Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin....

Heeeeeeeey everyone in the jungle!
This is the Jungle News No3! This time presented to you by Capuchin... Big Kong has some serious trouble with his electronic bongo jungle network machine... damn technology, no good for kong!
So he told me on the bananaphone i should feel like a capuchin in a kong costume and so i bring this weekly thingy to you!
Not very much has happened this week as we are all painting and sculpting like a bunch of insane monkeys.
But anyway, some news are still in the jungle waiting to be shouted out!

The prizes from the show some balls competition get sent out tommorow, so to the winners:
In a short time the cool prizes will be in your hands or in your stomach :)
The first prize will be brought to the winner in person, i'm looking forward to see you on the weekend Bloodmaster ;)
There are also some news regarding the next secret contest:
We announced the contest to be started soon and maybe this was a little too hasty.
The contest will be announced after the Duke of Bavaria meaning around the end of April or early May.
We still have to organize stunning prizes, arrange the rules and most important: Shooting teaser photos!
Let me say that the prizes will be really cool :)
After some initial problems everything runs smoothly now, so don't hold back with your order...
I know we announced you maybe should wait until we announce the contest, but i think it's safe to order now, haha.

We added 3 more products today, a colorful t-shirt for the bright monkeys, a new motive and ..... brakakakakaaaaaa a new 'workskirt'.
See them in the MVW shop.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have special wishes (colors etc).... just drop me a mail:
Oh and as we said in last weeks news, please send us pictures of you wearing this stuff (mail!).
We are currently working on a better solution of the tutorial section and i added a link to the special offer on the right .... not so much news here... oh and the header and menu has now adopted Ben into the monkey gang.
Don't miss his Introduction!
uhhhm every reader should have got this information but at the moment we have a special offer for you!

This week it'll get a bit complicated, normally every ape sends his music wish to Big Kong... i don't have a clue exept for mati so i give you a mix i chose for you... :P
First, Matis song is a real classic:
Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze
A really nice Piano piece fromYann Tiersen:
Yann Tiersen - La Chute
Here's a really cool artist whose live performance impresses me every time:
Dub FX 18/04/2009 'Flow' feat. Woodnote
This week i played God of War 3.... man this game is soooooooo EPIC..... the music is just as good as the game, check out this short piece:
God of War 3 Soundtrack: Gods, Titans, and Kratos
Ok, enough for this week, doing this all alone is somehow weird....

Hmmmm hard to post this stuff here, i save it on my harddrive if something inspires me...
An amazing art studio, check out this stuff!
Great artist, did much stuff for rackham you may know... great colors!
uhm ok, more i don't have at hand right now.... i want to go to bed hahahahahaha :D

One of my favorite blogs i regulary read is for sure Michael Fichtenmayer blog Fichtenfoo.
He has many GREAT tutorials on his site. It's especially interesting because it's not your usual miniature painting stuff. Lot of his stuff uses methods you maybe still don't know, be sure to check it out :)

Sometimes time can be a interesting thing. At the moment my head goes all around some projects i want to finish until the end of april.
At the moment everything goes up and down, it's hard to concentrate sometimes.
I can give you one small trick i often use while working on a miniature.
Turn off your Computer!!!
Believe me, this little trick can do the difference between concentrated work or checking some forums, e-mails and other almost useless stuff that costs a lot of time.
Put in your MP3 player or use your CD player to resist the urge to edit your winamp playlist or surf around on youtube.
Hmmmm, just try it out, helps me almost every time (damn you my stupid Playstation!) :)
So long, if i missed something, just write a comment!
I hope you have a nice week and wish you mucho fun in everything you do!
Happy Painting!

Heeeeeeeey everyone in the jungle!
This is the Jungle News No3! This time presented to you by Capuchin... Big Kong has some serious trouble with his electronic bongo jungle network machine... damn technology, no good for kong!
So he told me on the bananaphone i should feel like a capuchin in a kong costume and so i bring this weekly thingy to you!
Not very much has happened this week as we are all painting and sculpting like a bunch of insane monkeys.
But anyway, some news are still in the jungle waiting to be shouted out!

The prizes from the show some balls competition get sent out tommorow, so to the winners:
In a short time the cool prizes will be in your hands or in your stomach :)
The first prize will be brought to the winner in person, i'm looking forward to see you on the weekend Bloodmaster ;)
There are also some news regarding the next secret contest:
We announced the contest to be started soon and maybe this was a little too hasty.
The contest will be announced after the Duke of Bavaria meaning around the end of April or early May.
We still have to organize stunning prizes, arrange the rules and most important: Shooting teaser photos!
Let me say that the prizes will be really cool :)
After some initial problems everything runs smoothly now, so don't hold back with your order...
I know we announced you maybe should wait until we announce the contest, but i think it's safe to order now, haha.
See them in the MVW shop.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have special wishes (colors etc).... just drop me a mail:
Oh and as we said in last weeks news, please send us pictures of you wearing this stuff (mail!).
We are currently working on a better solution of the tutorial section and i added a link to the special offer on the right .... not so much news here... oh and the header and menu has now adopted Ben into the monkey gang.
Don't miss his Introduction!
uhhhm every reader should have got this information but at the moment we have a special offer for you!

This week it'll get a bit complicated, normally every ape sends his music wish to Big Kong... i don't have a clue exept for mati so i give you a mix i chose for you... :P
First, Matis song is a real classic:
Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze
A really nice Piano piece fromYann Tiersen:
Yann Tiersen - La Chute
Here's a really cool artist whose live performance impresses me every time:
Dub FX 18/04/2009 'Flow' feat. Woodnote
This week i played God of War 3.... man this game is soooooooo EPIC..... the music is just as good as the game, check out this short piece:
God of War 3 Soundtrack: Gods, Titans, and Kratos
Ok, enough for this week, doing this all alone is somehow weird....

Hmmmm hard to post this stuff here, i save it on my harddrive if something inspires me...
An amazing art studio, check out this stuff!
Great artist, did much stuff for rackham you may know... great colors!
uhm ok, more i don't have at hand right now.... i want to go to bed hahahahahaha :D

One of my favorite blogs i regulary read is for sure Michael Fichtenmayer blog Fichtenfoo.
He has many GREAT tutorials on his site. It's especially interesting because it's not your usual miniature painting stuff. Lot of his stuff uses methods you maybe still don't know, be sure to check it out :)

Sometimes time can be a interesting thing. At the moment my head goes all around some projects i want to finish until the end of april.
At the moment everything goes up and down, it's hard to concentrate sometimes.
I can give you one small trick i often use while working on a miniature.
Turn off your Computer!!!
Believe me, this little trick can do the difference between concentrated work or checking some forums, e-mails and other almost useless stuff that costs a lot of time.
Put in your MP3 player or use your CD player to resist the urge to edit your winamp playlist or surf around on youtube.
Hmmmm, just try it out, helps me almost every time (damn you my stupid Playstation!) :)
So long, if i missed something, just write a comment!
I hope you have a nice week and wish you mucho fun in everything you do!
Happy Painting!
Always thought the ending of the email-adress is "com" and not "net" as you mentioned somewhere in your post regarding the MV Wear... :D
Thanks for the banana. Corrected these three letters in the posting.
The kong-costume fits you very well. :)
uh uh ah ah uh uh uh ...
The new MVW motive is marvellous! Got to get me one of those shirts right now...
If you go on like this, all my clothes will have apes on them in some monts :D
Love my new hoodie :D
Alek aka Nordgrot
BOOOOOOOOOOM ! I wnat one o those color monkey shirts !
Just waiting for my ape costume...
Two shirts of coloured monkeys ordered recently :D
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it...