In this corner of the jungle you'll find the announcements of the upcoming MV painting or sculpting classes.
At the moment all classes will take part in Germany and in german language. We are planning on international classes but it is still a hard task. If you are intrested in helping a class in your country in english language please feel invited to read this little information on what you got to know or directly to contact us.
Check Painting and Sculpting class Reviews here!
AUGSBURG, Germany, 15.-17. March 2013
Jar's & Picster's BÄM² Workshop Deluxe - Blumberg-Achdorf [01.~03.03.2013]
Mati's Sculpting class
none at the moment
Matt's & Ben's class
none at the moment
Raffa's Painting class
none at the moment
At the moment all classes will take part in Germany and in german language. We are planning on international classes but it is still a hard task. If you are intrested in helping a class in your country in english language please feel invited to read this little information on what you got to know or directly to contact us.
Check Painting and Sculpting class Reviews here!
Jar's & Picster's BÄM² Workshop Deluxe - Blumberg-Achdorf [01.~03.03.2013]
Mati's Sculpting class
none at the moment
Matt's & Ben's class
none at the moment
Raffa's Painting class
none at the moment
Ich würde gerne einen Kurs mit euch organisieren.
Meldet euch doch mal bitte.
Hi Denis,
leider habe ich keine eMail-Adresse von dir daher schreib mir doch ne kurze Mail:
hier meine E-Mail
Mein System will die E-Mail nicht versenden.