posted by mati/BADSMILE/Orang Utang
Hello jungle brothers !
Here comes a little review of the sculpting workshop we did in Augsburg this last weekend. After having my flight cancaled because of weather conditions I reached Augsburg on thursday, snowy Augsburg.
My monkey brothers were waiting for me with a big bunch of tasty bananas. Friday was the start of the workshop.

At first we had a little theoretical introduction into sculpting in general. We talked about techniques, anatomy, foldwork, equilibrium and this kind of stuff. Then the jungle visitors were introduced into the chosen theme for the weekend, ZOMBIEEEEES !

After that we started building the wire armature for our workshop mini and built up the basic volumes and let the green stuff set over night.

We started softly into the day by building a tool that would help us to sculpt fine details out of banana putty.

all the participant monkeys were following instructions from the workshop monkeys and at the end of the day everybody had a zombie wich just lacked a head.

Chapuchin and Chimp making "ape-kakadooodddoooo-handshake"... with a zombie in their hands - try this at home with some friends:

What was left to do was to sculpt out the arms and the head. We began a little later than we planed as everybody was wasted from saturday and first everybody had to get some food:

13 hours of non stop sculpting and unhealthy food can be pretty hard sometimes. Thanks to lots of energy drinks we were able to get all zombies finished on sunday.

Here are 2 closer views from DaTroll's and Gwinna's Workshop models, thanks for sharing them with us, cool stuff:
After that we had dinner at a nice mexican restaurant and everybody was happy with the result.
At last I'd like to thank everybody for having attended the workshop and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did. I had lots of fun and was proud of "my" students work.
All I can say is: Keep it on like that ! You were great students.

To everybody else: Thx for reading !
If you are intrested in some more pictures, follow these links:
more photos
much more photos
Hello jungle brothers !
Here comes a little review of the sculpting workshop we did in Augsburg this last weekend. After having my flight cancaled because of weather conditions I reached Augsburg on thursday, snowy Augsburg.
My monkey brothers were waiting for me with a big bunch of tasty bananas. Friday was the start of the workshop.
At first we had a little theoretical introduction into sculpting in general. We talked about techniques, anatomy, foldwork, equilibrium and this kind of stuff. Then the jungle visitors were introduced into the chosen theme for the weekend, ZOMBIEEEEES !

After that we started building the wire armature for our workshop mini and built up the basic volumes and let the green stuff set over night.
We started softly into the day by building a tool that would help us to sculpt fine details out of banana putty.

all the participant monkeys were following instructions from the workshop monkeys and at the end of the day everybody had a zombie wich just lacked a head.

Chapuchin and Chimp making "ape-kakadooodddoooo-handshake"... with a zombie in their hands - try this at home with some friends:
What was left to do was to sculpt out the arms and the head. We began a little later than we planed as everybody was wasted from saturday and first everybody had to get some food:
13 hours of non stop sculpting and unhealthy food can be pretty hard sometimes. Thanks to lots of energy drinks we were able to get all zombies finished on sunday.
Here are 2 closer views from DaTroll's and Gwinna's Workshop models, thanks for sharing them with us, cool stuff:
After that we had dinner at a nice mexican restaurant and everybody was happy with the result.
At last I'd like to thank everybody for having attended the workshop and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did. I had lots of fun and was proud of "my" students work.
All I can say is: Keep it on like that ! You were great students.
To everybody else: Thx for reading !
If you are intrested in some more pictures, follow these links:
more photos
much more photos
Looks like someone is adicted to some kind of energy drink *LOL*. Looks like ya zombiemonks had a lot of fun. Wished I could have come but due do work and weather that wish wouldn´t come true ;-( Maybe next time ughugh ;-))
Calm down everybody! Badsmile is not the missing brother of Mr. T. But he definitely needs a workshop promotion discount on Red Bull!
Hahaha the group picture is very cool. Badsmile ist starting to say : I dont get into a plane!
Regards Count /
Can't wait for the next workshop ;)
Was quite a lot of fun visiting all this funny guys working with the putty. Wishing there would have been more time for me to spend it with you all ;)
Looking foreward to June, when all the bullshit is done and I´ll have more time again for spending it on the hobby ;)
Keep on going!
Yep, you all look as tired as I supposed lol.
Wow... yeppa... this was a great week having you with us here in Bavaria mati? My pleasure to have you as a guest in the bavarian tropic snowy woods...
The workshop itself was really, really cool. I was hell of surprised what the 'pupils' managed to create in one weekend - great zombie stuff...
Thanks for the wonderful time to everyone, it was good to see la familia back in town and it also has been a great pleasure to get to know some new faces around...
Keep on bouncing!
It was such a great time.
You we're nice guests and nothing got destroyed in my appartement :D
You're welcome back any time, mati!
Slowly i get back into my normal day routine and i already start missing the great time.
I am back at home ! Hurray after train delays and alternative routes to the airport my monkey legs managed to run all across the airport and get me at time to my gate. Thx monkeylegs !
A big thx to my hosts Raffa and Romi for taking great care of me. Hope to meet you soon again.
A big THX to all the workshoppers too, you made the workshop what it was ! Keep on happy sculpting guys !
One last thing to say:
May the jungle be with you!
Good to know that you are safe again - thanks for the great news...
Hah! I found 2 more pics on my handy camera^^
but next time we will make a easy mini... perhaps a piece of rock or a a road sign ... :)
Thanks for this weekend. It was fun for me.
Wow! What a great weekend that was. Still hard for me to get into my daily routine not daydreaming of these fine days, meeting great people, having so much fun - a cow's skin lacks space. I'm bloody impressed by your fine art Mati. - Looking forward to meet you all again - soon.
Looks like a lot of fun was had. That's great. I was wondering where the venue was. Raffa, that is a very spacious workspace in your apartment! Where did you get all the work tables from?!? :0
Oh that's just a small room in the west wing of my land residence ;)
No the room shown on the photos is in a school we could rent because roman has good contacts there....