yeaha! Finally finished! A new workbench feels like a new birth. I am really looking forward of getting started here. I will tell you a short story about the why and the what:
As my girlfriend becomes a teacher at the moment (what i will do next year), we really had some soft arguments about our flat, which we live in for 4,5 years now. It is too small, everything is crowded and mostly my workspace made one room mostly only cool for me - some did call my place there: the dark hole. I will show you some shoots of my workbench 1.0:
Overview 1.0:
The temple of colours 1.0 in all its glory:
Storing has been like this, haha:
The cabinet 1.0 somewhere else in the room. Also a dark hole area, haha.
Yeah hell i did loved my chaos - but sometimes i did not find important things, haha. My girlfriend really got sick of this room where she used to do her school stuff too. No good mood in the room to work together and that isn't very good for a relationship. We decided that i am going to ask around for a small studio room and found a friend who got one, where i could move my work.
After the day of moving came closer and closer, we both talked again about it and decided that we don't want to be seperated. Now that was a great decision. We planned the "BIG-macgyver-room-changing-everything-thing". And it's now finished. Feeling like a butterfly woken up to rise, blabla - here it is:
The temple of colours 2.0 - now mostly everything else has been moved from the table. Really great to have such space to get everything else away - just away one short move to get everything.
The cabinet 2.0, nothing else but better place in my eyes...
So far from my workspace - this weekend we have a little painter's meeting to paint and have some fun with a guest from Graz/Austria and another guest from Hamburg/Germany. Can't find words how happy i am and i will soon be back with some colours on miniatures so that you don't think miniatures are dead on this blog - i'll be back to set the records straight soon :)
Keep on happy painting!
Looks good, nice job Mr. MacGyver!
Since there'll be no studio now, I hope
that I might still visit you for a painting session without your girlfriend getting mad at me. ;)
Awesome :)
It's a big improvement, even better than my hobby room... that reminds me i have to give ikea a visit to finish it :D
Thumbs up!
That's a gr8 improvement on your workbench. I like the glass display cabinet... Looks like from IKEA. hehehe..
I guess we have to check this out ;)
Ikea makes your dreams come true... i am intrested in the idea that white really feels very strange to me^^
Most of the stuff is from IkEA ;) - now it's up to me to check out the workbench improvemt - hopefully it'll help me too, haha.