I did start to paint up Kingha, the Amazon, which i converted a bit... i am trying to make her as a colour tribute to one of my favorite painter idol, Sebastian Archer aka automaton from Australia. I really love his style, feeling of colour and his great scenery and little and big conversions and detail accurate painting skills and his ... nah, i think you get what i mean, he is the man of harmony in everything - i love his stuff and he really is a great inspiration to me, everytime he finishs up a miniature. I took an old beloved piece of art from him for my colour inspiration... Lathiem, Oak Leaf... i really admire and adore this awesome and fantastic choice of colours here - also it is perfectly painted... ahhh... sweet and a model i could stare for hours with open King Kong mouth...
I first thought of trying using the same colours for my tribute... but i failed somehow, but didn't know when. I guess when it came to colour choice. Made my green with goblin green and ice blue from GW, funny start but far away from sebastian's colours in the end, haha. Let's see what happens on the further way she will go. I maybe feel that i did understand seb's great harmonic style of painting by using warm and cold contrast in everything on the miniature... just a feeling and i try to bring it further in Kongha: The model is still WIP and i am planning to paint some more hours on her, even i am not sure if i can make it in time til the End of September for the CMON Contest. So here she is somewhere between start and concept:
Bigger pictures on another day... i am damm tired right now and if Mr. Roberto reads this i would ask him to call me to get up at 9:00 am, pleeeeeaaaasssseeee - i need to clean up the flat before - you know!
Sieht super aus! Aber die "adult content"-Warnung, wenn man den Blog betreten will, ist etwas irritierend. Hatte mich schon gestern gewundert - jetzt weiß ich auch warum: Seid ihr euch der "virtuellern Stripperin" bewusst, die sich gerade ganz unten rechts bei den Google Ads tummelt? Definitiv nicht, was ich hier erwaten würde... :)
Great beginning mate, i really appreciate the skin tone, i champ at the bit to see it finished!
Thanks for joining! Oh yeah, instead of all romours about our knowledge about our little secretary search on the lower left, the stripper girl, we are fully aware of her presence :) - i've added her, hehe - i thought as this is our private playground this could underline the main muse 2 growing men have. The adult content thing is somehow not wrong in my eyes, after showing naked breasts all the time and i am sure there will be some ugly monsters and splatter surely again on some of our workbenchen someday again ... it is just to be sure.
Un grande ringraziamento al Signore ;)
Aaargh what did xou do with my socket?? ^^ I Think i cant sell them anymore to you ;)
Funny idea - i like the lightli green tone that touchs the whole scene.
Greetz Count
Even your socket will not be safe from Chaos, muhaha!
Take Your time Jar, so far so good can't wait to see it finished!