posted by: Mati aka Orang Utan/Badsmile
Hello friends of the jungle, it's been more than a long time that I posted some pictures here.
Today I bring you the pangalactic peg legged pirate pig I did for Troll Forged Minis. I don't know the final name it will have so I named it after what it is...
I am very sorry for the poor photo quality, there hopefully will be some better pictures as soon as he has been cast.

I hope you like him, thx for taking a look !
Hello friends of the jungle, it's been more than a long time that I posted some pictures here.
Today I bring you the pangalactic peg legged pirate pig I did for Troll Forged Minis. I don't know the final name it will have so I named it after what it is...
I am very sorry for the poor photo quality, there hopefully will be some better pictures as soon as he has been cast.
I hope you like him, thx for taking a look !
:O great stuff mati, nice pose and great detail work all around.
Porco Rosso <3 nur ohne Schnurrbart
This pig lives in awesomecountry with a working awesomeocracy!!!!
Really a superb sculpt!
Haha, you just like the Kukri ;)
"Schweine im Weltall" (PIGS IN SPACE) where is Miss Piggy... Already said that I love that pigman...
Very nice, very detailed, very piggy ;)
Crazy Pig *g* Great work!
great work Mati! :@)
OINK OINK ;-) *Thumbs up* damn where could I use such a nice modell...
Oi! Awesome sculpt. And yeah I was a fan of Porco Rosso too, so it is double great ^^
Oink, oink... great sculpt and so damn detailed... wow! Love your work, monkey brother!