Mmh... i really guess that there are some of you who ask theirselfes how i can have a living beside this blog and miniatures and stuff when you look on this blog...
It's very simple - i got a real good working life, but i just don't have a television at home since 7 years now :)
Keep on happy painting!
PS: And before this posting seems to be totally brainless - here are some pictures of our vacation time in Graz/Austrai at Roberts this year where we (4 friends) took our time to paint some pictures in the sunny woods, really cool action - in the end we decided randomly who will get what picture in the end for taking it home, really funny day in the sun, thank you for that everyone involved... ahh pictures, before my blalalala runs in circles with me:

PS: And before this posting seems to be totally brainless - here are some pictures of our vacation time in Graz/Austrai at Roberts this year where we (4 friends) took our time to paint some pictures in the sunny woods, really cool action - in the end we decided randomly who will get what picture in the end for taking it home, really funny day in the sun, thank you for that everyone involved... ahh pictures, before my blalalala runs in circles with me:
The Fantastic Four - thanks for your friendship my loved ones:
The nature we spent our day in - ok not truely untouched by human beings but we enjoyed every second spent there:
Our colour torpedos:
Everyone had his personal painting place - some enjoyed the pure sun...
I build my own up in the shadows...
The Pictures we all have painted on canvas will follow here. Really everyone's character caught in there in my eyes, even i have to say that i wasn't in a good mood at all - on the day we painted them i have been struggling with the fact that i did not hold a brush for about 7 or 8 hard days... so this is my anger about that reason, haha - thanks my friends this was really the one of the best days in this week between the others - all together now:
As single shots:
And the anger blubb:
So this ain't a spamming posting anymore i hope :)
Keep on happy painting!
No television --> more time (red wine) --> more Sex --> Good Life! "This how we do!"
Best Regards
I have to say something to this, even in this early hours.
Wonderful paintings!
Looks like a really inspiring working day. I especially like the last one, in Black and white, it's really impressive.
At these moments I think about searching a kind of art class...
Beutiful stuff there Roman! Very inspiring, I like the golden head. :)
Keep it up!
creativiti is everywhere...
I like the look of your mates on the first picture in the background LOL
Greetz Count
Art and creativity is in you, is in everyone, you just need a reason to set it free and if it is thinking about doing so this might be the best reason ever :)
@Le Dragon du Nord
Thanks :) - the golden head has been done by Robert (muhani)
I love that picture too, haha...