posted by roman, jarhead, kong
... to go to sleep, but it is good to see the Artists Workshop rise to get finished in time :)
The Little Animals are from Busch's "Small Animal Set" - the sleeping cat is from Mantis Miniatures.
And now, Joy of Painting again :)
Happy Painting!
Best Wishes
... to go to sleep, but it is good to see the Artists Workshop rise to get finished in time :)
The Little Animals are from Busch's "Small Animal Set" - the sleeping cat is from Mantis Miniatures.
And now, Joy of Painting again :)
Happy Painting!
Best Wishes
ja mann,gib gas, drück dir die daumen das du es bis 00.00 uhr schaffst.
ich hab mein projekt schon aufgegeben, jedenfalls bis zum abgabeschluss.
Many thanks for the kind motivation - I am on it and when I go away from the project for making a cup of tea I feel a weight which wants to drown me down - guess I am tired :D - but on it :)