posted by roman, jarhead, kong
As some of you might remember, there has been some changes on this blog about spam and news and music and all this stuff which sorrounds us - it will be focused in one posting every wednesday. We want to welcome you to the official Jungle News from your MASSIVE VOODOO crazy apes...
No01 of the Jungle News!
C'mon get the Big Band rolling in and take your time reading this, you will not be dissapointed. Let's get it started with some fine jungle music to have you introduced to the Jungle News with full force on your ears - while reading listen to this and take 2 bananas!
You'll find in this issue No01:
2. Jungle Drums (Music from all the apes in here)
3. Inspirational Links
4. Introducing other blogs
5. Kong Fu (whatever this is)
...sidiibbbaaabbbaaaddaaaaaaddddiiiiddiiibbaaaabbbbaaaaaadddaabbbbdabdi! Let's get it on... i hope the song is still playing :)
Show some balls!
Tonight at midnight (Pacific Standard Time) the ultimate ball competition ends. You are still able to participate, there are still some balls rolling in and it is up to you if yours will be with them in the end. Keep them rolling!
We will post all entries in the next days and will do our jury work over the weekend, so i guess next week we'll have the winners announced. Thanks to all who already participated, great to have so many funny and fantastic entries... you are really great!
Here is a countdown that shows you when the competition is over (you can listen to this song when you are still in a hurry about showing your balls, it really motivates!!):
Yeaha! Yeah! Yippie! I am very, very, very proud to announce to you that the MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR SHOP is now ready to recieve your orders.
The Apes in the jungle had been busy preparing everything and now is the right time, BUT before you order i would suggest to you that you wait until next monday/tuesday because at this time we will have another competition announced that has something to do with MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR, you won't be dissapointed, i promise you... relax and wait, but if you can't just drop your order.
You will find the MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR store in the upper navigation bar (Store) or simply click here if you are intrested.
MASSIVE VOODOO blog changes
There have been not many changes in the jungle, except an update of the Tutorial section with some fresh banners linking the latest painting and inspiration articles. Also we are planning to make the navigation in the article section easier for you ... not yet, but soon.We'll keep you updated.
What really could bring you tons of information about painting is Yvonne's latest Article on how to do Blendings - Part 1 - don't miss this.
We are also up to Facebook, without knowing the reason, but if you are there too maybe we could welcome you as a fan. You will get there some spam about the most important things sorrounding our little jungle:
MASSIVE VOODOO on facebook
As you already now we have our hobby friends linked up to the left navigation bar. There is another addition today. You won't believe me so you have to look what i found in my mailbox today - let me introduce to you the thoughest super glue on earth:
I will do a review and some glue tests with the ultimate Super glue in the next days and i keep you informed about the ultimate powers of the gorilla super glue and how to get it and how cheap it is and everything. Keep an eye out! It is unbelievable: Gorilla Powers compressed into a bottle of glue... unbelievable. Muchas Gracias to the great team behind this power - you may find Gorilla glue in Germany here!
More information about it soon!
Here goes the first song of the playlist, not really the first but the others you already might know... a pure Happy Painting song, chosen by Roman:
Jumpin Jive - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers
Here goes the second one, a little more stronger with a lot of power and beauty, chosen by Yvonne:
Anouk - Nobody's Wife
Next song was sent to us by Nick. Thanks a lot for showing us how important the time in little things is in our hobby, chosen by Robert for this addition:
OK go - This Too Shall pass - Rube Goldberg Machine Version
Raffa did chose this song and brings in some electronic bongo vibes:
Extrawelt - Drehfehler
Mati is all about positive vibrations and brings in one of the greatest:
Bob Marley - Positive Vibrations
That's it so far. The MASSIVE VOODOO Jungle Drums Playlist by all 5 Apes can be found here! You also find the Playlist from Roman and see its actualisation by switching to the Favorites in the upper navigation bar. May the muse be with you all!
Closing words
So far from this Weeks Jungle News. See you next wednesday on the same station - and please let me know via comment if you enjoyed reading this or if i am doing this for no sense at all...
Keep on happy painting!
representative Roman
As some of you might remember, there has been some changes on this blog about spam and news and music and all this stuff which sorrounds us - it will be focused in one posting every wednesday. We want to welcome you to the official Jungle News from your MASSIVE VOODOO crazy apes...
No01 of the Jungle News!
C'mon get the Big Band rolling in and take your time reading this, you will not be dissapointed. Let's get it started with some fine jungle music to have you introduced to the Jungle News with full force on your ears - while reading listen to this and take 2 bananas!
You'll find in this issue No01:
2. Jungle Drums (Music from all the apes in here)
3. Inspirational Links
4. Introducing other blogs
5. Kong Fu (whatever this is)
...sidiibbbaaabbbaaaddaaaaaaddddiiiiddiiibbaaaabbbbaaaaaadddaabbbbdabdi! Let's get it on... i hope the song is still playing :)
Show some balls!
Tonight at midnight (Pacific Standard Time) the ultimate ball competition ends. You are still able to participate, there are still some balls rolling in and it is up to you if yours will be with them in the end. Keep them rolling!
We will post all entries in the next days and will do our jury work over the weekend, so i guess next week we'll have the winners announced. Thanks to all who already participated, great to have so many funny and fantastic entries... you are really great!
Here is a countdown that shows you when the competition is over (you can listen to this song when you are still in a hurry about showing your balls, it really motivates!!):

Yeaha! Yeah! Yippie! I am very, very, very proud to announce to you that the MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR SHOP is now ready to recieve your orders.
The Apes in the jungle had been busy preparing everything and now is the right time, BUT before you order i would suggest to you that you wait until next monday/tuesday because at this time we will have another competition announced that has something to do with MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR, you won't be dissapointed, i promise you... relax and wait, but if you can't just drop your order.
You will find the MASSIVE VOODOO WEAR store in the upper navigation bar (Store) or simply click here if you are intrested.
MASSIVE VOODOO blog changes
There have been not many changes in the jungle, except an update of the Tutorial section with some fresh banners linking the latest painting and inspiration articles. Also we are planning to make the navigation in the article section easier for you ... not yet, but soon.We'll keep you updated.
What really could bring you tons of information about painting is Yvonne's latest Article on how to do Blendings - Part 1 - don't miss this.
We are also up to Facebook, without knowing the reason, but if you are there too maybe we could welcome you as a fan. You will get there some spam about the most important things sorrounding our little jungle:
MASSIVE VOODOO on facebook
As you already now we have our hobby friends linked up to the left navigation bar. There is another addition today. You won't believe me so you have to look what i found in my mailbox today - let me introduce to you the thoughest super glue on earth:
I will do a review and some glue tests with the ultimate Super glue in the next days and i keep you informed about the ultimate powers of the gorilla super glue and how to get it and how cheap it is and everything. Keep an eye out! It is unbelievable: Gorilla Powers compressed into a bottle of glue... unbelievable. Muchas Gracias to the great team behind this power - you may find Gorilla glue in Germany here!
More information about it soon!
2. Jungle Drums
The Apes did select some music to show you. First of all let me explain: You may find a link in the upper navigation bar which leads you to the Jungle Drums, a tropical place over at youtube where we collect the music that inspires us while painting. There will be a playlist from all 5 apes, which is starting today and one personal from Roman. You may see this better when clicking there.Here goes the first song of the playlist, not really the first but the others you already might know... a pure Happy Painting song, chosen by Roman:
Jumpin Jive - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers
Here goes the second one, a little more stronger with a lot of power and beauty, chosen by Yvonne:
Anouk - Nobody's Wife
Next song was sent to us by Nick. Thanks a lot for showing us how important the time in little things is in our hobby, chosen by Robert for this addition:
OK go - This Too Shall pass - Rube Goldberg Machine Version
Raffa did chose this song and brings in some electronic bongo vibes:
Extrawelt - Drehfehler
Mati is all about positive vibrations and brings in one of the greatest:
Bob Marley - Positive Vibrations
That's it so far. The MASSIVE VOODOO Jungle Drums Playlist by all 5 Apes can be found here! You also find the Playlist from Roman and see its actualisation by switching to the Favorites in the upper navigation bar. May the muse be with you all!
3. Inspirational Links
Sure we got some of them for you. Have a look if you got too much spare time and enjoy:
4. Introducing other blogs
Explaining our linked blogs this one is about. This time it is about "Little people - a tiny street art project". Really you got to check this out - i am sure you will fall in love with this pure perfection in every tiny detail. You can not go there without a smile on your face, i'll promise. For sure you find this one linked up to our blog list.5. Kong Fu (whatever this is)
Kong feels strange for some while now. Since some months really strange things happen to me. When i look at our digital watch on the kitchen radio it shows me very, very, very often on the display strange times like this:
and so on... i have no clue what this means? If anyone knows please help me via comment, i hope this is not some voodoo someone is playing at me.
So far from this Weeks Jungle News. See you next wednesday on the same station - and please let me know via comment if you enjoyed reading this or if i am doing this for no sense at all...
Keep on happy painting!
representative Roman
Next step to world supremacy! Planet of the Apes is getting reality ;)
Don't post here - you should work on your balls, man!!
Voodoo Wear is great :D
I almost sure will buy something in the next days :D:D
Yes Yes yoa! Already ordered my Hoody!
Regards Count
@Big Kong-a-Dong: Balls are done! And I'll post whenever and whereever I want *evillaughter*
@Nordgrot & count
Thanks for the great feedback :)
Ay, now that is pretty cool, that's the way i do too ... i am fine with that, BUT if you don't have an eye at the red countdown up there in the posting, which shows you how much time you still have i will sent Darth Kong after your Soul :)
@Big Go-Go-Rilla: You should check your Email-Account ;-)
Allright, Darth Kong will be dismissed again... lucky boy :)
@Roman: I`m not sure but probably it is 19:19 at your clock when you look at it, lol.
aaaaaargh the evil watch again!!!!!!! ^^
I wasnt sure if the Lei-Lei-Leichtmatrose even has balls .... to show ^^
Regards Count
The stringtangas are just....well.. HAHAHAhuhuhuhugh...*gaspingforair*. If I wear them I could definetlay challenge a Yokozuna haha, caus I look like a frigin sumowrestler then..
think I have to loose some more weight befor that "stringythingy bit of cloth" fits that junglebooksong when Baloo joins King Louie ;-)
massivevoodoo strings
I love it
Must get some for my gf and looking forward for the question "what the fuck is massive voodoo"
keep on rocking guys
@ Ringo : I am sure you will show her the "massive voodoo ^^ "
@ Lutz aaaaaaargh i wont imagen that. - Where is the Text gone?? ROFL!!!! ;)
hahaha... thanks for such great comments :)