sharing my thoughts - about everything i guess :)
As i am painting on mostly 2 things at the moment i have to leave a point of excuse here at this place. Sorry to everyone who is waiting for an answer from me, via PM or Email or even worse, sorry to those i am doing a comission piece at the moment. Really i am sorry to can not response earlier...
I find myself often near to burnout by all the mails, questions and talk in them, which i really love to answer and chat around. I had some good days where i've managed to get most of them done, but as i feel i am getting older, haha... not really older but way slower than in my rising youth days. I have chosen the way of answering 10 Emails a day (sorted by priority), more makes me crazy and so i hope to those who are still waiting for me to answer, please be patient - i did not forget you. Also those i am doing comission for - i for sure did not forget you, at the moment i have some changes in life which have to be done and i am getting back to normal soon. I appologize for that.
Back to topic... WIP Thoughts, painting on 2 Things:
The Eldar and the comissioned Daemonette, which both seems to be finished soon. There is still a lot of paint work to do but i can see the horizon approach. Today has been a very intresting day - tomorrow we are doing some furniture change things in our flat here in Augsburg and i have to stop painting for some days to get things done here right. A little break. A break off from everyday painting - intrestingand a bit sad, but ok as i am looking forward to our moods this change will do.
So besides i am preparing everything for tomorrow, i did paint in every free second and mostly forget the time, so i really have to stop with this blog post here. Funny ideas and some steps further have appeared i want to share with you.
As i have been asked about some new and better photos about that JMD Daemonette i will show you her actual state of progress. Some places still need a lot of attention, mostly the legs, the claw, metallics, face and the details but the horizon and so on...
I did shot her her in the kitchen with normal light from the room and lightning - together with the latest finished miniatures. The picture above is from the light box.
Very funny way she has gone if i think back about the start of my chosen colours:
So far from the lady... she really is a great model to paint and i am looking forward to finally get to the detail work. The base i have used for her is from: - really cool stuff here, check it out, but don't spam the shop today - the nice guy who runs it is on vacation at the moment :)
Also i have managed to paint some moments on the Eldar. What i have done:
More intense light:
Hawk Tourquise + a tip of Andrea's 2nd Light + a tip of 1nd Light's skintone (more of it)
Little white dots on the armour
More intense final shadow (glaced twice):
Intensed light on the edges with pure white with a really small tip of hawk tourquise
Started the OSL from the weapons with the airbrush (Bilious green)
Browns, did get more highlighting by:
using 2nd and 1st Light from Andrea's Skintone in the basic mix
Face mask:
basecolour with pure white with a really small tip of hawk tourquise, left eyes black, painted eyes basecolour white for orange glowing eyes in the end.
Still a lot to do and to clean up - but here he is in actual progress:
As said, still a lot to do and i am not sure anymore if he becomes only painted for the gaming table. Have a lot of fun on that model. I did take a photo from this guy in my cabinet's WIP section and maybe got a solutionary idea for stucked paintjobs... maybe i have to say a big sorry to Tre' from Red Box Games, but this is another WIP which needs its own space... maybe some of you could see my idea, haha:
Mmh... creativity is sometimes strange and goes strange ways, but i have learned to let her control me :) - Stay with happy painting and always have a smile on your lips when licking your brush off from colour or glue or whatever...
Still trying to post a comment here LOL - jar, what is going on here??!!
Urgs... i am still not totally used to everything! As i see i have to allow comments... i think i change this tomorrow! Sorry for that and thanks for your comment :)