Labamba aloa hey hey,
another view on my actual workbench shows - i am filled up. I guess i will take this view on the Work in Progress stuff as a kick in the booty at last to finish something up finally. Please remind on everything you see in my WIP Thoughts Postings, that it is still Work in Progress :)
First shown Work in Progress is a bust by Mad Puppet miniatures, called Jigsaw, with something intresting added by me after being finished with the paintwork (still a lot to do)... more to this soon i guess.
The Arkvenger is now primed like described in this Tutorial. Makes him look like this:
Now he and me are waiting for two ordered sockets by the ... had to choose between 5 different ones, while asking for one, now that is service - thanks my friend, can't wait to have the 2 choosen ones here with the Arkvenger - i did choose these 2, in the end i have to choose one i guess, haha - the Arkvenger will find his destiny, there is not much i can do...
Also the Ancient Hero Maulg got some first colours up...
Also painted further on the Toxic girl, but not really much, so it is ok only mentioning her...
I hope you like these WIPs here... all in all there is a lot to do and that's what i am doing now... painting :)
Keep on happy Painting all around the globe!
Wow I love the first one - this puzzled guy.! Im just listening to this song:
fits perfectly - got goosepimples...
Yeah the sockets...ia m working on them! ^^
Always a pleasure to me to make some ones for your projects - espacially to this one.
Greetz an regards
Love these miniatures!
I really like the Jigsaw model, but sadly it's not so cheap. How tall is he?
Although he is only primed, he looks fantastic! And I can really imagine he will look awesome on one of these sockets.
King maulg looks cool also, He has much "character" ( I hope it is understandable),
but I had chosen another colour. I would prefer a bright red instead of this soft blue ;)
Always a pleasure reading you here... thanks for the link... fine music... Thanks for your effort with the sockets, can't wait to hold them in my hands...
It is about ... uhm?... a Vallejo Paint Bottle! (Jigsaw). Thanks for your thoughts to the both other models... the red sounds cool too, reminds me of 300 then, the movie... but i guess this could become a Maulg of its own somedays, haha...
Thanks for your comments!
Keep on happy painting!
Ah thanks!
Remember, you can't have enough Maulg's (ever)! ;)