Not much progress, as usual. - But working,working, working and the first arm of the little seamonster is finished. And well trained in sculpting little suckers, I believe the next ones will follow faster. Hope you like it, I do. :-)
project-title for the moment: frutti di mare

Regards from the chimp and may the muse be with you
project-title for the moment: frutti di mare
Regards from the chimp and may the muse be with you
This is going to be awesome.
why i must think about day of the tentakel????
really great!
Its gonna be great!! Woweeeee
It's looking great!
Been following this project of yours since the first post, and I'm simply amazed by all the tiny details and all the work you're putting into this piece!
I'm sure it's going to be a true masterpiece when you're done! Keep it up!
Awesome.. what else! :D
Everytime i see your work it makes me wonder how great it will look when you're done - this is awesome already at the moment - thanks for sharing it here with us...
Hey, thank you all! Your kind words are blowing fresh wind into the sails of the ship, even though there isn't any mast yet. ... still much work to do - I'll try my best, not to mess it up.