posted by Raffa, Picster, ...
Hey there!
This weekend there was some action going on!
I sculpted a new bust on Friday, made a resin copy on saturday and painted it on sunday ;)
So i'll post some WiP Pictures with some hints / tips on sculpting.

So, first things i do is building up volume around my basic frame on a cork.
It's very important to don't do any fine details in this stage because you'll probably destroy it later anyway...
For this sculpt i used Super Sculpey Firm and as you maybe notice, i've used two steel balls for the eyes.
The ones i've used here have a diameter of 4,5mm, but you can use any size you want ;)

The next stage is just smoothing out the volumes while adding a little bit of detail.

More smoothing and i've started to work even more on details like the rivet on the goggle.
Adding more detail to the body. I did the body in the end because i didn't want to push it around all the time while working on the face.

Adding detail to the cap.
I used small cylinders of Sculpy to make the thread on the cap.
After putting them on the cap i pushed the ends in to make it look like they go into a hole.
When finished with the cap i used a bristle brush and tapped on the cap to add some structure.

The Final Step was to add some earrings (same technique as on the cap thread) and a belt with some ammo :)
For the shells i used a brass rod and a file to add the groove.
In the end i cutted the border of the bust and added some structure to it to make it look more interesting.
So, thats it for the sculpting part...
On Saturday i was making a mold for the bust and made a resin copy for a friend :)
On Sunday i made two more copies, one for brother Big Kong Roman and another one for me, mine already got some color, here are some WiP shots:

So i hope you like him, if you like him alot, don't fear, soon you get something neeeeeew :)
Hey there!
This weekend there was some action going on!
I sculpted a new bust on Friday, made a resin copy on saturday and painted it on sunday ;)
So i'll post some WiP Pictures with some hints / tips on sculpting.
So, first things i do is building up volume around my basic frame on a cork.
It's very important to don't do any fine details in this stage because you'll probably destroy it later anyway...
For this sculpt i used Super Sculpey Firm and as you maybe notice, i've used two steel balls for the eyes.
The ones i've used here have a diameter of 4,5mm, but you can use any size you want ;)
The next stage is just smoothing out the volumes while adding a little bit of detail.
More smoothing and i've started to work even more on details like the rivet on the goggle.
Adding more detail to the body. I did the body in the end because i didn't want to push it around all the time while working on the face.
Adding detail to the cap.
I used small cylinders of Sculpy to make the thread on the cap.
After putting them on the cap i pushed the ends in to make it look like they go into a hole.
When finished with the cap i used a bristle brush and tapped on the cap to add some structure.
The Final Step was to add some earrings (same technique as on the cap thread) and a belt with some ammo :)
For the shells i used a brass rod and a file to add the groove.
In the end i cutted the border of the bust and added some structure to it to make it look more interesting.
So, thats it for the sculpting part...
On Saturday i was making a mold for the bust and made a resin copy for a friend :)
On Sunday i made two more copies, one for brother Big Kong Roman and another one for me, mine already got some color, here are some WiP shots:
So i hope you like him, if you like him alot, don't fear, soon you get something neeeeeew :)
Looks great - seems as youre going to be the new bust king hu?
F**cking hell, this is awesome!
Such a great sculpt my friend - looking forward to bring some paint on mine - thanks a lot!
beautiful job. What do you start from for inspiration before you start moving putty around? Would love to hear about/see what you begin from if it's a drawing or rough sketch to begin with.
I'd like to try sculpting sometime but being weak at drawing (faces and bodies especially) makes it a little more intimidating to start.
Thanks for showing this :)
Hey Nick,
i usually start with a drawn concept.
Sculpting without a concept can be very hard because you don't know exactly what you want to sculpt.
It helps you thinking about specific parts of the sculpt.
Sure you can then modify the concept...
Looks Amazing! Hey Raffaele, how do you smooth out the bust? Do you use some kind of solution to smooth out the finger prints and stuff?
Thx for showing this tutorial!
My dear... what about bringing this in for the MASSIVE VOODOO Tutorial Section... what ya think? I just could need a title :)
Thanks for posting it... Uh Uh Uh ahhh ahhh hihi
@anonymous: there are several ways to get rid of them fingerprints. first one would be using a very smooth and polished tool, while only applying modest pressure, quite no pressure.
the second one would b using a soft brush ( synthetic or natural don't really makes a difference ) with some saliva to smoothen out the structure. third one would be the same but instead of saliva you can use talens odourless white spirit. don't use too much of that stuff tho as it will make the surface look kinda raw.
good job raffa !
Sweet :-D what do you use to smooth out with?