to the MASSIVE VOODOO - a miniature blog, finally a step further, a step with new dynamic action with these sometimes weird options the internet offers to an old feeling human.
Massive Voodoo? Sounds strange i know but let me explain...
I am Roman Lappat from Augsburg, Germany. 27 years old, no hair anymore, some crazy ideas in my mind, a lot about miniatures and the different ways of miniature painting, enjoying the happy sides of life, miniature painting in my mind, did i mention miniature painting already? So you see - nothing else than miniatures matters in my brain. Biggest problem is that life always wants a bit more than miniature painting from my brain and so i sometimes can chip off some time to enjoy the love and freedom that the hobby of miniature painting and everything besides that great hobby brings.
I am trying to paint professional miniatures now since the beginning of 2006 and loved every second i did. I did paint about 700 miniatures since then til this postings, mostly comission work for the gaming table to get to buy some bread and water, lately i often try to paint some higher quality single and unique pieces for enjoyment or comission. I love to paint miniatures with a story and soul. I often achieve this not by using the masterful techniques most great painters i adore can do, because i can't focus my creative energy bursts a long time, i mostly try this over the athmosphere done by colours, harmony and an overall athmospheric feeling in the finished model - that's why i called this place here MASSIVE VOODOO.
So that this first post won't be only a brilliant blabla i have some of my painted miniatures to show i had done over the last years - at this point i have to say my first big thank you to all the great companys outthere creating our imagination for painting - here we go
Tauro by Yedharo Models, 1:10:

German Soldier - 1942 - Romeo Models, 54 mm:

Nimue, Slaanesh Princess, Games Workshop, 28 mm, Simple Conversion:

I guess that is enough for the moment. Maybe you can see the MASSIVE VOODOO in it, haha. Just kidding - i just love miniature painting, but i sold most of the miniatures i show here because it is a much bigger inspiration to make someone happy with my miniatures and the visions i have then having them standing around. I paint with so much fun that i quickly need space in my own cabinet.
Second i want to thank all the great people i have meet, friends i have made through the hobby world, all the people who have supported me all the time and some special thanks go out to my parents for their thrust in me, my girlfriend for her love, my sister, my best friend, the neighbour baby twins Sam and Josie whose Godfather i am, Robert, Peter, Yvonne, Raffa, Andrea, Fabrizio, Steffen, Max, Felix, Oli, Keith, Timothey, Andrew, Dimitri, Ralf, Sebastian, Mati, Georg, Vittorio, Dirk, Gerhard, Juan, Markus, Marco, Thorsten, Victor, Wai San, Mario, Tre', Christian and everyone i have forgotten to mention - thanks for your help, advice, patience, believe in me and everthing - i have to stop because i am next to tears....
Thanks a lot to Raffaele Picca for helping me out getting this here started, also the idea and the kick in the butt to finally do so. By the way you have to check his Miniature Blog, he is a real mad miniature painter from my hometown and paints like a champ already - you really have to check him out: http://picstersminis.blogspot.com/
I guess i will stop my first brainstorm here now - enough blablablubb, feel free to enjoy my blog with me and always keep on happy painting!
to the MASSIVE VOODOO - a miniature blog, finally a step further, a step with new dynamic action with these sometimes weird options the internet offers to an old feeling human.
Massive Voodoo? Sounds strange i know but let me explain...
I am Roman Lappat from Augsburg, Germany. 27 years old, no hair anymore, some crazy ideas in my mind, a lot about miniatures and the different ways of miniature painting, enjoying the happy sides of life, miniature painting in my mind, did i mention miniature painting already? So you see - nothing else than miniatures matters in my brain. Biggest problem is that life always wants a bit more than miniature painting from my brain and so i sometimes can chip off some time to enjoy the love and freedom that the hobby of miniature painting and everything besides that great hobby brings.
I am trying to paint professional miniatures now since the beginning of 2006 and loved every second i did. I did paint about 700 miniatures since then til this postings, mostly comission work for the gaming table to get to buy some bread and water, lately i often try to paint some higher quality single and unique pieces for enjoyment or comission. I love to paint miniatures with a story and soul. I often achieve this not by using the masterful techniques most great painters i adore can do, because i can't focus my creative energy bursts a long time, i mostly try this over the athmosphere done by colours, harmony and an overall athmospheric feeling in the finished model - that's why i called this place here MASSIVE VOODOO.
So that this first post won't be only a brilliant blabla i have some of my painted miniatures to show i had done over the last years - at this point i have to say my first big thank you to all the great companys outthere creating our imagination for painting - here we go
Tauro by Yedharo Models, 1:10:
German Soldier - 1942 - Romeo Models, 54 mm:
Nimue, Slaanesh Princess, Games Workshop, 28 mm, Simple Conversion:
Hrothgar, Red Box Games, 28 mm:
Daemonette 2.0, Games Workshop, 28 mm:
Jar-ry, Enigma Miniatures, 54 mm:
Pain, Preiser Adamsprue, 1:32 mm:
Death Korp of Krieg Commander Games Workshop, 28 mm:
Ghoulbust, JMD, 1:10:
Dwarf Slayer, Avatars of War, 28 mm:
Troll King Maulg, Kraken Editions:
Rose, Hasslefree Miniatures, 28 mm:
Vampire, Games Workshop, 28 mm:
Leo, Yedharo Models, 1:10;
Orc War Veteran Space Marine, Games Workshop, 28 mm, Conversion:
Damné De La Gourmandise Obèse, Helldorado, 28 mm:
Urmuth, Scars of War, Andrea Miniatures, 54 mm:
Varghar, Rackham, 32 mm:
When creativity strikes 1.0, Hasslefree Miniatures, 28 mm:
I guess that is enough for the moment. Maybe you can see the MASSIVE VOODOO in it, haha. Just kidding - i just love miniature painting, but i sold most of the miniatures i show here because it is a much bigger inspiration to make someone happy with my miniatures and the visions i have then having them standing around. I paint with so much fun that i quickly need space in my own cabinet.
Second i want to thank all the great people i have meet, friends i have made through the hobby world, all the people who have supported me all the time and some special thanks go out to my parents for their thrust in me, my girlfriend for her love, my sister, my best friend, the neighbour baby twins Sam and Josie whose Godfather i am, Robert, Peter, Yvonne, Raffa, Andrea, Fabrizio, Steffen, Max, Felix, Oli, Keith, Timothey, Andrew, Dimitri, Ralf, Sebastian, Mati, Georg, Vittorio, Dirk, Gerhard, Juan, Markus, Marco, Thorsten, Victor, Wai San, Mario, Tre', Christian and everyone i have forgotten to mention - thanks for your help, advice, patience, believe in me and everthing - i have to stop because i am next to tears....
Thanks a lot to Raffaele Picca for helping me out getting this here started, also the idea and the kick in the butt to finally do so. By the way you have to check his Miniature Blog, he is a real mad miniature painter from my hometown and paints like a champ already - you really have to check him out: http://picstersminis.blogspot.com/
I guess i will stop my first brainstorm here now - enough blablablubb, feel free to enjoy my blog with me and always keep on happy painting!
Hey Roman,
i'm happy to see you really take this "serious".
Very good first post :)
I wish you good luck with this blog and keep spreading the word :)
Thats one massive post! :) Lovely stuff, your work is very much an inspiration to me. Thanks, hope to see more cool stuff at this Blog soon!
Take care!
/Dangereux - Le Dragon Du Nord
Your painting is absolutely beautiful. I'm in awe, I've looked at and rated most of these and commented on a couple there but couln't help myself but praise your work again here! Keep up the great work! :)
*there being CMON! :)
Thank you very much... i am glad that you like the idea of starting my blog and you are invited to stay as long as you want... looking forward to get used to this blg thing... really makes a lot of fun... Regards Roman
Can you please tell me what the flowers on Maulg's base are made of?
I got them from a friend who collected them in the woods... i go ask her what these are exactly - read you soon @ same spot :)
Thank you very much for bothering.
Urgs... thanks for reminding me. I somehow lost this thought in my mind - i did ask her exactly acutal about 2 minutes before this posting... sorry again - read you soon!
Hah! I got it - she answered ... sorry again for my brain...
Here you go:
Dried "Calluna vulgaris", in german "Heidekraut", it looks like this in nature:
Hope that helps somehow!
Keep on happy painting!
"Thank you very much for bothering.
I am not sure if i did a good translating of this... not sure if i have been right, but if you feel disturbed about something i do here, please write me an email and a reason for what has bothered you ... sure this wasn't my plan... there will be a monkey in the jungle listen to your words :)
What i meant was that I,m thankful because you took your time to answer my question, in fact I appreciate this blog very much.
Ah ok... thanks for helping me out in this case, because i got the translation wrong, bothering did mean something like stressing or annouying to me in the second thought...
Thanks for your nice words - makes this blogging action go with a smile from one ear to the other...