now here goes the intresting part - Rules and Prizes for the upcoming painting challenge to help some apes.
_______What to do for you?
Form a ball with your hands in whatever seize you like and whatever putty you may find. A sphere and paint it up. for example as an planet of lava or a tennis ball. Just let your imagination do the job on how to find your ball version. Forming a ball goes like this!
Give it a try, at least we think everyone can participate in this contest, oh yes you can form a ball, no excusements, no need to buy new minis or spent months on this project - so we are really looking forward to your entries. Show that you got balls, hehe :)
- It is not allowed to resculpt the ball, i mean for example do a mouth or eyes in it or building a tank around it, like "Uh! In this tank is my ball!" Fail!".
- It is not allowed to cut something off from your ball.
- The ball seize does not matter, smaller ones are easier to handle.
- You have to sculpt your ball/sphere on your own, it is not allowed to use a ball you did bought somewhere or stole from the billiard table.
- It is not allowed to glue something on the ball. Simply a painted ball.
- Sockets are allowed where your ball may be pinned on.
- We will not show the balls we did recieve until the competition is over.
- It should stay a clear sphere and your way of winning is the result of you having fun on this ball with your brush. Show some creativity.
- A single individual may enter 2 times, not more, not less - so you have to entries if you can do so!
- Your entry(ies) must reach us to the deadline of March the 10th in the Year 2010 without a time standing here, until the last one of us goes to sleep, i would propose. Please write an email to one of us:
Please write the email topic as described:
"Show some Balls! Your name"
Don't forget to add your picture of your ball creation to this email.
- You may take a photo of your ball often as you like, at minimum, we need 3 photos from you. Front, side and back - guess that was clear. If you want to do a collage from more pictures please feel free to do so, showing the above mentioned point of views of your ball.
Pictures seize:
- The Jury consists of the MASSIVE VOODOO jungle brothers and sisters!
- We may take some days after the closing of the entry countdown to meditate some moments to find our professional oppinions being formed to one piece in the end. Please be patient with us!
1st Place:
A crate of beer, that will be delivered to you through Paypal in form of money to buy one crate of beer if you are old enough to drink beer in your country, otherwise you have to buy some soda.
2nd and 3rd Price
Two unique, personal packed Careboxes will be given away from us.
Careboxes? Boxes with things in them to care for you and your hobby, like things to build up bases, things we found while running thtough the jungle, maybe some bitz and way more stuff i guess you may think of. Also you find in everyone of them a bust socket by Thanks for the support.
If your ball sucks the most (for example if you do an egg) a banana will be send to you and also one suprise gift will be sent to one random participant.
So we have 5 prices in here, i guess a bit different then most others, but i guess this could become really something good for some apes over in South Africa. Thanks to PK-Pro for adding some bases to the price list which will be added to the 5 prices randomly.
Picture of Bases and bust sockets:
So we have 5 prices in here, i guess a bit different then most others, but i guess this could become really something good for some apes over in South Africa. Thanks to PK-Pro for adding some bases to the price list which will be added to the 5 prices randomly.
Picture of Bases and bust sockets:
If you still got some please feel free to comment here and ask them!
Jungle is MASSIVE!
Keep on happy painting!
Count me in!
Already put the word out on my own blog,, hope I can hook in a couple of other painters to help the apes!
Keep 'em jungledrums drumming!
Now that sounds fine... thanks for your help and taking part...
we have received the first entry !!!
And the second one! Yeah! Show some balls!!!
Decided to participate too!
That's my man :)
Hey Roman,
the ball is rolled now I just have to decide how to paint it.
By the way, am I allowed to sign in with a picture of the bellyball of my cat??? It is a ball! (I could also try to paint it...)
Hello, i send the Balls but i get this errormessage from your mailprovider :
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
whats wrong ?
i have sent this to jarhead(at)
sorry, i have used a wrong mailaddres ... äh i hav resend the mail, can i ,äh, still be ?
jarhead(at) doesn't exist any more.
Let your balls roll in using jarhead(at) instead. ;)