Painting Jams are our answers to frequently asked Questions (FAQs) that drop in to us - here you find all Painting Jams linked up for you to read. A Painting Jam will be held once in a month. If you have a question which big Kong can answer for you write to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com and title the mail with "Painting Jam - *your theme*" so i can organise myself a bit more.
I know it sounds stupid but i have to stop answering questions in all the forums i am active. This takes so much time for me it nearly destroyed my soul in several moments in my life. Write an email and there might be a good chance to see your question answered, please write in english...
Painting Jam 00 - FAQ
Metallics on Blood Angel Sanguinus Guard?
Painting Jam 00 - FAQ
Camera Model?
Painting Jam 00 - FAQ
Colour Scheme Question?
Painting Jam 01 - FAQ
Skaven Improvment?
Painting Jam 02 - FAQ
Blood Angels,
Source Lightning?
Painting Jam 03 - FAQ
blacks on Black Templar,
Painting Jam 04 - FAQ
painting technique?
Painting Jam 05 - FAQ
video tutorials,
painting technique,
Painting Jam 06 - FAQ
tips on a space marine,
join Massive Voodoo,
white ashen colour,
metals on Ancient Hero Maulg,
latest Work tips,
Vampire Skin, brushes?
Painting Jam 07 - FAQ
fine arrows,
dusty primer?
Painting Jam 08 - FAQ
black again,
space wolf?
Painting Jam 09 - FAQ
Varnish again,
Dark Angels Cybot?
Painting Jam 10 - FAQ
Necron used Metals,
white and black,
Vampires again,
Andrea Flesh Set?
Painting Jam 11 - FAQ
Fast gold recipe?
Painting Jam 12 - FAQ
Priming Question?
Painting Jam 13 - FAQ
Daylight Bulbs while Painting?
Stripping colours from a tank?
Painting Jam 14 - FAQ
Colours on Lelith Hesperax, Dark Eldar?
Painting Jam 15 - FAQ
Frog pop up colours, TM Gold, TM on Nimue
Painting Jam 16 - FAQ
Glazing? Crackle Medium? Space Wolf Colours?
Painting Jam 17 - FAQ
Hive Tyrant
Painting Jam 18 - FAQ
Improvment? Layering? Crixus Blue?
Tips on Space Marine? Priming - rough surface?
Painting Jam 19 - FAQ
Warpaint on Orcs, Mini in the dark,
Painting hair, Improvment tips on a model,
single model for improvment?
Painting Jam 20 - FAQ
A dressed stone ballustrade?
Painting Jam 21 - FAQ
Painting Motivation?
Painting Jam 22 - FAQ
Hirst Art Parts?
Leaves on High Elf Prince?
Painting Jam 23 - FAQ
Earth on a base - how to paint?
Airbrush for basic army painting?
Water Effect? Real Rust?
Painting Jam 24 - FAQ
Problems with Oil on Acrylic basis?
Feedback on a project?
Basing guidance?
Work on 15mm Figures?
Glow effects?
Painting Jam 25 - FAQ
Getting back to the Hobby after a while -
what to buy?
Fire, Wind, Water, Fog?
Painting Jam 26 - FAQ
Can you help Ivo with glazing?
Painting Jam 27 - FAQ
Weathering, Glazing and
Wet in Wet?
Painting Jam 28 - FAQ
Cleaning bad mouldlines on detail hair
Khemri colour scheme
Nurgle colour scheme
Blending green
fine metal textures
Painting Jam 29 - FAQ
Swamp Bases?
New Citadel Layering Colours?
Painting Jam 30 - FAQ
How much time does a mini take?
Airbrush use?
Base inspiration?
Painting Jam 31 - FAQ
Athmospheric sculpting?
Painting Jam 32 - FAQ
Contrasts on a base?
The way of the Miniature Painter?
Competition Painting and Renomee as a comission painter?
Painting Jam 33 - FAQ
Power Ranger Miniatures?
Wet Palette Problems?
Miniature Decisions?
Painting Jam 34 - FAQ
How to paint tourquoise cloth?
Miniature Shows?
Show Preparation?
Painting Jam 35 - FAQ
Progress on tourqouise cloth
Advice on Dayglow colors and OSL
Do we varnish our models?
Painting Jam 36 - FAQ
To be continued...
Want to sent the big answer machine a cup of coffee?
When is painting jam 28 comming out?
The schedule says Thursday, April 4th ...
Sounds great!
Already looking forward to it!
try this for a different skin tone if you have not done so already: burnt sienna(5 parts), viridian hue(+/-2 parts)(viridian hue is much cheaper than viridian tint or paint), enough white suddenly make a skin tone appear. this is a good shade for indoor-type people.
(not my discovery, just passing it along.)