Posted by Mati/BADSMILE/Orang Utan
Bust before breakfast, day 4....sunday.
Today I bring you:
DEATH !!! About an hour again, it took me a while to upload the pic as I had breakfast later on at my parents. Sry for the bananaish foto quality but it still was pretty early.

Thx for taking a look, have a nice sunday !
Bust before breakfast, day 4....sunday.
Today I bring you:
DEATH !!! About an hour again, it took me a while to upload the pic as I had breakfast later on at my parents. Sry for the bananaish foto quality but it still was pretty early.
Thx for taking a look, have a nice sunday !
Ich frage mich warum der immer verhüllt dargesellt wird !?! Also Untuter Mönch... Cooler sculpt...
Woooottt? Can't understand you when you write in this krautisch language :)
Pretty cool, mati
real amazing....are the a chance to get some casts? its always amazing how fast you work!
Sorry, Next Time i will Not post in krautmode...
Sorry Troll, I don't think so, it's a quite rough sketch only so it is not really worth a cast. But I'll send you the bust if you ask me veeeery politely ;)
Coole one. Nice cape and crincles especially!
He almost looks likeable ;)
Saved as a reference pic for improving my skull sculpting skills :)
nice one Mati!