Ok, Purity Seals have been glazed several times (4~5) with Graveyard Earth, moving slowly darker in the later glazes with a tip of Dark Angels Green + Chaos Black (really small)... I want to show you how i use the brush here. Not with the Tip of it, i paint the glaze on it while moving the brush over it with the side, pulling the colour carefully from one place to the other... to colorize the bright underground i did set before - i mostly paint like this and mostly everything with this brush seize:
The bright eye, you remember pure white there was glazed with a mix of goblin green + ice blue + tip of white, very thin, several times...while a bit of dark angels green was brought in for the lower part of the eye... looked like this on my wetpalette:
The metal parts have been set with a dark metal tone of Vallejos Oily steel 70865 + a tip of Chaos black. The Skulls and boneparts in the end have been highlighted with a tip of Codex Grey in Dark Flesh. More to come here soon, very subtile.
The red wax dots of the Purity Seals have been darkened with a mix of Scab Red + a tip of chaos black, also did use this mix for some more intensed shadows on the red armour parts.
The white 'honour snake' thing there has been darkened a bit with of the Purity Seals Mix of graveyard earth and the tips of dark angels green and chaos black. Really thinned, just to get a bit more definition in there. The next steps will be cleaning up the mess and work more in the lights and shadows... here he is in the acutal state of Progress:
So far from the BASH. After the chaotic base of Cain and Abel did provocate some minds in some forums, what really isn't a problem, really everyone has the right for his oppinion and i know my bases are sometimes on a thin line of really weirdo and highly strange i have decided to show you another strange WIP which waits for the muse - it will be painted to a very nice australian painter guy for an miniature exchange someday... that base is really weirdo, haha (as far as i can remember i have used an old MiniDisc Player, broken apart and used several parts in there for it and much more, ay, ay)... Toxic Girl by Fatal Personality, a great sculpt i totally adore:
I hope you like my vision i had for her... someday she will be painted to finish for sure... When the muse will come to carry my soul through this chaos on this base, haha...
Happy Painting again and again... if you can don't stop :)
PS: Whoho! I found those cool Fallout 3 Models, mostly scratchbuild - have a look:
PPS: I did try to take a shot of Cain and Abel in my cabinet, with lightning but it ain't very well too, so it might be up to you to find out how they look in real somewhere in between my photo experiments:
The new "Space Hulk" Terminator looks very good with your color palette. This WIP is very useful to me, specially to paint my Black Templar Chaplain.
The terrain of your "Cain and Abel" scene is awesome! I think that chaotic scheme that we can see on this terrain is very good to disconcert the viewer, to break the symmetry and make a terrain with movement.
The Toxic Girl rules!!!
I'm learning a lot with your painting style. I think I must get a new scheme to my miniatures and dioramas, with more light.
Thanks a lot for post all your works, Robert and Roman!
Jose (Connann).
Ey, Jose - I really had to laugh in myself when YOU say that you learn from me, haha - you are doing such great stuff over on your workbench so i guess it is more a giving to eachother... in my eyes that is what Happy Painting all about! So ... you know what should stand here - Rock on! Really looking forward to your next steps on the Chaplain! Thanks for sharing your thoughts over here...