Posted by Raffaele, Picster, Capuchin....
Hey there my dear miniature lovers!
What a feeling, i didn't post for such a long time. I'm still working on the redecoration of my flat but slowly i get onto the finishing line and so my head is free for miniatures again!
Before i let you start to read this post i want to tell you, because this is such a long post i tried to add some structure to it, if you don't like it this way drop me a mail or a comment here :)
What can i say... i LOVE it.
I have a much better control over what the brush actually does compared to the Winsor & Newton Series 7.
I think it's all a matter of personal preference but in my opinion i made a step forward by trying out this Brush.
The Raphael is softer that the W&N and for me seems to keep to brush tip better than the W&N.
Secondly, i ordered a new lens for my camera, it'll arrive in 2 days and i'm very curious how it will work with miniature photography... for people interessted it's a AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D... we will see how it compares to my old lens.
And third: This weekend i had a visit from Max also known as Leichtmatrose.
He's a really really good painter (he always tries to act as he doesn't know haha) and it was really nice to have you here ... as always you gave me good painting tips and talking about all kinds of stuff is always fun with you :)
If you like to, we can meet at one of those events!
Just drop me a mail, i would like to meet our readers!
Oh and to our foreign readers.... COME TO THE DUKE OF BAVARIA!!!
This event will kick some serious ass!!!
I garantuee that you won't be dissapointed (if you're dissapointed you'll get a banana on the next day!)
This weekende i tried out Non Metallic Metal for the second time.
The first time i've tried it on my Priest... i wasn't happy with the result.
This time i used my new skills and tried it again, still, not perfect but much better.
I think in the future i'll use it on some projects, it's not that bad :)
Here's the result:

You can vote for him on CMON if you like to :)
Horned Demon
Also finished is the second demon bust from Mati aka Badsmile :)
Nothing too fancy here, i leave it up to you guys to make something better (shouldn't be too hard!) :)

You can vote for him, too... on CMON!
Afro Zombie
This 54mm zombie was sculpted on Matis sculpting class.
I will try to get some resin copys of him so more people can paint him :)
When the copies are finished i'll drop some news here!
The weekend was a lot of fun and many stupid ideas ended in this zombie :)

That's it already with finished stuff... i feel so ashamed but i really couldn't geht a clear mind while my flat looked like a mess... but anyway there are still...
Finally my Palace Guard is almost finished, i think she'll be done in the upcoming week.
Here's a WiP Picture with a new braid, hair and more filing and stuff done...

The hair isn't as "deeply" sculpted as it looks on the photos (i added a lot of contrast on the sculpt pictures) so it will be nicer to paint.
When the resin copies arrive, i'll surely drop some post here so you know when it's aviable :)
Gigantic Squig
Ehrm, not so much to say about this project as it's still early WiP and i'm not completely sure where it'll end ;)

From the bottom to the tip of the saddle it's 52mm big.
Steampunk Goblin
I got this mini from Yvonne when we visited her at home after the painting class in Hamburg. I fell in love with this little fella and so she gave me this one :)

I started painting him and the first few coats of color are on the mini.
I've build a base for him but i'm not so sure about it, i went a little wild with some watch parts and so it may be too complicated for him... but time will tell!
Another Space Wolve Sargeant
Yeah, another project that won't make much progress.
I continued to add more detail, but still a loooooooong way to walk for this guy...

I hope in the future i get to post more regular as the most of my stress is now gone.
Just wanted to show you that i'm still alive :D
If you like some of this stuff or want to tell me that all of this is total bullocks or i should post more often OR i should stop posting...... just drop a comment!
Hey there my dear miniature lovers!
What a feeling, i didn't post for such a long time. I'm still working on the redecoration of my flat but slowly i get onto the finishing line and so my head is free for miniatures again!
Before i let you start to read this post i want to tell you, because this is such a long post i tried to add some structure to it, if you don't like it this way drop me a mail or a comment here :)
Firstly i bought a new Brush, the Raphael 8404. After reading so much about this brush which is favoured by many well known miniature painters, especially french, i just had to try it...What can i say... i LOVE it.
I have a much better control over what the brush actually does compared to the Winsor & Newton Series 7.
I think it's all a matter of personal preference but in my opinion i made a step forward by trying out this Brush.
The Raphael is softer that the W&N and for me seems to keep to brush tip better than the W&N.
Secondly, i ordered a new lens for my camera, it'll arrive in 2 days and i'm very curious how it will work with miniature photography... for people interessted it's a AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D... we will see how it compares to my old lens.
And third: This weekend i had a visit from Max also known as Leichtmatrose.
He's a really really good painter (he always tries to act as he doesn't know haha) and it was really nice to have you here ... as always you gave me good painting tips and talking about all kinds of stuff is always fun with you :)
Back to Miniatures.... at the moment i try to (doesn't always work...) concentrate on the upcoming Games Day in France and the Duke of Bavaria. As both events happen in the last weeks of april i don't have too much time for my actual projects. Hmmm, we will see how much i can finish, but i don't set myself under too much pressure.If you like to, we can meet at one of those events!
Just drop me a mail, i would like to meet our readers!
Oh and to our foreign readers.... COME TO THE DUKE OF BAVARIA!!!
This event will kick some serious ass!!!
I garantuee that you won't be dissapointed (if you're dissapointed you'll get a banana on the next day!)
Finished Minis
Space WolveThis weekende i tried out Non Metallic Metal for the second time.
The first time i've tried it on my Priest... i wasn't happy with the result.
This time i used my new skills and tried it again, still, not perfect but much better.
I think in the future i'll use it on some projects, it's not that bad :)
Here's the result:
You can vote for him on CMON if you like to :)
Horned Demon
Also finished is the second demon bust from Mati aka Badsmile :)
Nothing too fancy here, i leave it up to you guys to make something better (shouldn't be too hard!) :)
You can vote for him, too... on CMON!
Afro Zombie
This 54mm zombie was sculpted on Matis sculpting class.
I will try to get some resin copys of him so more people can paint him :)
When the copies are finished i'll drop some news here!
The weekend was a lot of fun and many stupid ideas ended in this zombie :)
That's it already with finished stuff... i feel so ashamed but i really couldn't geht a clear mind while my flat looked like a mess... but anyway there are still...
Work in Progress
Palace GuardFinally my Palace Guard is almost finished, i think she'll be done in the upcoming week.
Here's a WiP Picture with a new braid, hair and more filing and stuff done...
The hair isn't as "deeply" sculpted as it looks on the photos (i added a lot of contrast on the sculpt pictures) so it will be nicer to paint.
When the resin copies arrive, i'll surely drop some post here so you know when it's aviable :)
Gigantic Squig
Ehrm, not so much to say about this project as it's still early WiP and i'm not completely sure where it'll end ;)
From the bottom to the tip of the saddle it's 52mm big.
Steampunk Goblin
I got this mini from Yvonne when we visited her at home after the painting class in Hamburg. I fell in love with this little fella and so she gave me this one :)
I started painting him and the first few coats of color are on the mini.
I've build a base for him but i'm not so sure about it, i went a little wild with some watch parts and so it may be too complicated for him... but time will tell!
Another Space Wolve Sargeant
Yeah, another project that won't make much progress.
I continued to add more detail, but still a loooooooong way to walk for this guy...
Closing words
Thank you for reading through this big shout from the capuchin lair.I hope in the future i get to post more regular as the most of my stress is now gone.
Just wanted to show you that i'm still alive :D
If you like some of this stuff or want to tell me that all of this is total bullocks or i should post more often OR i should stop posting...... just drop a comment!
The Squig is already looking awesome.
Looking forward to hear from you.
crazy guy ;) funny stuff and as I told you yesterday, I´m very happy about how you develop yourself. just keep going and kick all the ape´s (especially the big one´s) butts :D I want to see more done by you all ;)
Uiii I like the demons Bust sculpt (I fancy all kind of big/bizarr Monster-Demonstuff)is that the only one Matti maid, or will I be able to buy one?(hint,hint) ;-))
The Zombie is just...well...ähm.. cool/awesome/funky/weird...I like him ;-)
The rest: well as always sweeeeeeeet ;-)
Lovin the Space Wolf! You should do a tutorial on the armour... it has nothing to do with the fact i'm working on my SW army, oh no ;)
Hey Raffa,
didn't you notice that the whole "Northern Connection" used a Raphael at the Hamburg painting class? :D
Raphael 8404 rocks!
The gigantic squig looks awesome, I fell in love with this little bad ass!
Hey Raffa, seems youre back from your timewarp. Crazy how much youve done the last few weeks!
Raphael 8404 are the best , thats a fact. Ok Davinci and Winsor&Newton are not bad, but the 8404 ist very very cool.
Btw i have to say Grumbler had the first one and the others of us Northern painters followed very soon.
The Giant squig is awesome! Iam sure that is going a realy cool thing. I also love the Demonbust.
Big UP my Itallion stalion
Great work dude, the battle damage and NMM on the wolves is sweet!
Hey Raffa,
thanks a lot for beeing such a great host. I really had a great time in Augschburg with Roman, Anna and especially you!
It was a pleasure giving you some painting hints. And you gave me pleasure making me believe you didn't know them already :D
aaah come on leichtmatrose! Why dont joy get it? The hints youve picked up out of the White Dwarf issue nr 53 or so old, they already had a beard when the dinosaurs where living ^^ Just kidding Dude!
I really have to say that Leichtmatrose got a very special (and good) view for the choice of colours and their harmony.
Regards Count_Zero
That's some awesome stuff my friend... great to see the Space Wolf in real yesterday, for your second try on NMM it looks brilliant... you are so crazy... about this Monday's idea... haha, so much looking forward to see it... haha... Hug ya!
Oh my.. yes I have a suggestion to make: Post your stuff more constantly and not all together same time. I have not much time off and I really love your work and I would comment days ago but didn`t find the time for to comment so many figures.
Okay here we go:
2nd nmm attemp: Not bad :-) BUT way to much yellow. Yellow is the midtone between the highlights and the shadows and the yellow is bright.
Try to make the midtone area smaller when you paint nmm because your nmm will turn out to flat if you use to much bright midtone. The nmm effect works well if you have very bright and very dark areas next to each other or as close as possible to each other(because of the strong contrast it makes the illusion of metal) so if you are painting the midtone area to large you damage the contrast, you know?
Try to make the shadow area larger, the midtone area smaller and highlighted area depends on the shape of the detail. Use the midtone (the yellow) only as a small bridge from the shadows to the very strong white ( or yellow/white) highlights.
Oh and try to mix the Yellow either with bestial brown or with snakebite leather or another brown and don`t use the yellow pure. It looks much more realistic if it is mixed with a little bit of a brown. Test it on your palette, you will see then what I mean.
Demon Bust: Coool!! Great sculpt!! Painting looks good. I love those freehands.
Afro Zombie: Well I`m not the greatest fan of zombies, lol. But I really have to say that your zombie looks outstanding. I think it`s really good sculpted and you had a lot of funny, weird ideas. Like it :-)
Palace Guard: Love her since I have seen the wips first time. Really, really cool. The braid and the rest of the hair look awesome!!! Great job!
Gigantic Squig: Ah not really my taste, brrrr. But well sculpted :-)
Steampunk Goblin: Yeah!! Looks good.
Spacewolve Sergeant: Looks cool but I would recommend to paint clear, strong highlights at the face because it is almost the same colour like the armor. So you don`t have the focus at the head until now.