posted by Peter, Baphomet
There have been no posting from me here for some time... I´m doing a lot of basic work for my dissertation at the moment and preparing everything for a long research... on the other hand there have been a lot of things I had to take care of and which make my mind go mad so often... I think you know this situations and so I give you some music which will help your mind calm down ;-)
And after your mind is calmed down, I want to show you something which nearly broke my heart some days ago... you perhaps remember the Pegaso Murmillo I was painting for quite some time... well, I took the final steps finishing him with oil and afterwards put him in the oven to dry the colour... unfortunatly the material was somehow damaged by the foregoing times in the heat...
The miniature broke just above the feet and the upper part fell down... because the oven´s ground is a lot hotter then the air it melted of course...
Sometime you just have bad luck...
So here my advice: if you use oil, don´t put the miniature in the oven too often...
There have been no posting from me here for some time... I´m doing a lot of basic work for my dissertation at the moment and preparing everything for a long research... on the other hand there have been a lot of things I had to take care of and which make my mind go mad so often... I think you know this situations and so I give you some music which will help your mind calm down ;-)
And after your mind is calmed down, I want to show you something which nearly broke my heart some days ago... you perhaps remember the Pegaso Murmillo I was painting for quite some time... well, I took the final steps finishing him with oil and afterwards put him in the oven to dry the colour... unfortunatly the material was somehow damaged by the foregoing times in the heat...
The miniature broke just above the feet and the upper part fell down... because the oven´s ground is a lot hotter then the air it melted of course...
Sometime you just have bad luck...
So here my advice: if you use oil, don´t put the miniature in the oven too often...
Oh no! I know you've been working on him for a long time, and put a lot of time into him, and I'm really sorry to hear about such misfortune. You have my sympathies. heartbeat just stoped for a minute...sometimes Murphys Law sucks...;-((
feel warmly huged Roman...
Oh my gosh! At what temperature did you put it into the oven?
I really feel sorry for you, Peter! Hope you get over it and just start another miniature.
It gladly did not happen to me ... it wasn't me.
As told you before i am deeply sorry but I am glad to know that this will never happen again.
Thank you for your kind words... I took some time, but I got over it ;) it happend two weeks ago and now after I thought a lot about it, it was time to share my expericens with you, so you won´t repeat my failure!
@Mexican: there is no temperature-scale on my oven... I used the lowest heat-level and after the feet did not meld I couldn not have been too hot inside there... but I have already started another miniature ;) there will be pictures soon!
Good to hear :-) Just don't lose your motivation!!
Luckily such thing never happened to my miniatures, when I put them in the oven. I always do it as long as the oven is still cold and then start to heat it up. And I never get over 90°C...
Honestly, I started to laugh, when I saw this picture. I try to imagine how it happens really. Heating temperature too hot and whhoooooppp... the oil color started to burn. A mall cloud of smoke came out of the oven.
And it can happen to a gladiator, fragmented in pieces!
Take it easy
Best regards
I forgot: Send it back to Pegaso for warranty reasons? :)
Regards Daddy@Cool
Sorry to see.
Sorry, but this just popped into my head: "And on the pedestal, these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away."
Poor Murmillo.
Uh-oh, or better put, FFFUUUUUU!!!