Ok, no idea what Tre' was driven by to give this dwarfish lady this name: Lafhelga Brutisdaughter Rune Wyrd of the Broken Peak, whatever another real joyful miniature to paint again from Red Box Games. Really had my problems taking a photo of her, guess of the snow... damm, whatever here she is:
Lafhelga Brutisdaughter Rune Wyrd of the Broken Peak,
28 mm, Red Box Games
Maybe i am trying to catch her on another photo, another day. Here she is in my cabinet, shot done with lightning on the camera, click for larger view:
I hope you like her even she has been just a paintjob for relaxation and some Tutorials ;)
She is also up to CMON if you want to see her there :)
Keep on happy painting!
posted by Roman, Kong, jarhead
Thanks for the picture - already on my website under "References"
Bouncing head says: Very well done comrad, looks very nice at this place, thanks again for your support and friendship, hach, i am so happy tp see you again up there in the northern lands near the coast where the whales sing their songs :)