posted by roman, jarhead, kong
This little article will not be awesome :)
It is pretty simple but it was a lot of fun to do the documentation, when I remember back shooting a photo with both hands at work and the camera in mouth :)
Scratchbuilding a little ladder
I am doing a Sentinel at the moment, lost and forgotten in the ice deserts of a long lost planet. Standing there for centuries, frozen in silence. There will be a tragic story included and I felt I want a ladder to the sentinel to have more space to place a hundreds icicles more. I wasn't able to find some perfect metal bar so I took a paper clip and freed it from its coating.

So back to work I go - and don't you mind this little ladder looking not perfectly in form - remember, tons of icicles over it and it is a pretty old ladder :)
This little article will not be awesome :)
It is pretty simple but it was a lot of fun to do the documentation, when I remember back shooting a photo with both hands at work and the camera in mouth :)
Scratchbuilding a little ladder
I am doing a Sentinel at the moment, lost and forgotten in the ice deserts of a long lost planet. Standing there for centuries, frozen in silence. There will be a tragic story included and I felt I want a ladder to the sentinel to have more space to place a hundreds icicles more. I wasn't able to find some perfect metal bar so I took a paper clip and freed it from its coating.
Cutting out the pieces I want and bent the two main bars of the ladder by using the calliper ...
Drilling two tiny holes to fix the main bars of the ladder ...
Drilling with camera in my mouth ...
Placed with with superglue ...
Picking up the single bars, hitting both ends with superglue, bring them in place ...
Placing them carefully, additional toothpick as a tool for correctation and arranging the detail fit ...

Using Citadels Liquid Greenstuff for bringing it all togther ...
Painting it so it fits to the rest of the model. It soon will be hit with icicles to get it all included in the whole conept - Oh dear, I am at 30% of all icicles at the moment :D
So back to work I go - and don't you mind this little ladder looking not perfectly in form - remember, tons of icicles over it and it is a pretty old ladder :)
Keep on happy scratchbuilding!
Best Wishes
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thanks to those who did in the past.
thanks to those who did in the past.
ahhh, this looks nice my friend ;) hope to see the finished version soon!
Ouchy - nope, the finished version can't be seen soon - good things take time :)
Your icicles are not all pending straight to the ground, which they should due to gravitiy! But thanks for the nice idea with the liquid green stuff!
cool thing with the ladder, also can´t wait for the finished piece, mostly because it´s a Mech :)
I know what you mean, but I already got a plan to get it all into the right direction - as said I am at the moment at around 30% of the icicle work ... this needs a bit more patience - it is not the final thing you see here, it is just work in Progress :)
C'mon it is just a ladder :)
You cant fool us! The icicles are there because of the -15 degrees you currently have in Europe ^^.
Very nice job, I always especially like that vehicle type, too.
Incredible job !
I m impressed by the mix of blue colours and the rust colur effect
What colours do you use ?
Which basecoat and lightening ?
It seems to be a mix with brown/ grey / Purple ink and blues lightenings.