after a little painter's weekend, which really has been great, the Eldar is now finished. I am still fighting with my camera but my bizeps grows. I am preparing the full article of the Eldar Step-by-Step the next moments and will add it as soon as possible. Also writing another article, which also soon will be finished.
The first thought has been to paint this guy up for the gaming table in a high quality - i guess i did a bit more, but i really loved and enjoyed painting this one up. Sure it is not an "ultrahighmonsterhighclass-thing", but i am really happy how he turned out in the end:
I did transfer this picture to black and white, just for sharing my thoughts, that in this case the light and shadow parts on the miniature are easier too catch for the eye. I will try to explain my thoughts on light/shadow in upcoming further articles. Here is the black/white version:
I hope you like him...
Keep on happy painting!
Urgsi... if someone wants to drop a line or a vote over at CMON, here is the right direction: And i already have another demon idea... damm my brain! Damm! Damm!^^
I like your Eldar very much. Most ppl done it scratch free Eldar. Yours is cross the border. It gave me idea to paint my Eldar minis now.. hehehe..