another day of a lot to do. Preparing an article for a magazin, painting my girlfriend's birthday gift and preparing stuff for the workshop classes in colougne. Not that silence i wish for a quiet happy Painting time, but that ain't to bad - next week i will have a stay in Berlin at mati's (BADSMILE) to visit him and learn some of his masterful sculpting tricks. So next week also might be very quiet from my side on this blog.
The sockets i have orderd from arrived yesterday - ahh, and it is always such a pleasure to open a box from Steffen (count zero):
Now it is up to me to make the decision or planning the vision further i have for the Arkvenger:
Read you soon in here... and keep on happy painting or think about paint!
Hi Roman - oh yeah i think the big sockets are fitting very well to the arkvenger!
Greetz Count
nice looking sockets, really good work!
When we will see some progress of the Arkvenger?
I guess when the muse hits me and time is right... nothing to hurry about at all... :)