posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Way back home... another stormy and loud Jungle News dropping in. Boombschakalakallllaaakkk laka!!
To be a bit more precious i have to say it is No02. Good, well done ... so far. No idea where to go with this one. I still hope you are enjoying reading in here on MASSIVE VOODOO as it has become a bit more silent with less Spam at all. We think it is good that way... once a week BIG Spam is better ... nah, i don't know! Let's get it on with the important things about this News...
Again it will roll in with the ... i mean i found this great sequence control valve that helped me to make it again in the right order:
2. Jungle Drums (Music from all the apes in here)
3. Inspirational Links
4. Introducing other blogs
5. Kong Fu (whatever this is)

Mkay... first you might recognize that i have done some new banners for the News. Ahh... not good, breaking up the order, argh...
We are sad that the Show some balls! is over but we are still so happy in the jungle and we are still bouncing our heads to your great show you all have brought into the jungle - thanks to that. I am still waiting to some mails of the annonced names to prepare their won prizes for shipping. We will bring up an external Link to this years Show some balls! Contest for the upper navigation bar, but this will take its time as time in the jungle is only time and nothing more. We will keep you informed about that.
Dawn from Apes is informed about the Donation Amount from this contest, but i did not get a response til now. Keep you updated with it.
At the moment we are right in between the organisation of a new Contest. It will be MASSIVE, so far it can be told, but we are still in the progress of accourate planning and talking. Keep your eyes open and your hearts exhilareted... boom boom chaka boom!
Ay, not much to say about that at the moment... thanks to everyone who already ordered their stuff. We would be so happy to see you in your Jungle clothes, so if you like to sent us a picture of you wearing MVW with a famous place in your hometown. That would be soooooo cool... and would bring the apes to start another somersault long jump day into the crocodile river to beat up some crocos :)
Not much to say either, but you should now find your direct way to your searched Tutorial better without having to scroll down a hundred virtual meters. Just check the Tutorial menue in the upper navigation bar. Still a lot on the list which shall be done (Tutorial banners and stuff), but not yet... but i can tell you that we are also up to facebook, only to make some sounds through the air while typing:
MV on facebook
The hairs on your arm will stand up now...
The Ape family walked around the jungle, always up for new challenges and ideas in the deeps of the jungle. They engaged a tropical cave next to a big waterfall while wandering the wilderness in search of bananas. This cave was spooky, really spooky... Everyone got scared by the sounds coming out of this cave, everyone but not the Orang-Utang... he dissappered into the dark hole and the sounds become noise, a brutal fight was up in that cave. The Chimp was too scared to let Kong and Chapuchin look what happened so the Genoun went in for the search... nwo another ape was gone... the 3 left really got scared as the noise in the cave really went horrible...
Silence was next, about a minute but it seemed about 4 days to the Chapuchin, Chimp and scared Kong.

Sure we got some of them for you again. Have a look if you got too much spare time or you got to eat a ton of bananas and enjoy:

For sure the kitchen clock showed me once again 19:19 and stuff like this, not lying, if anyone got a reasonable answer to this phenomenon i would really be thankful. I guess i need a dog, it really brings some kind of schedule to my day but our flat is too small so i got to wait for the future, but when the future comes no one knows how it will be. Will it be good or evil? Will everyone live virtual in the upcoming days and forget about nature and her beauty? Will something be like that? Who knows... most time it is better to look in the future than instead lurking around in the past... it will never come back again, you only grow from it whatever has happened, take this as your chance to grow and look for the days to come, not those passed. It makes life much better.

Way back home... another stormy and loud Jungle News dropping in. Boombschakalakallllaaakkk laka!!
To be a bit more precious i have to say it is No02. Good, well done ... so far. No idea where to go with this one. I still hope you are enjoying reading in here on MASSIVE VOODOO as it has become a bit more silent with less Spam at all. We think it is good that way... once a week BIG Spam is better ... nah, i don't know! Let's get it on with the important things about this News...
Again it will roll in with the ... i mean i found this great sequence control valve that helped me to make it again in the right order:
2. Jungle Drums (Music from all the apes in here)
3. Inspirational Links
4. Introducing other blogs
5. Kong Fu (whatever this is)

Mkay... first you might recognize that i have done some new banners for the News. Ahh... not good, breaking up the order, argh...
We are sad that the Show some balls! is over but we are still so happy in the jungle and we are still bouncing our heads to your great show you all have brought into the jungle - thanks to that. I am still waiting to some mails of the annonced names to prepare their won prizes for shipping. We will bring up an external Link to this years Show some balls! Contest for the upper navigation bar, but this will take its time as time in the jungle is only time and nothing more. We will keep you informed about that.
Dawn from Apes is informed about the Donation Amount from this contest, but i did not get a response til now. Keep you updated with it.
At the moment we are right in between the organisation of a new Contest. It will be MASSIVE, so far it can be told, but we are still in the progress of accourate planning and talking. Keep your eyes open and your hearts exhilareted... boom boom chaka boom!
Ay, not much to say about that at the moment... thanks to everyone who already ordered their stuff. We would be so happy to see you in your Jungle clothes, so if you like to sent us a picture of you wearing MVW with a famous place in your hometown. That would be soooooo cool... and would bring the apes to start another somersault long jump day into the crocodile river to beat up some crocos :)
Not much to say either, but you should now find your direct way to your searched Tutorial better without having to scroll down a hundred virtual meters. Just check the Tutorial menue in the upper navigation bar. Still a lot on the list which shall be done (Tutorial banners and stuff), but not yet... but i can tell you that we are also up to facebook, only to make some sounds through the air while typing:
MV on facebook
The hairs on your arm will stand up now...
The Ape family walked around the jungle, always up for new challenges and ideas in the deeps of the jungle. They engaged a tropical cave next to a big waterfall while wandering the wilderness in search of bananas. This cave was spooky, really spooky... Everyone got scared by the sounds coming out of this cave, everyone but not the Orang-Utang... he dissappered into the dark hole and the sounds become noise, a brutal fight was up in that cave. The Chimp was too scared to let Kong and Chapuchin look what happened so the Genoun went in for the search... nwo another ape was gone... the 3 left really got scared as the noise in the cave really went horrible...
Silence was next, about a minute but it seemed about 4 days to the Chapuchin, Chimp and scared Kong.
When the dusty fog in the cave entrance cleared, Orang-Utang and Genoune came out totally butchered in different colours. Kong took care of the brush which got stuck into Orang-Utangs butt, but that is another story. Chimp and Chapuchin did take care of the Lady Genoune and helped her to clean her fur from all the crazy colours. Then the jungle screamed in joy and all Kakadoos flew into the sky from their trees... there was someone in the cave... the fog dissapeared and there he was - a massive Mandrill walked out of the fog... for sure not as massive in weight as Kong, but really close too... the Ape Family has a new member!! High Voltage Jungle river party!!! We would like you to welcome
Ben Komets, a german painter from Berlin, whose painting really can kick some serious Kakadoo-booty! He is the only one who makes Kong nervous when talking to eachother or even when he comes near... i guess it is simply this great name, no it ain't there is much more behind that.
I met Ben in the end of last year while i was visiting mati and hell ya, Ben is simply a great addition to the Jungle. I will leave the introduction to him soon. So far there can only be told that he really got close in winning against the Chapuchin in playing Ching Chang Chong and that must mean something.
More information about that Family addition soon. Thanks Ben, really a great thing to have you here with us, now the little apes feel a lot better, sorrounded by a scared Kong and a massive Mandrill to save their butts while searching for bananas. Beware of the bouncing jungle - jungle is massive! :)
I still got to do this crazy cool Gorilla-Glue review - i am already preparing it but you knowing only patience works while glueing... not yet. I thought about introducing all the Friends and Partners of the jungle... one by one, step by step.
This time it is about Avatars of War. A great miniature range from Spain run by Felix Paniagua, which brings you your individual heros for the battles of the Arena Deathmatch or some stunning models to add to your existing armies. I always loved every miniature painted up by his range, unfortanetly i remember not to had a chance to paint one up in the last months but this has to change in the future.
I am really thankful to Felix and his team as they sponsored 2 Painting Classes with miniatures in 2009 - Graz and Mönchengladbach. Unfortenatly i found out that those cool sculpts are way too hard to paint up at a Beginner's Painting Class and at a single weekend. That is why i did search for other models which could fit better in that concept. I am really sad about that and want to say sorry again - but i will be always thankful for this great help from Spain and Kong's long distance memory is big, fully trust me on that one, the short distance is very bad ... but ... whatever, check out those Heros for your armies! They also run a cool forum over there where you can talk about your painted heros and heroiness.

Next there is Music time again... music that helps the Apes to get creative and catch the spirit of colours. This weeks additions to the Playlist over at youtube...
Raffa did choose this track, now this is what i call pumping:
Yvonne came up with this track, guitar spirit and a great singer:
Mati threw in what everyone already got in here:
Robert didn't tell me anything so i choose something for him myself. Some cool finnish Hip Hop Underground Sound, Vese did sent to me (thanks for that):
Me, myself and I are up to some more dramatic sound with some scenes of one of my all time favourite films:
I hope you liked this weeks additions :)

Sure we got some of them for you again. Have a look if you got too much spare time or you got to eat a ton of bananas and enjoy:
A-Team is coming to cinemas (not sure what to think about that without da real Mr.T)
Don't get me wrong with that clothing link, but you have to scroll through there to see that creativity is everywhere, i don't want to make fun on these people as i don't want other people to make fun at me but this is really corious... somehow, take a moment to browse and you get what i mean...

Nothing more to say than: Heyho, you got to check this out. Every day another Inspiration up this blog, named "today's inspiration" where Leif Peng shows everyday another illustration for those who are intrested in the Illustration Art of the 40's and 50's from the last century. I got to say i really like this stuff, not everything but when you browse you really get lost in these days... they somehow fascinate me a lot. He is now linked up to the right recommanded blog list.

For sure the kitchen clock showed me once again 19:19 and stuff like this, not lying, if anyone got a reasonable answer to this phenomenon i would really be thankful. I guess i need a dog, it really brings some kind of schedule to my day but our flat is too small so i got to wait for the future, but when the future comes no one knows how it will be. Will it be good or evil? Will everyone live virtual in the upcoming days and forget about nature and her beauty? Will something be like that? Who knows... most time it is better to look in the future than instead lurking around in the past... it will never come back again, you only grow from it whatever has happened, take this as your chance to grow and look for the days to come, not those passed. It makes life much better.
Closing Words
So far from this weeks Jungle News. I hope you enjoyed reading, even i am not sure if you did read unitl now. So much blabla filled up in here that it might hurt some of you, if not, feel invited to give the author, me your credits by dropping a line of feedback. That really helps collecting all this stupid things and typing all these letters...
Yeah, Ben Komets! Yeah! Uh ah ah ah ah uhhhhhhhhnnnaaaaahhhyeaaaahhhh!
Keep on happy painting!
Welcome to the jungle Ben!
I hope you will feel like home here soon :)
Ben Komets? Never heard of that guy! It's an alias, isn't it :D
Great, one more crazy ape :D
p.s. Raffa, thank you for adding the ''Alek Edition'' hoodie to the shop :D
I will buy it today ;) (had no time yesterday :( )
Ben who? Ben the Komet? Funny name. Hey Leichtmatose wasnt that this wrestlingguy?
Vodoowear: I am looking forward to get my hoody. Already got the shippingmail. Funny has been that they written it will take 7-10 days to deliver it? I think their horses are so slow ^^
Regards Count
Sorry for posting twice : Did you change the Jaketlayout??
Ughghghgh Ben Komets? Cool so that means in near future jungle turns into a "Avatarlikecoulored" planet ;-). Nice to have that "Mandril" here, welcome to the jungle.
Hope the other monkeys don´t start battling with their brushes now ;-)
@Roman: wasn´t there more cool clothing stuff to come on last monday in the voodoshop? Just wondering ;-)) ugughugh...
"Welcome to THE Jungel" Ben, I really like this daylie jungel soap. Great to have something like that here in germay. Hope to meet you all soon. Keep on eating bananas...
I`m glad to welcome a new member of the ape`s family :-) If I can believe the reports of Roman about Ben, I`m sure he is crazy enough for the jungle,lol.
yeah my Hoody arrived! Looks so cool. Iam already wearing it.
and mine is payed an will arrive soon too :D
What you mean about the changed layout? Raffa is the Voodoo Wear man... i have no idea what you are talking about... haha... great to hear that you like your hoody, buddy :)
Yeah, some new Items will be soon in the Voodoo Wear Shop, we thought we could manage everything, including our little new competition on monday but that was hell of a utopic thought... we'll keep you informed when everything is ready for take off... keep an eye out! Sorry for the delay ... gna!
Jungle is busy, very busy at the moment... that's the cause for the delay :)