to tender them in different languages. You will see a country flag in the article banner, if the article is already translated. Simply click the banner and choose your language afterwards. If you got some questions about something written in one of the articles simply post them via comment below the article. As soon we find the time we try to answer it.
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411 articles (at the moment) are waiting for you to read them. If you find a dead link or a wrong link, please keep us informed via a comment in here, that would be great - Happy Painting!
You can find little flags of countries behind some of the articles, that shows you in which other languages you can read the specific article. At this point I want to thank those great people who help us with the translation work, you'll find their names in the translated articles - if you miss your language in here and want to help us, please feel free to contact Roman!
If you are new to the hobby I would invite you to read this Introduction to our Article section that takes you by your hand and guides you on your first steps in the jungle of wisdom.
Now enjoy the article section of Massive Voodoo!
Now enjoy the article section of Massive Voodoo!
Theoretical thoughts can bring your skills to the next level when it becomes something normal to you due your experiences you've made. It is necessary to know something about the stuff you work with, colours, light and shadow, how to have a go on something you never even spent a moment of thinking about, while doing. Here you find thoughts that might help you - pick out what you like and what is good for your own style of painting.
A guide in theory on how you can increase your skills.
What does painting mean for you?
Alfonso Giraldes and Roman Lappat on this question ...
The Joy of Work in Progress
David talks about his preference to work on several projects at once.
Painting on the shoulders of giants - Learning by comparision
Hansrainer goes in depth into motivation and what learning means
Peter's development in painting over the years
See how Peter walked his way of the miniature painter
Thoughts about Painting Joy by me and many jungle visitors - check the comments!
Impostor Syndrom and painting
Guest author Petra goes deep in psychologic depths when it comes to painting.
This article focuses on winning and losing and the dark and light side ...
Painting/Project Motivation
Roman speaks about a project related motivation curve.
Project Ping-Pong
Bored with painting only one project. Learn to master the ping-pong game.
Visual Studying - Learning to see and paint
Roman takes you on a journey on how to use your eyes to study the act of painting.
Visualizing: Autumn
Roman explains how real autumn handles leaves on your bases.
Visualising: Winter
Roman explains his thoughts on how to learn about winter for your projects.
Visualising: Spring
Roman explains how you can observe Spring and put the knowledge into your projects.
10 Golden Rules of Miniature Painting
Become a happier painter by following these 10 rules!
10 Rules on good preperations for a Miniature Show
If you take this for credit you will be prepared on every event.
A well illustrated guide by Raffa showing you theory about light and shadow.
A guide that shows you how you can bring your miniature into a good light situation.
Theory: The full color wheel
Funny and interesting way to understand the colour wheel.
Theory: Complementary Colors
Raffa again goes deep into colour wisdom.
Theory: All Cats are grey at night
Raffa explains why and how colours change during night.
A basic approach on cold and warm colours.
Good or bad paints: How to tell them apart?
Hansrainer gives deep inisight in what colors to look for in painting.
The difference that color can make
Josua and Roman show two busts, painted in completly different color choices.
Painting cold colors
Roman explains to you on two Viking models how to tackle the cold!
Here you find some basic thoughts about how to start with a miniature, how to work with different materials and ideas that can make your hobby even more joyful. You know Miniature Painting is like a muscle, it has to be trained to increase Volume. A pyramid is built from a good foundation, always remember.
Workspace Evolution
An inspiring article that shows how a work space can grow and improve to your needs.
and Storage solutions.
A guide to show most of the stuff needed to be equipped as a professional when painting.
Cleaning your workbench, talk about brushes, colours, material, spirit etc.
How to keep your brushes clean
Cleaning up your brushes is important, this shows you how you can have a go at it.
Need a brush cap?
Build it on your own!
A Miniature Painter's Water Jar
Article about important knowledge to your water jars
How to build your own Paintrack
Simple guide on how you can store your colours properly.
What to look for in a painting lamp?
Ever had tons of questions in your head about the perfect painting light? Hansrainer answers them.
How to pimp your Tritube Lamp
There can not be enough light for painting. Hansrainer explains a great pimping mode!
Light your workplace
Searching for a powerful light to get a bright workbench?
How to keep your brushes clean
Cleaning up your brushes is important, this shows you how you can have a go at it.
Need a brush cap?
Build it on your own!
A Miniature Painter's Water Jar
Article about important knowledge to your water jars
How to build your own Paintrack
Simple guide on how you can store your colours properly.
What to look for in a painting lamp?
Ever had tons of questions in your head about the perfect painting light? Hansrainer answers them.
How to pimp your Tritube Lamp
There can not be enough light for painting. Hansrainer explains a great pimping mode!
Light your workplace
Searching for a powerful light to get a bright workbench?
A guide that shows you on how you can build a transport box for your finished models.
Advanced Transport box
A guide that gives you a good idea on how to build up a sturdy transport box.
Competition emergency box
This guide tells you about the essential stuff you should take when heading for a travel with your figures!
The 36 Chambers on how to master your toothpick
A toothpick is an amazing hobby tool. Roman tells you why!
About Blades
Taking a closer look on hobby knifes and other sorts of blades!
Advanced Transport box
A guide that gives you a good idea on how to build up a sturdy transport box.
Competition emergency box
This guide tells you about the essential stuff you should take when heading for a travel with your figures!
The 36 Chambers on how to master your toothpick
A toothpick is an amazing hobby tool. Roman tells you why!
About Blades
Taking a closer look on hobby knifes and other sorts of blades!
SbS: Build your own massive painting table
See how MV's studio table was build!
Best Workspace Garbage ever!
Check this great garbage solution for your workspace! A lot of fun!
SbS: Building the ultimate miniature showcase
Hansrainer shows you how to build the ultimate display case for your models
How to dust proof your Detolf Ikea Cabinet
Raffa explains a good way to make your cabinet dust proof!
How to pimp your Detolf Cabinet
Raffa explains the pimping of his cabinets.
Article showing you, how to prepare a miniature before painting.
Guide that shows you through the cleaning process of a plastic GW Marine.
Big Bull getting his horns sanded and his muscles prepared.
Pin a bust to a plinth
The title says it all!
True Material Damage
Using the figures material for true damage!
Drilling your guns!
A guide that keeps your weaponry looking very cool!
Pin a bust to a plinth
The title says it all!
Article showing you how you can fix a big and heavy model to a gaming base.
Pin your gaming figures the easy way
This article shows you how to fix your models without drilling or a metal pin.
Pin your gaming figures the easy way
This article shows you how to fix your models without drilling or a metal pin.
True Material Damage
Using the figures material for true damage!
Drilling your guns!
A guide that keeps your weaponry looking very cool!
Article showing you an easy way on how you can fill gaps after building your model.
Article showing you a putty that can mostly do everything.
Article showing you some hints and tips about the use of superglue.
Article showing some hints and tips about easy handling your mini while painting.
Article showing you a guide on how to easily handle more than one miniature.
This Article shows you how you can clean off colour from a miniature to repaint it.
Peter shows the use of Magnets on his Gladiator bust.
A base is an important addition to a miniature, wheter it is small or big it always will help to tell a story around the miniature itself. Gaming bases, bigger display base to massive diorama bases, everything needs attention and with a moment of time you can make great details to base. Here you find thoughts on how to do start with a base to what material you can use in the end.
What I learned from building small bases
Josua talks about his experience in creating small bases to tell the essential.
Making a simple socket
This article shows you how you can easily create your own sockets.
An article which shows the use of small sockets.
Working with a socket with profile. A look on what you can do.
This article shows you how you can use your unused gaming bases for a good reason.
Make your wood socket unique by burning it.
Why there is a reason behind a black socket even during the progress.
Improper use of two component water effects
Roman shows you how to not follow Josua's tips and how to repair them or drown in dispair
Proper use of two component water effects
Josua gives deep insight in how you can master you water bases.
This Article shows how you can work with gypsum with Hirst Art products.
Creating a cherry blossom tree
Roman tells you how you can create a cherry blossom tree.
Carving a wall from plaster
Our friend Kurt tells you an easy way on creating your own wall.
Where there is something big, something small will always bring harmony.
How to create mushrooms?
A guide on how you can add mushrooms to your base.
Using superglue for structure
Well, the title says it all!
Working with string - Basing & Conversion
Roman explains to you the simple way of impoving your miniature projects with string.
Stamp your Milliput
Explanation on how to create nice textures to your Milliput basing.
Basing with Juweela Bricks
A guide that shows you how to work with these great bricks!
This article explains how you can work with real rust objects.
Using old coins and some bricks to build up your base vision.
Article showing you an example on how you can work with wood.
A way on how you can achieve a dried desert ground.
Cork is a great material and here you can see how you can use it.
Guide that goes crazy with a dead camera and its interiors.
You can add simple clothing to your basework with this guide.
A stone flagged base is created in here, easy and simple, good result.
Using common earth instead of sand creates a more realistic effect.
A guide that shows you how you can add cool posters to your scenery.
Robert shows how you can do magnificant roof work.
Metal punched sheet can add a cool look to your modern base.
Raffa shows how you can build up tools and use them to create a brick wall.
Ripping apart old watches can be dangerous and fun.
Matt uses eggs to create something really stunning!
Proper use of two component water effects
Josua explains in great detail how to create amazing water bases!
Broken Glass
Josua and Roman teamed up for this article to show you how you can create broken glass.
This guide is for simple snow, i would recommand the advanced technique explained next.
Easy and cheap way of creating realistic looking snow on your base.
Making masterclass snow
A guide that brings you into detailed masterclass use of snow.
Making masterclass snow
A guide that brings you into detailed masterclass use of snow.
This article shows you how you can do icicles.
Paint can chipp of its surface, why not use the reallife stuff?
Different ways on how you can create fine looking dosh at your bases.
Raffa shares the secret about his spider webs. Great effect.
Leaves are always a good addition to a base.
An article showing how you can work wrong with 2K water effect. Fail.
Base finish with pigments to make it look dusty.
This guide shows you how you can work with 2K water effect.
Water runs and falls, here you can see how to create it.
Bringing up some green to your base with the products of MiniNatur.
Detail work at grass ground work.
Creating Newspapers
Article that explains you how to add worn newspapers to your bases.
Hanging Plants
Ever wanted to create some cool looking hanging plants?
Creating Newspapers
Article that explains you how to add worn newspapers to your bases.
Hanging Plants
Ever wanted to create some cool looking hanging plants?
An old pirate boat full of clams and clam fouling.
Using Crackle Medium, Primer and fire!
A stamped label for your showcase socket.
Advanced label for your showcase socket.
Advanced label for your showcase socket.
Duel on the Pelloponese - 1:72 building the base
David continues with magnificant work in this small scale
The ugly truth
Plastic garbage polluting our oceans? Josua points a finger at it with this beautiful water base.
Building a base for a 1/72 Ashigaru
David takes you on a journey to tiny Japan.
Marie Fleur
Roman explains steps on how to build up a postapocalyptic wasteland base.
Blood Bowl Base
Learn to build a cool looking football field base!
Welcome to Sanctuary
A crazy Fallout Wasteland Base grows, with cars, stuff and beer bottles.
Creating a Fantasy Gaming Base
Roman explains his progress on a small but complex gaming base.
Creating a big Fantasy Base
Oli explains his creation of a wonderful base.
A guide through a truely epic fantasy display base.
Never fear your gaming bases
Fear is not needed when you do quick gaming bases.
Combination of explaining words and a video of the build up.
Starting paint and colour thoughts and some rough light and shadow.
Quick High Elf display base
Well, what the title says. High Elf themed temple base.
Wasteland Display base
Roman explains his thoughts on a Fallout/Wasteland base.
Basing the DáoFêi
Peter explains his basework on this nice figure from Infinity.
Well, what the title says. High Elf themed temple base.
Wasteland Display base
Roman explains his thoughts on a Fallout/Wasteland base.
Basing the DáoFêi
Peter explains his basework on this nice figure from Infinity.
MV Insta-Base: Conversion
Make your cool Insta-Base unique with these tricks!
SciFi Gaming Base, Trench
Roman building up a trench base for WH40k.
Detailed Gaming Base
Ben building up a gaming base for Lord of the Rings.
Step by Step article on how you can create a wonderful desert base.
Epic basing with something different than usual.
Having a closer look on materials and thoughts during this project.
Easy guide on how you can build up a mortheim gaming base.
Raffa shows a step by step on how to paint marble.
The son of Ahab riding high seas in a walnut gets some work for the lower parts.
Showing you a display base with some cool gravestones.
A view in thoughts on building up the UW2 base.
Using different materials to create a jungle on a small base.
Using products by Secret Weapon and Mother Earth.
A look deep inside the blue ocean.
Painting is the most important thing, maybe or maybe not - who knows, but for sure it is something beautiful and it is all about the fun you will enjoy while swinging your brush. It is not important on how much time you spent, it is not important how great your blendings become, it is not important if there is athmosphere or not, it is not important if you are working totally crazy with colours or if you working like a mathematic genius when it comes to paint - IMPORTANT is that you do it from the heart, straight Happy Painting, the rest grows simply out of your joy.
Peter explains some explorations about why hands are as important as a brush during painting.
A view on the jungles priming methods.
A small intrdoduction on the colours Roman uses.
Keep your colours wet for a longer period of time by using a wet palette.
Wet Palette 2.0
Improve your Wet Palette
Wet Palette 2.0
Improve your Wet Palette
Raffa takes a close look on a lot of different blacks.
A view into Roman's brain during the starting process of painting.
All common techniques explained easy to understand.
Glazes are very important when it comes to painting.
An introduction into the theme of painting with real metal colours.
Andrea shows how you can achieve great results by using oil colours on a knight.
Andrea shows a brilliant way on how you can achieve great metallics.
Metallic Colour Comparision Chart
A collection of the results by different metal colour brands! Huge!
Metallic Colour Comparision Chart
A collection of the results by different metal colour brands! Huge!
A guide that brings you some deeper thoughts on how to paint leather.
Starting thoughts and a Step by Step on the approach of painting human skin.
A guide that shows paintwork on a 28 mm male face.
Human Face 2
This topic handles prominent spots during painting a busts face.
Human Face 2
This topic handles prominent spots during painting a busts face.
Article that brings you thoughts and examples on how you can paint eyes.
This article shows you how you can add a cool demonic effect to skin.
This guide gives you an example on how you can paint skin of greenskins.
A demonic based freehand done on a standard bearer in 28 mm.
A round shield provided with medusa's face.
Beginner Article on how you can start with painting wood grain.
Tired of painting glass? Do some real one instead. This guide shows you how.
A guide that introduces Light that comes from a source nearby the miniature.
Raffa explains how to use really glowing pigment powder.
Pure gore in here, always keep in mind that less is more.
Want something really ugly to an ugly model? Read on.
Blood drops
A way on how you can create blood slowly dropping from a point.
Blood drops
A way on how you can create blood slowly dropping from a point.
Magic Effects on Miniatures
Learn to do the stuff only magicians can. Let your miniature wave an active spell!
A go on some slimy content.
Article that shows you an approach on how to paint a energy axe.
A thought on how you can include a real shadow on your scene.
Article about warfare camouflage and how you can paint it.
Doing some fur and a bow lash with your own hair.
A collection of links and photos to inspire your skill of weathering.
More Weathering Inspiration
Follow Roman on a walk through a car cemetery in the swedish forests
Theory: Rust
Raffa explains the "Why" behind rust.
Rusted Paint: Model Mates
Create an amazing looking surface with these tricks explained by Raffa.
An overview about Weathering, including theory and practical use.
The use of hairspray during your weathering session can bring wonderful results.
Guide that shows you how you can create your own rust pigments.
How to: Verdigris Effect by ModelMates
This article explains you how to apply Verdigris.
How to: Rust Effects by ModelMates
This article explains how to apply rust.
Another cool effect can be achieved by using liquid mask.
Article that shows you the use of salt and hairspray on different scaled models.
An insight in the topic cracked surfaces.
Raffa explains different weathering techniques in a series of 4 videos.
... and what you got to know for an easy start with oil paint, by Roman.
Andrea explains his way of using oil colours! Pure Essence of Petroleum, baby!
Generalpoleaxe contributed this very useful article to the jungle.
Simple article on what you can achieve fast with your airbrush and some gaming models.
Ferrari Girl gets a new dress and makes a dad happy!
Different Masking Options
Explanations on different masking options you can use while airbrushing.
Building a unique Kill Team gaming board, part 1
Roman explains insight into building the ultimate Kill Team gaming table
The Creative Concept behind themed armies
Johannes helps you to create amazing themed armies
SbS: Magnus the Red
Sebastian takes you through his work with this big Games Workshop Model
How to paint quick eyes!
Step by Step by Sebastian
Explanations on different masking options you can use while airbrushing.
Building a unique Kill Team gaming board, part 1
Roman explains insight into building the ultimate Kill Team gaming table
The Creative Concept behind themed armies
Johannes helps you to create amazing themed armies
SbS: Magnus the Red
Sebastian takes you through his work with this big Games Workshop Model
How to paint quick eyes!
Step by Step by Sebastian
Step by Step Articles you may find beneath this banner. Let the muse dance - i hope they show a bit of the process all in all and the thoughts madewhile doing or forgotten afterwards. We hope there is a bit to learn from making such an effort to show step by step articles, even sometimes steps may be weird. It is the process of creativity that strikes when you are doing Happy Painting, less thinking, so it is often a trip back to reality when making a photo in between - not easy, but i hope you understand this.
SbS: Conan, a tribute to Frazetta
Roman studies Frank Frazetta and puts approaches a fantasy legend with the new knowledge
SbS: Human
Project insight into a very interesting way to approach your skintone painting
SbS: The Alchemist
Project Insight on how to implement the four elements in one model.
SbS: Orc Kong
Project Insight of a wild paintjob. Fingerpainting Alarm!
SbS: The Monkey King
Follow Roman on a journey to the west!
SbS: Lady of the Lake
A fairytale and myth takes shape in this beautiful bust by Roman!
SbS: Wild Hunt
A dark elf rider bust by Roman. Pure dark art.
SbS: Three short step by steps
Wonderwoman, Ilyad Games Orc, Gatekepper
SbS: Champion of Khorne
Roman takes you deep into the madness of a Champion of Chaos.
SbS: Different versions of Laszlo
One bust, so many different visions. Roman takes you by the hand and explains creative processes.
SbS: Garrot
Roman explains his approach and thoughts on how painting a demon.
SbS: Uther, Light of the Realm
Roman shows his walkthrough of this full armoured bust by Raul Garcia Latorre.
SbS: Fire Mage
Roman shows you how you can create a fire storm around a sorcerer!
SbS: Mamabuho
Roman takes you through the painting process of an old witch with way to many owls.
SbS: Painting the emotion "Envy"
Roman starts a new series of projects and puts focus on painting emotions.
SbS: Dragon Hunters
Oliver shows great insight in his biggest diorama.
SbS: Khaarzul, the Dragon
Roman paints up a big dragon bust and tells you how he did it.
SbS: The barbarian King of Autumn
A great walkthrough on the paintjob of this barbarian by guest author Trent Denison.
SbS: Zorkh-Seth, what is your vision?
Roman explains how to apply a good vision to a miniature project?
SbS: Chaos Ogre
Roman gives insight into conversion work and painting his Ogre bust, chaos infested.
SbS: Son of Khorne
Raffa scratchbuilds a giant Warrior of Khorne and paints it perfectly.
SbS: Strigoi
Roman paints up a very dark and vampiric bust.
SbS: Dumah, Lord of Bones
Kimera's first released model, painted and explained by Roman.
SbS: Find your way
A hobbit that runs through the forest. Explanations on how the green will influance the full paintjob.
SbS: Sharki
A pirate Orc meets a Great White.
SbS: Golden Horn
A chinese tale character brought to life.
SbS: Tiny bust by Latorre
Roman gives insight in a quick but very funny paintjob on a really tiny bust.
SbS: Grünkfül, the Dwarf Slayer
Roman takes you through the greatest Dwarf Slayer of all time!
SbS: Dino, the lone wolf
A dwarf, a story and colors.
SbS: Katari, Shaman of the Izla Tribe
Inspiration from a computer game put to a miniature. Primal!
SbS: Azog, the white Orc
Roman guides you through painting a really large bust, Azog, The Hobbit, Orc.
SbS: Thornley & Ratch
Raffa shows a cool bust, starting from sculpting and painting.
SbS: Davidé vs. Goliath
Roman takes you on a walktrough through this icecold duel.
SbS: Brognir Stonebridge
A small Ogre bust by Raul Garcia Latorre, painting thoughts by Roman!
SbS: Chimera vs. Bellerophon
A huge project, an epic duel, five years of work!
SbS: Narok
A weird and scary model. Sick Skintone!
SbS: Ragnok, Norse Orc Hero - Version 1
Roman takes you on a walk through his paintjob on this cool bust!
SbS: Ragnok, Norse Orc Hero - Version 2
Roman takes you on a walk through his paintjob on this cool bust!
SbS: Dwarf: Thorri Jarrlson
Raffa paints up a tiny dwarf from Red Box Games and gives insight in the process.
SbS: Painting the Toad King
Roman explains his work on a truely green frog.
SbS: WHF Chaos Lord
Roman explains his approach on this Warhammer Fantasy Lord of Chaos.
SbS: Sha'un - Ram Tribe Warrior - Roman version
Roman takes you on a journey through his work on this cool bust.
SbS: Sha'un - Ram Tribe Warrior - Raffa version
Raffa takes you through a journey during his paintwork on this beauty of a bust.
SbS: Dragon Priest
Forged Monkey's Lychee Priest painted up as the priest of Dragons.
Raffa's Slayersword winning piece described in the progress.
SbS: Drakerys' Orc Shaman
Sculpting an ear, baswork and painting a cool looking green skin.
SbS: Theseus' Destiny
Peter takes you through an ancient greek myth.
SbS: Tilda
Our former trainee, Sanne takes you through her project.
SbS: Aran, the Barbarian - Deep in the Dungeon
Step by Step about a dungeon scene with a barbarian.
SbS: Virago, Barbarian Beauty
A progress explanation about a rare Ilyad Miniature.
SbS: Rider on the Styx
Roman explains his thoughts on his version of Charon, the rider on the Styx.
SbS: What about a quick Slayer?
A dwarf with orange mohawk painted up with joy.
SbS: The Arkvenger
A model without a face is searching for its character.
SbS: Tale of Revenge
Guest author Felix gives a look behind the curtains of one of his biggest projects.
SbS: Barracuda
A pirate bust getting painted, honestly.
A dwarfen King and his shield bearers in 28 mm by GW painted and explained from A to Z.
Red Box Games Hrothgar in 28 mm made finished off a brawl in a nearby dwarf bar.
SbS: Pirate Buccaner
Step by Step that shows you Roman thoughts during painting this bust.
SbS: Hasslefree Dwarf
This article explains painting strategies on how to conquer a quick display piece.
This article explains painting strategies on how to conquer a quick display piece.
A pretty old model back from 2009 but maybe Inspiration in there.
A GW Demonette in 28 mm standing on a gaming base.
Yedharo Bust in 1:10 of the Lion Zodiac.
A gaming table Skaven Warlord by GW in 28 mm.
Roberts approach on a Red Box Games stealthy assassin crawling through thight medieval streets in 28 mm.
SbS: The Walking Dead
A bust of a beautiful woman turned into an undead walker.
SbS: Mephisto
A demon bust by Wonderlands Project. Mephisto arises.
SbS: Disturbed Sin - a Slaanesh Party
A big project with five Miniatures comes to an end.
SbS: The Nightwatch
A look behind the scenes of a Fantasy Hero gathering.
SbS: The Walking Dead
A bust of a beautiful woman turned into an undead walker.
SbS: Mephisto
A demon bust by Wonderlands Project. Mephisto arises.
SbS: Disturbed Sin - a Slaanesh Party
A big project with five Miniatures comes to an end.
SbS: The Nightwatch
A look behind the scenes of a Fantasy Hero gathering.
SbS: Tips and Tricks on tiny Astronauts
Roman explains and helps to prepare for the MVChallenge2020
SbS: Ironman, Walt Disney Infinity
Repainting a kid's toy with Roman.
SBS: Manta, an homage to Möbius
Roman explains how he adapted a comic style to a bust.
SbS: Vizar
A neo futurustic door bouncer. Interesting project walkthrough by Roman.
Batman is unique. This is Batman!
SbS: Soul Hunter
Roman creates a nightmare. Emotional paintjob straight forward.
SbS: Tesla
Roman paints up this bust of famous Tesla. Lightning strike!
SbS: Crashed X-Wing
Taking a tiny X-Wing and let it crash into a cool diorama.
SbS: Deathwatch Space Marine
A deathwatch space marine sketchly painted by Roman.
SbS: Imperial Fist Space Marine
Once again a guide to paint a Space Marine, this time yellow!
SbS: Jessica, the Zombiegirl
Cold colours used on a small zombie bust
SbS: Arthur, the robot painter
Beautiful guest article by Matt di Pietro.
SbS: 5 Colours, 2 hours, 1 Miniature
Roman explains his progress on a rather cool and quick paintjob.
SbS: X-Wing: Repainting the Imperial Shuttle
Explained repainting of a prepainted X-Wing model.
SbS: Pre-Heresy World Eater, Tabletop
Peter explains to you how he plans to paint his whole army.
SbS: Leonardo, TMNT bust
Roman explains his work and procedure on this big Ninja Turtle bust.
SbS: Giu's Robot Repairs
A truly mad project, explained in details!
SbS: The Last Light
Step by Step of the Slayer Sword Germany 2013 Diorama . Aliens and Blood Angels.
SbS: Painting the DáoFêi
Peter explains his paintwork on a cool Infinity model.
SbS: The First One
Step by Step that guides you through a cool robot kit.
SbS: Fast Pedro Kanto
Raffa assaults a popular GW figure with speed and skills.
SbS: Male Galaxy Defender
Marsian basework and black/blue armour.
SbS: Female Galaxy Defender
A hero there is. Ready everyday to save the planet.
SbS: Games Workshop's Col. Straken
Skin Painting and colour saturation/desaturation.
SbS: Hac Tao
Yu Jing, Infinity, 28 mm for gaming.
SbS: Eldar Autarch
GW Eldar Autarch in green, 28 mm.
A big walker from GW's Eldar fraction in 28 mm.
Space Hulk Terminator in 28 mm painted from A to Z.
Another Space Hulk Terminator in 28 mm painted from A to Z.
A GW Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour of the chapter Salamanders.
Got some balls to look at this? Very intresing freehand explanation by Raffa.
An alien Tyranid Tyrant Guard by GW in 28 mm.
Step by Step about a heavy converted Nurgle Space Marine by GW in 28 mm.
Another approach on a demonette by GW in 28 mm.
Another approach on a demonette by GW in 28 mm.
An evil supreme alien race appears on the horizon.
SbS: Orangutan
Josua shows you a beautiful approach on how to paint an Orangutan bust.
SbS: Waterbuffalo
Josua gives deep insight into creating this wonderful scene with a waterbuffalo.
SbS: Wading Ashore
David tackles a great 1:72 project and guides you through his process.
SbS: Of Puffins and Penguins
Guest author Christoph takes you through his project he created for the MV Challenge 2018.
SbS: Happy Hippo
Josua and his animals. Here comes another great step by step with a hippo!
SbS: Waterbuffalo (bust)
Roman takes you on a journey to met a really calm waterbuffalo.
SbS: Viva la musica!
Certainly a different kind of project. Let's make a fire spitting piano!
SbS: Through the Paddy!
Follow David through this great 1:72 historical Vietnam War mini-diorama!
SbS: Memories
Roman takes you on a journey to create a beautiful car wreck in a cigar box.
SbS: Ghosts of Winter
An abondoned tank. Forgotten in cold winter.
SbS: Silverback
A bust of a gorilla painted by Roman. Great insights.
SbS: Spartan Warrior
Roman guides you through his thoughts while painting up a beautiful bust by Pegaso Models.
SbS: Boudica, Battle of Watling Street
Roman's goes deep in this SBS to explain his version of a wonderful bust.
SbS: The Aquila - Hero of Rome 41 A. D.
A process explanation of cold athmosphere, leather, skintone and more.
SbS: Inuit Fisherman
A big bust plus a big fish recieves some colours.
SbS: Funkmaster J
Conversion work, Disco, Glitter, Soul and Funk!
SbS: Juva, 1883
Conversion work and painting black skin.
SbS: After the SMC is before the SMC
Roman is bringing a 1:35 Alpine Model into a complete new setting.
A great bust by Young Miniatures in 1:10. Big article!
A tank step by step in 1:72 explained by Raffa.
A tank step by step of a Flames of War model in 15mm.
SbS: Working with 1:72 Samurais
SbS: Working with 1:72 Samurais
Explanation on how to proceed with figures in scale 1:72.
You know that sculpting stuff only the real freaks manage to learn. May this soon help us all, i mean us, the people with two left hands. Sculpting is really a joyful time waste with great capability to become a big thing beside painting. A sculpt is far more than miniature painting, it is the essence and birthplace of it all.
Post-apocalyptic Toad King
Roman explains his conversion work on Aradia's Toad King.
Scratchbuilding a baseball bat
Roman creates a baseball bat in 75 mm scale.
Creating a flying strip (chapter #2)
Daniele explains how you can create something big that floats in the wind.
Using Feathers on miniatures
Guest author Matt DiPietro explains how to use animal feathers on minis.
Making a leather loincloth
Dress your mini up with some leather!!
How to create a bowstring
Guide that shows you how you can attach bowstrings to your bows or crossbows.
Scratchbuilding the Lamps on Frutti di Mare

Dress your mini up with some leather!!
How to create a bowstring
Guide that shows you how you can attach bowstrings to your bows or crossbows.
Scratchbuilding the Lamps on Frutti di Mare
Roman explains how Robert did the Lamps on Frutti di Mare.
This guide shows you how you can add belts to your models.
Creating a tiny bucket for your bases or other ideas.
Old frozen ladder on an old frozen Sentinel.
Roman's approach in how to scratchbuild a sword and shield.
Aim well little bowmen and use the best arrows you can get.
Roman's approach on this goal with patience needed.
Fine needles used to add special effects to your model.
Oli explains how you can do some great mini books.
Pirate Flag ahoi!
SbS: Alternative End of Captain Hook
Daniele shows his process on creating a storytelling bust of Hook and Peter Pan
SbS: Sculptingg Al-Bazar, the Arab Merchant
Daniele tells you how you sculpted this cool character
SbS: Sculpting the Genie of the Lamp
Again, Daniele informs you in depth on his sculpting progress on this bust
SbS: Alice and the Mad hatter
Daniele sculpts this iconic character and explains each step!
SbS: The Elve's Robin Hood
Daniele sculpts you through an elfish Robin Hood!
SbS: Saro, the Lake Ferryman
Daniele explains how he sculpted this cool character.
SBS: The Pinocchio
Sculpting Process on a cool bust by Daniele.
Article/SBS: I want to be a Miniature Sculptor!
Daniele sums up all essentials if you want to start sculpting on your own. An amazing article!
Article: 3D Sculpting for beginners
Daniele gives you amazing tips how you can start to learn to sculpt in 3D.
SBS: The Lake Ferry Man
Daniele gives a beautiful insight on his work on this cool sculpt!
SBS: Sculpting a happy goblin
Daniele takes you by the hand and explains each step that led to his goblin bust.
SBS: Little Red Riding Hood
Daniele once again with a beautiful full step by step on this cute sculpt!
Inspiration: Statues
Big photo collection of statues, very inspiring.
Light weight sculpting travel kit
Bene explains his version of his travel kit for sculpting.
To find the right proportions on your male sculpt check this!
To find the right proportions on your female sculpt check this!
Mati explains each step on how you can start your sculpting.
Mati shows how you can fast train propotions and sketch a bust daily.
Sculpting a Werewolve - part A
A journey begins with first steps.
Sculpting an Ogre bust
Roman explains his sculpting work.
Touch of Death - Sculpting
Raffa explains his sculpt work at his ultraepic project.
Sculpting Balloons
Want to add balloons to your projects?
Sculpting Horns
Raffa shows how you can sculpt horns to your beastman.
Steps of Sculpting an Orc Face
Raffa shows some steps in photo form on how to sculpt an Orc bust.
Mati shows in wonderful way how you can get your own cloaks.
Maurizio Bruno shares his thoughts and steps during sculpting a whole 54 mm figure.
Raffa opens his mind to show the inside of his Sculpt work on this bust.
Masquerade Miniatures Tube Tool in Action.
Nothing special here, more useless, but maybe you might need a Teddybear someday.
Nothing special here, more useless, but maybe you might need a Monster blob of decay someday.
Making a photo of your painted miniatures isn't the most important thing. Somehow for showing them around it is needed as there are not much painters on this planet at all, so there might be none in your area. We have to spread the word and share our little friends in public to bring attention to our hobby and art. Here you may find the jungle way of taking photos.
A guide that shows Roman's approach on taking photos.
Need a photobackground for your personal use?
Miniature Photography, part 1
Philip is taking a deep look inside professional equipment.
Miniature Photography, part 2
Miniature Photography, part 1
Philip is taking a deep look inside professional equipment.
Miniature Photography, part 2
Philip explains how to make good photos with a DSLR.
Inspiration can be everywhere. Here you may find stuff that maybe gives you inspiration, maybe it is up to you. You can say this is the funny area between all these serious articles above.
Painting an Elephant on an huge canvas
Roman again. painting on canvas. This time an Elephant.
Painting Batman on canvas - fanart
Roman takes you through his steps on painting the Dark Knight
Painting a lion on canvas
Roman shows step by step how he paints a lion on canvas. Colorful.
Art Exhibition
Roman's first miniature art exhibition.
Breakfast Porridge from the Jungle
Healthy breakfast will make you feel good.
How to display miniatures?
Inspirational post about displaying our little loved ones.
Faceapp and smiling busts
Make your miniatures smile!
Inspirational post about displaying our little loved ones.
Faceapp and smiling busts
Make your miniatures smile!
Thomas explains some great experience he has made with icecream and a smile.
The jungle's fine secrets revealed.
How to pack your miniature for safe shipping
Roman explains how a miniature can travel safe. No guarante, but good tips.
Roman's version on how you can do a shipment of a painted miniature.
Hi Jungle,
For some reason, the link for SciFi Gaming Base, Trench points to www.bloggers.com instead of http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.ca/2014/01/tutorial-scifi-gaming-base-trench.html. Maybe you awesome Jungle masters could fix the link?
Awesome job putting all of this up! Keep up the great work :D
Thanks, Francois. It should be fixed by now!
Hey guys, I love all your tutorials... I was hoping you could do a good and full article about varnishing and different varnishes used for different purposes such as brush on and spray on etc :)
Another HUGE thank you from me!
I just wanted to thank you for these incredible tutorials! :)
Thank you for your gratitude, Marko!
Hi, Monkeys
mir ist gestern aufgefallen, dass bei ein paar Turorials keine Fotos mehr zu sehen sind, weil Photobucket wohl Geld von euch möchte.
Beispielsweise hier:
und hier:
Wollte euch nur darauf aufmerksam machen.
Fröhliches Malen
Any chance you can do a tutorial on dry pigments. Using them, and making them stick to a miniature. The do amazing effects. I just can't make it last past one errant finger wiping it off.
This is excellent! I've linked your work in my article about basing: Basing miniatures - Miniature hobby guide