Welcome to the Tutorial Section of
Please take a minute to read the introduction for this area so you can have a happy time in here.
You may find tons of Articles about Miniature Painting, Sculpting and maybe other important hobby stuff in here written by the apes. They are arranged in categories to provide a simple navigation - for the categories we have used big banners, below them you find the articles. Those articles are linked via a banner that gives you a preview on what is behind it. Simply click the banner to get to the article you want to read. Important: We are working on translation of the articles to tender them in different languages. You will see a country flag in the article banner, if the article is already translated. Simply click the banner and choose your language afterwards. If you got some questions about something written in one of the articles simply post them via comment below the article. As soon we find the time we try to answer it.
Now let's get it on with some miniature related blabla and roars out of the jungle. 112 articles (at the moment) are waiting for you to read them. If you find a dead link or a wrong link, please keep us informed via a comment in here, that would be great - Happy Painting!
You can find little flags of countries behind some of the articles, that shows you in which other languages you can read the specific article. At this point I want to thank those great people who help us with the translation work, you'll find their names in the translated articles - if you miss your language in here and want to help us, please feel free to contact Roman!

Theoretical thoughts can bring your skills to the next level when it becomes something normal to you. It is necessary to know something about the stuff you work with, colours, light and shadow, how to have a go on something you never even spent a moment of thinking about, while doing. Here you find thoughts that might help you - pick out what you like and what is good for your own style of painting.
The Way of the miniature painter
A guide in theory on how you can increase your skills.
Light and Shadow Theory
A well illustrated guide by Raffa showing you theory about light and shadow.
Painting Zenithal Lightning
A guide that shows you how you can bring your miniature into a good light situation.
Colour Theory - Cold/Warm
A basic approach on cold and warm colours.

Here you find some basic thoughts about how to start with a miniature, how to work with different materials and ideas that can make your hobby even more joyful. You know Miniature Painting is like a muscle, it has to be trained to increase Volume. A pyramid is built from a good foundation, always remember.
The Painter's Travelling Guide
A guide to show most of the stuff needed to be equipped as a professional when painting.
Filling Gaps with Milliput
Article showing you an easy way on how you can fill gaps after building your model.
Working with super glue
Article showing you some hints and tips about the use of superglue.
Holding your models while painting
Article showing some hints and tips about easy handling your mini while painting.
Holding several models at once
Article showing you a guide on how to easily handle more than one miniature.
Stripping Miniatures from Paint
This Article shows you how you can clean off colour from a miniature to repaint it.

A base is an important addition to a miniature, wheter it is small or big it always will help to tell a story around the miniature itself. Gaming bases, bigger display base to massive diorama bases, everything needs attention and with a moment of time you can make great details to base. Here you find thoughts on how to do start with a base to what material you can use in the end.
Making a simple socket
This article shows you how you can easily create your own sockets.
Slim Socket
An article which shows the use of small sockets.
4edged Socket with profile
Working with a socket with profile. A look on what you can do.
Burn your socket
Make your wood socket unique by burning it.
Fixing a big model to a gaming base
Article showing you how you can fix a big and heavy model to a gaming base.
Basing with Hyrst Art Gypsum
This Article shows how you can work with gypsum with Hirst Art products.
Base build from rusty waste
This article explains how you can work with real rust objects.
Base build using wood parts
Article showing you an example on how you can work with wood.
Dry desert earth base
A way on how you can achieve a dried desert ground.
Basing with cork
Cork is a great material and here you can see how you can use it.
Basing with old electronic parts
Guide that goes crazy with a dead camera and its interiors.
Easy tattered cloth
You can add simple clothing to your basework with this guide.
Selfmade pillar
Want a pillar on your base? Yvonne shows how.
Stone Flagging using Magic Sculp
A stone flagged base is created in here, easy and simple, good result.
Basing with common earth
Using common earth instead of sand creates a more realistic effect.
Creating posters for your base
A guide that shows you how you can add cool posters to your scenery.
Creating roofing shingles
Robert shows how you can do magnificant roof work.
Using punched sheet for a SciFi base
Metal punched sheet can add a cool look to your modern base.
Creating a brick wall
Raffa shows how you can build up tools and use them to create a brick wall.
Making simple snow
This guide is for simple snow, i would recommand the advanced technique explained next.
Making advanded snow
Easy and cheap way of creating realistic looking snow on your base.
Creating icicles
This article shows you how you can do icicles.
Natural chipped paint
Paint can chipp of its surface, why not use the reallife stuff?
Using natural leaves
Leaves are always a good addition to a base.
2K cum instead of water
An article showing how you can work wrong with 2K water effect. Fail.
Using Colour Pigments on a base
Base finish with pigments to make it look dusty.
2K Water Effect
This guide shows you how you can work with 2K water effect.
Creating tiny waterfalls
Water runs and falls, here you can see how to create it.
Using MiniNatur Grass
Bringing up some green to your base with the products of MiniNatur.
Socket Label 1
A stamped label for your showcase socket.
Socket Label 2
Advanced label for your showcase socket.
Socket Label 3
Advanced label for your showcase socket.
Detailed Gaming Base
Ben building up a gaming base for Lord of the Rings.
Detailed Desert Base
Step by Step article on how you can create a wonderful desert base.
Mortheim Gaming Base
Easy guide on how you can build up a mortheim gaming base.
Urban Warfare 2 base
A view in thoughts on building up the UW2 base.
Creating a Jungle Ambience
Using different materials to create a jungle on a small base.

Painting is the most important thing, maybe or maybe not - who knows, but for sure it is something beautiful and it is all about the fun you will enjoy while swinging your brush. It is not important on how much time you spent, it is not important how great your blendings become, it is not important if there is athmosphere or not, it is not important if you are working totally crazy with colours or if you working like a mathematic genius when it comes to paint - IMPORTANT is that you do it from the heart, straight Happy Painting, the rest grows simply out of your joy.
Priming Thoughts
A view on the jungles priming methods.
What colours to use?
A small intrdoduction on the colours Roman uses.
Wet Palette
Keep your colours wet for a longer period of time by using a wet palette.
Starting thoughts while painting
A view into Roman's brain during the starting process of painting.
Basic Painting techniques Overview
All common techniques explained easy to understand.
Working with glazes
Glazes are very important when it comes to painting.
Blending Theory part 1
Yvonne's beginner article about the magic of blending.
Blending Theory part 2
Yvonne brings some addition into the theme of blending.
Painting True Metallic Metal
An introduction into the theme of painting with real metal colours.
Painting metal with oil colours
Andrea shows how you can achieve great results by using oil colours on a knight.
Painting metal with Printer's Ink
Andrea shows a brilliant way on how you can achieve great metallics.
Painting Leather
A guide that brings you some deeper thoughts on how to paint leather.
Human Skin 1
Starting thoughts and a Step by Step on the approach of painting human skin.
Human Face 1
A guide that shows paintwork on a 28 mm male face.
Painting Eyes
Article that brings you thoughts and examples on how you can paint eyes.
Demonic Skin with dot grain
This article shows you how you can add a cool demonic effect to skin.
Orcish Skin
This guide gives you an example on how you can paint skin of greenskins.
Painting a simple freehand
A demonic based freehand done on a standard bearer in 28 mm.
Painting wood grain
Beginner Article on how you can start with painting wood grain.
Creating real lenticulars
Tired of painting glass? Do some real one instead. This guide shows you how.
Painting Object Source Lightning (OSL)
A guide that introduces Light that comes from a source nearby the miniature.
Painting Blood and Splatter
Pure gore in here, always keep in mind that less is more.
Creating ugly strings
Want something really ugly to an ugly model? Read on.
Creating acid slime
A go on some slimy content.
Painting SciFi energy weapons
Article that shows you an approach on how to paint a energy axe.
Painting a real shadow appereance
A thought on how you can include a real shadow on your scene.
Basic Camouflage
Article about warfare camouflage and how you can paint it.
Weathering Overview
An overview about Weathering, including theory and practical use.
Weathering a wall with hairspray
The use of hairspray during your weathering session can bring wonderful results.
Using real rust pigments
Guide that shows you how you can create your own rust pigments.
Working with liquid mask
Another cool effect can be achieved by using liquid mask.
Weathering Video Tutorial
Raffa explains different weathering techniques in a series of 4 videos.

Step by Step Articles you may find beneath this banner. Let the muse dance - i hope they show a bit of the process all in all and the thoughts madewhile doing or forgotten afterwards. We hope there is a bit to learn from making such an effort to show step by step articles, even sometimes steps may be weird. It is the process of creativity that strikes when you are doing Happy Painting, less thinking, so it is often a trip back to reality when making a photo in between - not easy, but i hope you understand this.
Dwarf King
A dwarfen King and his shield bearers in 28 mm by GW painted and explained from A to Z.
Hrothgar's Bar Brawl
Red Box Games Hrothgar in 28 mm made finished off a brawl in a nearby dwarf bar.
Daemonette 1
A GW Demonette in 28 mm standing on a gaming base.
Yedharo Bust in 1:10 of the Lion Zodiac.
Skaven Warlord
A gaming table Skaven Warlord by GW in 28 mm.
Shadowblade Reyviande
Roberts approach on a Red Box Games stealthy assassin crawling through thight medieval streets in 28 mm.
Eldar Autarch
GW Eldar Autarch in green, 28 mm.
Eldar Phantom Lord
A big walker from GW's Eldar fraction in 28 mm.
Brother Dariel
Space Hulk Terminator in 28 mm painted from A to Z.
Brother Claudio
Another Space Hulk Terminator in 28 mm painted from A to Z.
Salamander Space Marine Captain
A GW Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour of the chapter Salamanders.
Space Marine ball head
Got some balls to look at this? Very intresing freehand explanation by Raffa.
Tyrant Guard
An alien Tyranid Tyrant Guard by GW in 28 mm.
Nurgle Death Guard - The Wayfarer
Step by Step about a heavy converted Nurgle Space Marine by GW in 28 mm.
Daemonette 2
Another approach on a demonette by GW in 28 mm.
Daemonette 3
Another approach on a demonette by GW in 28 mm.
USMC Iwo Jima
A great bust by Young Miniatures in 1:10. Big article!
King Tiger
A tank step by step in 1:72 explained by Raffa.

You know that sculpting stuff only the real freaks manage to learn. May this soon help us all, i mean us, the people with two left hands. Sculpting is really a joyful time waste with great capability to become a big thing beside painting. A sculpt is far more than miniature painting, it is the essence and birthplace of it all.
Belts in the wind
This guide shows you how you can add belts to your models.
Creating your own Fantasy weaponry
Roman's approach in how to scratchbuild a sword and shield.
Using Accupuncture Needles
Fine needles used to add special effects to your model.
Creating tiny books
Oli explains how you can do some great mini books.
Sculpting a 32 mm Miniature
Mati explains each step on how you can start your sculpting.
Sculpt sketching a bust
Mati shows how you can fast train propotions and sketch a bust daily.
Toughts on sculpting Sgt. Cheeky
Raffa opens his mind to show the inside of his Sculpt work on this bust.
Using the tube tool
Masquerade Miniatures Tube Tool in Action.

Making a photo of your painted miniatures isn't the most important thing. Somehow for showing them around it is needed as there are not much painters on this planet at all, so there might be none in your area. We have to spread the word and share our little friends in public to bring attention to our hobby and art. Here you may find the jungle way of taking photos.
Photo Setup
A guide that shows Roman's approach on taking photos.
Building up a photobox
Yvonne explains her personal photobox with hints ant tips.
Photo backgrounds
Need a photobackground for your personal use?

Inspiration can be everywhere. Here you may find stuff that maybe gives you inspiration, maybe it is up to you. You can say this is the funny area between all these serious articles above.
Weathering Inspiration
A collection of links and photos to inspire your skill of weathering.
Chocolate Banana
The jungle's fine secrets revealed.
Transport box
A guide that shows you on how you can build a transport box for your finished models.
Shipping a miniature
Roman's version on how you can do a shipment of a painted miniature.
Welcome to the Tutorial Section of MASSIVE VOODOO...
Please take a minute to read the introduction for this area so you can have a happy time in here.
You may find tons of Articles about Miniature Painting, Sculpting and maybe other important hobby stuff in here written by the apes. They are arranged in categories to provide a simple navigation - for the categories we have used big banners, below them you find the articles. Those articles are linked via a banner that gives you a preview on what is behind it. Simply click the banner to get to the article you want to read. Important: We are working on translation of the articles to tender them in different languages. You will see a country flag in the article banner, if the article is already translated. Simply click the banner and choose your language afterwards. If you got some questions about something written in one of the articles simply post them via comment below the article. As soon we find the time we try to answer it.
I want to thank those great people who help us with the translation work - if you miss your language in here and want to help us, please feel free to contact Roman!
Now let's get it on with some miniature related blabla and roars out of the jungle. 108 articles (at the moment) are waiting for you to read them. If you find a dead link or a wrong link, please keep us informed via a comment in here, that would be great - Happy Painting!

Here you find some basic thoughts about how to start with a miniature, how to work with different materials and ideas that can make your hobby even more joyful. You know Miniature Painting is like a muscle, it has to be trained to increase Volume. A pyramid is built from a good foundation, always remember that.
The Painters Travelling Guide

A base is an important addition to a miniature, wheter it is small or big it always will help to tell a story around the miniature itself. Gaming bases, bigger display base to massive diorama bases, everything needs attention and with a moment of time you can make great details to base. Here you find thoughts on how to do start with a base to what material you can use in the end.
Making Brick walls
How to make a socket label - version 3
How to make a socket label - version 2

Theoretical thoughts can bring your skills to the next level when it becomes something normal to you. It is necessary to know something about the stuff you work with, colours, light and shadow, how to have a go on something you never even spent a moment of thinking about, while doing. Here you find thoughts that might help you - pick out what you like and what is good for your own style of painting.
Blending Theory - part 2

Painting is the most important thing, maybe or maybe not - who knows, but for sure it is something beautiful and it is all about the fun you will enjoy while swinging your brush. It is not important on how much time you spent, it is not important how great your blendings become, it is not important if there is athmosphere or not, it is not important if you are working totally crazy with colours or if you working like a mathematic genius when it comes to paint - IMPORTANT is that you do it from the heart, straight Happy Painting, the rest grows simply out of your joy.
Blending Theory - part 2
How to make real lenticulars

Step by Step Articles you may find beneath this banner. Let the muse dance - i hope they show a bit of the process all in all and the thoughts madewhile doing or forgotten afterwards. We hope there is a bit to learn from making such an effort to show step by step articles, even sometimes steps may be weird. It is the process of creativity that strikes when you are doing Happy Painting, less thinking, so it is often a trip back to reality when making a photo in between - not easy, but i hope you understand this.

You know that sculpting stuff only the real freaks manage to learn. May this soon help us all, i mean us, the people with two left hands. Sculpting is really a joyful time waste with great capability to become a big thing beside painting. A sculpt is far more than miniature painting, it is the essence and birthplace of it all.

Making a photo of your painted miniatures isn't the most important thing. Somehow for showing them around it is needed as there not much painters on this planet at all, so there might be none in your area. We have to spread the word and share our little friends in public to bring attention to our hobby and art. Here you may find the jungle way of taking photos.

Inspiration can be everywhere. Here you may find stuff that maybe gives you inspiration, maybe it is up to you. You can say this is the funny area between all these serious articles above.
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