... why should it make a fool of me?
Sorry for posting this in here but my heart aches by looking at this serious sniping going over on CMON, the picture is actual not active, so all the votes came from this blog - i don't really care about it anymore when sometimes i got the feeling of some sniper activity at my miniatures, i don't care about numbers above miniatures, i care about the photos and the minis - i got balls like coconuts in that subject (trained hard you know) and really someone sniping around simply ain't got them...
Mkay... this night grows old and i got to travel to Berlin tomorrow to visit one of the Happy Painting guys on this planet a bit further away... his balls are heavy as bowling balls and i still got to get my bags ready, guess tomorrow before being picked up, haha... ok, not really intresting i know... coming to the essence of my blabla... mystery... serious sniping from a ballless brain - check this out:
I had to post this, because Raffa is a really good friend of mine, a brother on the brush, so i had to post this - even i feel my balls heavy - it really seems to be raining all the time in those tiny hearts of those snipers... what a wasteful use of time, haha ... get some balls ;)
At the moment i did post this the linked "CoolminiorNot" got a 7.7 with 31 votes... ah, my balls are itching...
Now what you think? Yeah, i am weirdo... Let the sun in your heart:)
Keep on happy painting!
PS: This message in banner format:
I had to post this, because Raffa is a really good friend of mine, a brother on the brush, so i had to post this - even i feel my balls heavy - it really seems to be raining all the time in those tiny hearts of those snipers... what a wasteful use of time, haha ... get some balls ;)
At the moment i did post this the linked "CoolminiorNot" got a 7.7 with 31 votes... ah, my balls are itching...
Now what you think? Yeah, i am weirdo... Let the sun in your heart:)
Keep on happy painting!
PS: This message in banner format:
I am not sorry for those who might feel angry or ashamed now... :)
Keep on happy painting! I needa go to bed, get my stuff packed tomorrow and always remember a number over a picture which shows a painted miniature
shouldn't be your every days sorrow, really not...
Wrote this today over on CMON in this topic... just to get my thoughts a bit more precise after being called arrogant... mmh...
"Really don't get me wrong here, you are right this is a piece a friend of mine did. I am not thinking about ratings anymore as you said there are different tastes, likes and dislikes and there shall forever be so... and so much things going on around like the quality of the photos, the painted models, etc., etc. like demonherald said... don't worry i didn't want to seem some kind of arrogant in here, that is never my goal and when i am smiling in the mirror in the morning there is no reason why i ever could become so... just happy how my life is whatever number is above a photo
... just to be honest, i did start on this page 4 years ago also with ratings around 5 ... and at this time i did care about it like hell, i delete most of my uploads again which went under 8 after a year or so... stupid, really... today my lowest piece is at 6.8 and i am still proud of it and thinking back at the fun i had painting it is enourmous ... so this is nothing about my miniatures, i guess my pictures of my miniatures get what they deserve and i am fine with it... why shouldn't i ... because every day is good because i am alive and healthy :)
I also know that low numbers of votes ... i mean that saying this about a friend's miniature isn't a reason to blaime me with arrogance, sorry not with you in this case...
I just felt the urge to talk about that, as i also did recognize things going strange ways sometimes in here... for example take this sculpt - even if it doesn't fit to all tastes, it is still a very skillful work at 7.6 ...
As stupid as it sounds but in cases where marketing, selling on ebay or simply in the higher ranks you can not say there is no snipping people with no balls... it is a matter of fact which really can make your Happy Painting flow break down and stop... it did to me a while ago but after loading up my first miniature in here and after i did look at its rating...
... i have learned a lot about the use of votings on this site - don't take them serious, even in most cases they fit to the uploaded item... and this isn't meant to show me in an arrogant light... it is just strange sometimes, mostly when you got a feeling of instincts who the guys are that have no balls... voting a 6 on the piece i had shown above and missing to write a comment to it why they did so... i am always trying to write a comment when i vote, really you can believe me, even if i vote a 4 or 5, i still try to write a comment of Happy Painting Motivation...
So sorry if this is some kind of useless spam in your eyes or even makes me stand now under the light of arrogance... wether i still don't get why, haha... but ok, everyone's opinion is more than welcome...
Simply have been confused yesterday and had to write this... take it as you may take it... but most important in the end is always...
Keep on happy Painting!
It's at 8.7 now :-)
But I'd don't care about it too much...it is CMoN after all. Pieces get sniped easily and others get way too many 10's because the painter himself is popular instead of the actual piece.
As long as you enjoyed the painting, had a great time, and you're happy with the final product it's a success!
But I think we are all very protective of our babies. Reading negative comments on paintjobs or losing in a paintinc contest while you *know* your piece was technically the best and looked the best can really be painful. But such is the life as a painter. So I think it's more important to enjoy the process itself and what your real (online) friends think about it. Don't care too much about the nameless wankers who snipe at pieces. They're just sad.
I don't vote on CMoN by principle, but this piece would have gotten a 9 at least (actually a 9.5 but that's not possible).
Keep on enjoying the hobby Roman! You're way too good and this blog too to be affected by such wankers.
Hi Jar
I'm a modest average miniature fanatic and I've been seeing your work for some time now.
I usually vote and comment on your minis at CMON and always thought you were a master: you have a UNIQUE style and lots of imagination (I guess that not every one likes it) and you produce works of art. But apparently someone doesn't like your minis and "snipes" them (I don't understand some scores...). Heh there are lots of Michelangelos on CMON, some don't even post minis!!! (lack of balls I say)
Hell you are right wen you say that the number above the mini is just a number.
Man just "Keep on happy painting" because you rule, no matter the snipers!
Ivar Woden
When I mention my inspirations Roman, I use to drop three names. Sebastien, Bonamant and you! :)
Happy painting!
Thanks for your comments to this... really this was a good feeling roaring this into the jungle...
I know you well and so I know you always wear your heart on your sleeve :-) That`s why I and all the other people like you and respect you. So don`t care about people who call you arrogant, because they don`t know you.
About this sniper issue: Well that`s a very bad thing. I know, I shouldn`t care, that would just be reasonable. But it also makes me often upset especially when I see a really great mini rated down. I don`t mind if it`s a mini of friend of me. I also feel angry when it is a mini by an unknown painter.
I think it has to do with some self respect and fairness to vote what you really think about the mini. I often give 9`s and 10`s just for to compensate the sniper votes. The sniper forces me to do this. It is just that simple. But that is exactly what we can do against sniper votes: Compensate it with higher votes than you would normally give.
Happy Painting :-)