posted by roman, jarhead, kong
This little article will bring you in the progress of the last bigger base I did build. It's a comission i do for a private collector and will show a scene of 3 Red Box Games Goblin tomb raiders who try to get the book of mysterious necromancy from a buried necromancer, but he seems well protectet :D - so far from the story at the moment.
Inspiration was found in Hannover at a Painting Class. There was a really beautiful looking graveyard next to the place we had been, which you can see in the photo above and the following. I was lucky to find some really cool gravestones at battlefield-berlin, which would fit perfectly in the scene.
Base build up
I did start to build the base on a socket by In fact I combined 2 different socket to one by using PVC glue. For the next step i used some architec boards, cut them in pieces and build up the basic for the base by glueing them with super glue. Some impressions:
Next was bringing up some volume to this basic work. Usually I am used to work with Milliput for basing, this time I went back in time and remembered that I used to work with an Acrylic modelling paste by Guardi called "B". B means it is with little sand in it to fast get structure. A is without them.
I am not sure if you can get this everywhere as it is a product by Boesner.
and i am not sure if Boesner is all around the globe. Now comes the funny part - just like getting your toast ready in the morning with some marmelade - just hit it - I used a wooden stick for it. I really like this paste for bigger areas as it goes much faster applied than Milliput.
It takes around one day to fully dry, depending on how much you put on it. I recommand not too much but it can be fingerthick and it's dry on the next day. I now prepared my build up and put in all the stuff i wanted in place, like the gravestones, skulls by Secret Weapon, a fences from Busch, brick parts from Busch, wooden root parts, etc.
It is not important to have everything perfect at the moment as I plan to work over it with common earth later on. Just put it where you want it.
The last part of the basing was using some common earth - no, not just some, really much :D
Now the base is ready for priming.
Hope you liked this little report.
If there are any questions feel free to ask.
Keep on happy basing!
Best Wishes
This little article will bring you in the progress of the last bigger base I did build. It's a comission i do for a private collector and will show a scene of 3 Red Box Games Goblin tomb raiders who try to get the book of mysterious necromancy from a buried necromancer, but he seems well protectet :D - so far from the story at the moment.
Inspiration was found in Hannover at a Painting Class. There was a really beautiful looking graveyard next to the place we had been, which you can see in the photo above and the following. I was lucky to find some really cool gravestones at battlefield-berlin, which would fit perfectly in the scene.
Base build up
I did start to build the base on a socket by In fact I combined 2 different socket to one by using PVC glue. For the next step i used some architec boards, cut them in pieces and build up the basic for the base by glueing them with super glue. Some impressions:
Next was bringing up some volume to this basic work. Usually I am used to work with Milliput for basing, this time I went back in time and remembered that I used to work with an Acrylic modelling paste by Guardi called "B". B means it is with little sand in it to fast get structure. A is without them.
I am not sure if you can get this everywhere as it is a product by Boesner.
and i am not sure if Boesner is all around the globe. Now comes the funny part - just like getting your toast ready in the morning with some marmelade - just hit it - I used a wooden stick for it. I really like this paste for bigger areas as it goes much faster applied than Milliput.
It takes around one day to fully dry, depending on how much you put on it. I recommand not too much but it can be fingerthick and it's dry on the next day. I now prepared my build up and put in all the stuff i wanted in place, like the gravestones, skulls by Secret Weapon, a fences from Busch, brick parts from Busch, wooden root parts, etc.
It is not important to have everything perfect at the moment as I plan to work over it with common earth later on. Just put it where you want it.
The last part of the basing was using some common earth - no, not just some, really much :D
Now the base is ready for priming.
Hope you liked this little report.
If there are any questions feel free to ask.
Keep on happy basing!
Best Wishes
This looks so great again, I could start building a new base right now...thanks for the inspiring work again and again and again! :) But I have these gravestones too, and I dont like them at all...I think they are rather flat and undetailed....especially on the backsides. I bought GW's Garden of Morr too, which contains many very cool graveyard bits with loads of details-great job by GW here! ;)
But keep on rocking, I love this project already!
ouch and I forgot something...what are these white sheets you put on the socket before you splashed that white creamy stuff on it? Plasticcard?
Hello, i have one question to the part, where you apply common earth. How do you seal it afterwards?
I could imagine that you rip it off the base when drybrushing or sth like that?
regards, Solmar
nice looking base so far, where are those small tin skulls from ? (are these skulls ?)
Some of the gravestones look like they were already painted on the last picture... though it nearly looks it does't even need some paint anymore :)
thanks for your feedback ... the questions will be answered right away, BUT try to read more careful - i have really tried to put every information needed in the article.
It is called architec board (Architektenpappe/karton) and can be found in Art and Craft Supply shops (Bastelladen)
I do not seal it. The dry earth gets hard like stone together with the super glue. If something rips due too hard drybrushing i always say this happens with a reason and is not a problem. Normally nothing should happen.
The small skulls are from Secret Weapon's Sack'o'Skulls -
@ Roman Aka Jar
sorry missed that line :)
nice parts there though...
No problem - happens to me also very often ;)
sometimes it feels like not reading an instruction manual of your new DVD player and wondering why this thing doesn´t get to work... isn´t it ? :)
Yeppa - just like that, sometimes it feels this is nowadays with all the speed life is rushing by - but sometimes i also guess i am getting older :D
Honestly no problem :)
Roman, I did read the architect board...but I'm confused, that you say to glue it with superglue...I tried that once and it attacked the foam in the middle and bruned everything away...
same here :)
btw: great site, love you guys... in some way :)
There is a plastic cover on mine that makes no problems with super glue and foam.
Thanks a bunch - love is mighty - tschamumbarassa! Thx :D
Just to note that Vallejo produce a similar modelling paste, and if I remember correctly they do with fine and coarser sand to represent different kinds of earth. So, if people cannot find one product at some part of the world they might be able to find the other one :)
For sure this is important - there is always something else - if you don't find a material that i am talking about there are many others that do the same - it is up to you to search and do some experiments to find out what you like for yourself ... thanks@NestorV