Hey Jungle,
some many weeks ago I was teaching my first new workshop from my ever growing curriculum:
First of all I want to thank all of my students that were willing to learn from me.
The workshop was sold out after a day with some people on the waiting list. Crazy.
Thank you!
So far I was teaching this topic only in some private lessons to
understand how to structure the course for a group of students. This
topic is special as it is also a tribute to one of the greatest Fantasy
Artist that ever lived: Frank Frazetta.
Instructor: Roman Lappat
Duration: Saturday / Sunday (two days)
This is an advanced seminar where Roman takes you on a journey into
the mind of one of the great Fantasy Art Painters, Frank Frazetta.
Main topics:
- Learn to read, extract, understand and paint Frazetta's color choices
- In depth advanced color theory focues on Frazetta's color choices
- Learn to use a Gamut plan to paint your project
- Learn to paint your Frazetta-styled plan to your Miniature Project with a very free painting method
For this class you should be prepared with an advanced skill level. You should know about zenital light, advanced color theory, contrast range, how to create a blending, how to paint different materials

Can you imagine that each of these projects is painted by just using six colors and mixing them?
to all my nineteen students of my "'Frazetta-styled' Miniature
Painting" Workshop" that I was teaching for the first time.
So much Frazetta Fan Art going on here!I am still so amazed by what you all achieved.

It was a pleasure to participate in this!

- Paint'n'Clay

"What an experience this was!
The Frank Frazetta workshop with @romanlappat.miniatureart
has blown our minds.
Learning so much about art in general &
Frazetta’s style: first day of observing, studying, experimenting and
second day painting minis long hours with a passion. It was probably the
most challenging, most creative and most liberating class you can
imagine for mini painting. What a privilege to take part in it and to do
it with such a great bunch of people, it was an absolute joy.
haven’t been able to fully finish my reproduction of Frazetta’s famous
“Dawn Attack”, but I’m really happy with this piece and with what I
learned on it. Thanks so much Roman and the painting buddies for this
beautiful exhausting weekend."
- Gabi

Thank you all for also bringing so many of your beautiful projects to the studio. It was a joy to look at them!
Thank you all for coming and making this
workshop premiere a full success!

Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023.
If you are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of the list - when new dates get available.
If you are interested in updates on workshop news, sign up for my newsletter:
Roman Lappat - Workshop Newsletter
If you are interested in more insight in my work, check back with YouTube or Etsy: