as i told you before there is another posting to hide the Happy Hippo from the eyes of my girlfriend... damm shouldn't write this in the first sentence up here, haha.
Ok, what brings me to another Kong Fu?
I guess it is about the Private Message boxes that are going to fill up lately around some places - really recieving a lot of questions lately about how i had done this and that or how i do this or how i would do this... and i am really sorry not to have the energy to answer them all. So if you are one of those where an answer will never drop in - please be sure i am not doing this because i don't want too... it is only the fact that my spare time is limited or i am limiting it myself in the time i spend on the internet...
I am trying to bring up everything i could think of or you did ask for or might ask in the future on this blog here someday - that is why i did it, to concentrate everything at one place, to get things right with my time management. So please don't feel not seen by me when you don't get an answer back... it isn't meant that way...
Now i got the idea of this posting - it also will be linked easy reachable in the future...
The Tutorial Wish place...
At this posting there is nothing important in my words here, except for that saying sorry above as i did. This place is yours - for asking about Tutorials you really want to see up to MASSIVE VOODOO... just drop a comment what you miss or ever wanted to know and we could make a little schedule plan out of it...
For sure, we can not promise things on time, being damm good tutorials in the end or as fast as we can... things happen when they do and as you have seen since the start of MASSIVE VOODOO i guess here has happened a lot.
Just be patient with us and drop us a line in which you shortly tell us what you'd like to see...
Here is a list what drops in and with which we keep us informed about what we could do or can't at the moment - just for organising...
Planned Tutorials:
- Translating some older ones, i guess still a lot... :)
- Further Painting Technique Explanations
- Leather
- Detail work / Bringing a miniature to an end
- Camouflage
- Painting skin in fully detail / different variations
- Doing water bases
- colour theory
- Painting black
- Painting white
.... you may add more :)
- Painting skin in fully detail / different variations
- Doing water bases
- colour theory
- Painting black
- Painting white
.... you may add more :)
Now it is up to you to add something to this area... keep them rolling in by posting a comment...
Hope this is a good idea, for me it feels good as i got a bit paniced lately about the high risen numbers of incoming questions... again sorry - i mean this from the heart...
Keep on happy painting!
Roman and the MASSIVE VOODOO Jungle boys...PS: Link added to the start of the Tutorial section...
-snow, definitly
-Adding details...i mean these real details, like glazes on every part of the mini.
- putting a big miniature on a regular base, simple wish, but I had so many problems with my Hydra, to set it up onto my base.
Great idea Roman, looking forward to the 4.12. ;)
Like this idea a lot!
The "Adding details" point is a must I think, glazes are so hard to master!
I would like to see a tutorial on camouflage for 28mm models. I'm thinking about the Catachan sniper you made a while ago wich was awesome - I wish I could paint that kind of camo on my guards!
Well, nice initiative, I'll keep my eyes on this Blog.
Nice Idea!
A camo tut would be nice, but besides this one I have no wishes. Just do what comes in your mind
I think mainly I would like to see you continue YOUR happy painting! A list of tutorials is a good idea so that when you choose a project for yourself and you find you could use that project to make a tutorial on certain skill that you would have been using anyway.
I guess I just hope you realize this pressure you sometimes feel from us asking all the questions is mainly just because we're excited to see your work when you are inspired and sharing what you love to do! We just enjoy being invited along for the ride. :)
I'd like to see a tutorial about painting skin. Your skintones are always awesome and very realistic. No matter how hard I try, I can't "put life" into minis like you can.
Any tutorial is fine actually :). Do what you want to's a hobby. Of course I have things I like to see from you guys, like:
-Doing water bases
-Where to get all the cool wicked things you use on bases and where do you get the inspiration
-colour theory
But mainly whatever you guys want to do :)
Directed to the site from CMON. Superb, I will be spending a lot of time here from now on.
I have a bit of a request for a tutorial really. I saw this model on CMON...
...and I think it is probably some of best Black Armour I've seen (if not the best) and was wondering about how you did it. I've read about the black on Brother Dariel, but it doesn't seem to be quite the same - lacking in reds/blue/greens.
Thanks a lot for this great feedback... We will try our best to get the Tutorial Area filled up with things you wished for, otherwise sure always Happy Painting will guide us for this task, so it might take some time... thanks for your word in here...
I've added your wishes and i guess in the end it'll work out like Nick mentioned...
"I think mainly I would like to see you continue YOUR happy painting! A list of tutorials is a good idea so that when you choose a project for yourself and you find you could use that project to make a tutorial on certain skill that you would have been using anyway."
Keep on happy painting and thanks for your help in here! Any more wishes?
hello just a simple request was wondering how picster did the red on his blood angels. the tutorials have been exalent so far and have learned lots keep up the good work
I will ask Raffa today, i'll visit him tonight - will remind him about your question - thanks for your nice work to our work here - we'll keep it up because of such comments!
wie, englischer Blog? - Egal. Ich blamier mich nicht und schreib auf deutsch. In den Reaktionen auf Deine bzw. mittlerweile Eure workshops fällt immer wieder der Begriff "wet in wet" aber auch in den einschlägigen Foren finden sich nur ominöse Hinweise und nebulöse Handlungsanweisungen und Tipps die man vom Onkel eines Bekannten gehört hat, dess Schwager einen Sohn hat, der früher mit dieser Technik gemalt hat. Also bidddää - zerreißt den Vorhang der Unwissenheit und schüttet das Füllhorn des Wissens über die armen Unwissenden aus, die noch nicht die Chance hatten einen der workshops zu besuchen *Schande über sie*.
Ansonsten kann ich mich nur dem Chor der Lobeshymnen anschließen und mögen die Musen Euch auch weiterhin knuddeln!
Frohes Pinseln!
Es grüßt Euch der Mann der vielleicht bald über die Fähigkeit des "wet in wet" verfügt.
Da Master Kong grade furchtbar beschäftigt ist, antworte ich mal. Bitte in Englisch schreiben das ist ein internationaler Blog und niemand soll ausgeschlossen werden. Guck mal bitte in meinem Profil nach da ist meine email Adresse und schreibe mir (auf Deutsch) deine Frage nochmal dann gibt`s Antwort.
Grüße Yvonne
How to paint non metallic gold or silver