If you want to write one of the apes an email, please feel free to use these following adresses to do so. Please notice that we are also only human... ah, i meant apes and that time is always limited as you know. We try our best to get back to you, but please be patient we'll get back to you in time (if not do some rumble in da jungle)...
Active Members:
Roman aka jarhead
Raffaele aka picster
Bene aka Benji
Peter aka Baphomet
Oli aka HonourGuard
Erik aka Archer
Inactive Members:
Mati aka badsmile
Robert aka muhani
Val aka Valerie
Ben aka white rabbit
The Maxican aka leichtmatrose
Andrea aka MXP
Matt aka Matt Cexwish
Active Members:
Roman aka jarhead
Raffaele aka picster
Bene aka Benji
Peter aka Baphomet
Oli aka HonourGuard
Erik aka Archer
Inactive Members:
Mati aka badsmile
Robert aka muhani
Val aka Valerie
Ben aka white rabbit
The Maxican aka leichtmatrose
Andrea aka MXP
Matt aka Matt Cexwish
Dear friends :
My name is Juan Jose Barrena (JJ) (jjmetropol), I am the director of Fantasy Dimension Magazine published by Acción Press Editorial. Our publication was born with the clear purpose of becoming one of the best and essential magazine dedicated to science fiction and fantastic scale model, and for that reason we have been able to count on articles from very prestigious and well-known authors after just two issues. For example: Alex Castro, Jeremie Bonamant, Allan Carrasco, the brothers Remis, David Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Avila Ribadas, Adrian Bay or Jose Manuel Palomares among others and we will rely on others artists who will appear in the following issues, as Rusto, Jesus Martin, Maria Jose Saavedra, and so on.
We are very interested in publishing your articles in our magazine.I must say that both the team from Fantasy Dimension like me will be happy to rely on you, and it will be a real pleasure to publish your articles.
As our magazine is beginning, we could pay just 10 € for published page. We hope to increase this down payment in the following issues, even more so when the editions in English and Italian start, that we wish.
On the other hand, we can offer advertising for brands and professional studios in our magazine, which is a perfect showcase for everyone to show your job.
The following information is about the technical data for any item:
The article can be about sculping, painting, ambience creating, vehicles, and so on.. ...where could be shown step by step the work on miniature, or workshop articles where some techniques are explained in particular.
The text must be done in Word document, in the language you prefer, because our editorial team will be responsible for the translation. Within the text should be included red, notes and names of the different pictures and the right location that the should have on page. So that the design team knows which part of the text belongs to each picture.
Photos must be in JPG or RAW format as largest as possible from a minimum of 6 mgpxls.
You could attach to the article artworks or sketches, made by the author, by the artistic designer, or by the official image of the product in a brand, in a way that the author or brand keeps the rights of the same, or have permission from the owner of rights. If there are no attach artworks, the magazine could create any related to the article and character, to ambient and mount the page.
The articles have no delivery date, although we could agree to leave certain items in a specific dates, to make them coincide with the launch of the miniature or not to reveal business secrets.
Normally the fastest way is to record the article and data in cd and sending by postmail. There is also the possibility of uploading the data to download area (www.megaunpload.com) or FTP server from the publisher.
I can only welcome you to our team looking forward with real excitement to see your work.
Yours sincerely, For further information please do not hesitate to contact me in jjmetropol@gmail.com.
Regards JJ.
Im looking to base a Wyrd miniature " Hamlin the plagued" but im unsure how to get the effect i want for the base so im looking for advice or a quick tutorial if you can.. The effect im looking for is a swarm of insects to be flowing from Hamlins pants, or for him to just be standing with a swarm of insects around him.. any help would be greatly appreciated..
Hi! Congratulations for your interesting blog! I have added it in the list of favourites in my blog:
hay guys would just like to say thank you for the tutorials and regular update thanks to you guys my painting has improved considerably as such pushed me to start my own blog, not the most regular of update but i try when i can all the best guys
o and if you would like to check out my blog go to http://geek40kwargames.blogspot.com
thanks again guys.
Would be down for 3 copies of the Happy Monk should you do another run....Please!
please i want one please i cant sculp this i must paint this
Picster! Congratulations on your slayer sword win this last weekend at games day Cologne! Your 'Untold Honor' entry is another stunning work! I hope you share more images of it in detail on the site soon!
I enjoy all the work on massive voodoo, the full 'teams' work, and the inspiration and positive attitude it promotes!
Tom Gilliland
Creative Director
Sideshow Collectibles
Dear sirs
Re purchase #227
I have ordered a spiderweb pack from you , details as above, unfortunately as yet I have not received the product. I have contacted you previously requesting approximate delivery dates but have had no response. I am again requesting an approximate delivery date to ensure that the product has not been lost in the post and am expecting a reply.
If I do not hear from you soon I can only assume that you are not a legitimate company and will have no option but to contact trading standards and/or PayPal.
Jay Kucuk
> To: jaykucuk@hotmail.co.uk
> Subject: Purchase Receipt
> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 20:05:41 +0000
> From: info@forgedmonkey.com
> The Transaction was successful
> We received your order with the Purchase # 227
> .
> This will soon be yours:
> - 1 Spiderweb Pack 5,99 €
> - - Tax Included: 0,00 €
> Total: 0,00 €
> Thank you very much!
> Raffaele Picca
> ForgedMonkey.com
Hello Roman, hello Raffaele, I'm Stefano Sciaretta aka "Mc sciar" you remember, we met in Monte San Savino.
Not very tall .... little hair ......... earrings .... I live in rome?
I would need a courtesy from artist to artist, from this year the court Fantasy for the international modeling contest "EUROMA,"I am contacting for great artists who have the pleasure of providing the prizes for the contest, you will have a great deal of publicity and you will be welcome if you would like to come to the competition.
My English is bad, if I write in Italian raffaele understands me better :)?
I await your response, please write to me at my address. mcsciar@gmail.com
Thank you very much.
Hello, I would like to help the blog by translating the tutorials you have to spanish, who shall I talk to?
That is a very generous offer and we would like to accept it, but unfortanetely we do not have the manpower at the moment to include the translations to the page. So for now, we have to say no with a heavy heart, but we hope we can find a way to work with all you people outthere who want to help us with translations ... thank you!
@Roman Aka Jar
No problem, I will just continue enjoying the blog. If the time when you need help comes, count with me
That is good to know, Martin. Thank you!
Hi! My husband is really keen on miniature painting and he likes to read your articles. But, there is a one problem, he don't know english and read all articles with help of machine translation. i have some translation skills and I want to try translation yours articles from english into russian.
If it's intresting for you, please e-mail me alyonakovyazina@gmail.com
Best wishes,
Hey Alyona,
thank you for your offer. Right now we do not have much time ourselves to include the articles in the page. Long term we are working on an update of the page. A full one, big one and will include language translations.