Posted by Yvonne, Vhaidra, Guenon
Hi all :-) Finaly I have got Lonnia finished. For all who have seen her at Roman`s Workshop in
Hamburg: "Yep I changed the colour of her dress." The Jacket was in turquoise first, but I didn`t like it anymore and changed it into the olive green.
Working time:
Working time has been over 100 hours because I sculpted everything at the base by myself and I`m a beginner in sculpting and so it took more time than usually to get the whole scene finished. The painting of the mini is around 80 hours. I painted her in the beginning with a lot of thin layers but then also tried some wetblending in the end for to improve the transitions. So there has been a lot of try and error and experiments and I guess that is the main reason why it took so many hours in the end.
I hope to speed up my painting up from now by using the wetblending techinque I learnt at Roman`s Workshop :-) Means: I`m pretty sure that this one here is the last one which takes so many hours for to get finished. At least I really, really hope.
The Concept:
Hm I haven`t had a clear concept. Just a couple of ideas. One idea was to compare her with the Lonnia I painted in May 2006: Old ugly Lonnia Lol, that is really embarrassing, please rate the "old" Lonnia down if you meet her on cmon, lol. That was quite shocking for me to compare the new Lonnia with the old Lonnia. So the rating for the old Lonnia is much to high.I would give her an 7,5 nowadays,lol. So feel free to sniper her, lol. (Can`t believe that I really write this here). Okay my plan was to see the progress and now I have seen it. And I`m shocked what amazing ratings I got 4 years ago. Today things really changed a lot at cmon.
Another idea was to sculpt something for the base. Well, I could buy bits for basing but because I want to learn to sculpt anyway, I thought it would be a good start to sculpt my bases by myself. It shall be a kind of ruined temple stairs in the dessert or at least at a place where the clime is dry. I wanted that beige sand and beige colours for the base so it had to be the way it is now.
That`s the whole story about the mini :-) If you are interested into some colour recipes I could write it down here. But first I will wait and see if someone wants to know, because that would be a lot to write now.
Hope you like her :-) And of course all kinds of comments are welcome. I`m also a friend of constructive critique, so don`t be shy to tell if you have got some suggestions for improvements.Oh and I`m especially interested in some feedback and critique about the base because I have to improve my basework and so I really can need each advice.

Hi all :-) Finaly I have got Lonnia finished. For all who have seen her at Roman`s Workshop in
Hamburg: "Yep I changed the colour of her dress." The Jacket was in turquoise first, but I didn`t like it anymore and changed it into the olive green.
Working time:
Working time has been over 100 hours because I sculpted everything at the base by myself and I`m a beginner in sculpting and so it took more time than usually to get the whole scene finished. The painting of the mini is around 80 hours. I painted her in the beginning with a lot of thin layers but then also tried some wetblending in the end for to improve the transitions. So there has been a lot of try and error and experiments and I guess that is the main reason why it took so many hours in the end.
I hope to speed up my painting up from now by using the wetblending techinque I learnt at Roman`s Workshop :-) Means: I`m pretty sure that this one here is the last one which takes so many hours for to get finished. At least I really, really hope.
The Concept:
Hm I haven`t had a clear concept. Just a couple of ideas. One idea was to compare her with the Lonnia I painted in May 2006: Old ugly Lonnia Lol, that is really embarrassing, please rate the "old" Lonnia down if you meet her on cmon, lol. That was quite shocking for me to compare the new Lonnia with the old Lonnia. So the rating for the old Lonnia is much to high.I would give her an 7,5 nowadays,lol. So feel free to sniper her, lol. (Can`t believe that I really write this here). Okay my plan was to see the progress and now I have seen it. And I`m shocked what amazing ratings I got 4 years ago. Today things really changed a lot at cmon.
Another idea was to sculpt something for the base. Well, I could buy bits for basing but because I want to learn to sculpt anyway, I thought it would be a good start to sculpt my bases by myself. It shall be a kind of ruined temple stairs in the dessert or at least at a place where the clime is dry. I wanted that beige sand and beige colours for the base so it had to be the way it is now.
That`s the whole story about the mini :-) If you are interested into some colour recipes I could write it down here. But first I will wait and see if someone wants to know, because that would be a lot to write now.
Hope you like her :-) And of course all kinds of comments are welcome. I`m also a friend of constructive critique, so don`t be shy to tell if you have got some suggestions for improvements.Oh and I`m especially interested in some feedback and critique about the base because I have to improve my basework and so I really can need each advice.

How can you stand to spend so many hours on one miniature? I don't think I have the patience to spend more than about 20-30 hours per mini.
She looks great though, so clearly your patience was well-rewarded.
Just... WOW.....devotinal silence for a minute *sigh* BÄÄÄÄÄMMMMKÄÄZZÄMMZISCH *thunder rolling through the jungle*..silence, me starring, eyes wide open, jaws down ;-) fine peace of work Yvonne
Like her very much
Nice blendings :lol:
And the Base remembers me anyways at Ireland but it matches to the Mini
But very good work !
Aaaah she s done! Nice work and of course the miniature is painted perfectly.
Regards Count
Finally she is done... i really like her. The base fits her very well and it is good that you are improving your basing skills... I like those coloumns on the base a lot... what i personally think of the base is that it is a bit too symetric to my eyes... maybe next time one coloumn in the front or a higher one at one side ... or one standing, or one in the other direction, simply something to break up the symetrie a bit... whatever, well done, even i am not the greatest fan of the miniature itself, the base looks cool from the front but the miniature seems like a tank rolled over her (front view)... rock on... i am looking forward to your further basework and your improvements in your time management. 100 hours at one miniature, such things gives me bad dreams at night, haha... Keep on happy painting and thanks for sharing it with us in here...
The NMM parts are like siiiiiiick!
Incredible the one which you have succeeded to create. I or pallor in order not to describe the emotion. That this your job expresses to me. Yvonne for me you remain number one. The largest one than all. I ask excuse for my very bad English. I hope that the same one is understood.
I´m glad to see a mini of you with a socket or base. For the first time of sculpting a base this is a very solid job.
Wow, great job!! Would love to see some bigger pictures to see those highlights even better ;)
Best, Peter
@All: Thank you very much for your comments :-)
@David: To be honest: I even don`t know it by myself. It is a kind of an obsession. I can`t stop painting until I really like the mini. Even when it is finished, I see a lot of things which could be done better, lol. The only reason why the mini is finished somewhen is: I can`t bear it anymore and/or my skills are at the end at least for this moment.
But I hope I will like my minis soon already after 30 or 40 hours because I think it is possible to speed up painting extremly with the wetblending technique. At the moment I still try to improve this :-)
@Lutz: Lol. Wow that was cool please do it again when I post my next mini, I like that *insane smile* thanks :-)
@Carsten: I`m very glad that the blendings satisfy you,lol. The problem is just: It takes so much time to paint them, but I don`t give it up to look for the most effective way of painting. Guess I will look for it the rest of my life, lol. Next I try the wetblending and then we will see if it works faster :-)
@Count Zero: Ah sorry for to bore you again with Lonnia, lol. (I tortured Count Zero while the wip stage with photos) Thanks for feedback again :-)
@Roman: Yep I agree to all. My working time doesn`t give only YOU bad dreams, lol. About the symmetry thing: Imagine Monk (this weird guy from the television) would be a miniature painter and tries to sculpt then you know what my problem is, lol. I will work on it, I promise :-)
@Markus: Thanks :-) Checked out your blog: Hey you are also siiiiiiiiick, lol. Whatever that means. Is it a new, hip word for cool?
@Libero: I only know one guy who is talking like that: Fabrizio :-)Lol. My god you are so crazy. I definitely will taste the Pizzas you are baking someday. There must be something into it...or on it, are you sure you use oregano? Lol. Thanks :-)
@DarkKnight: I`m glad that you like her :-) I think bases are very important. A mini without a cool base is only a half job I think and I will working hard on it to improve this. Until now I didn`t make nice bases because I didn`t know how, but now I get a lot of help from everybody and so I hope to make a couple of nice bases in the future :-)
@Peter: My dear I really painted the highlights bright enough for to see them very well, lol. Download the pictures and zoom in :-)Thanks :-)