another bongo call from the great Steiermark in Austria. Happy Painting with friends in all its glory... i am getting forward step by step, finished 4 Models from the german tabletop "Götterdämmerung"- just a quick photo from the workbench before they have been sent:
I have finished the first bust here too as a gift for a friend and i hope he likes it...
Gladiator, Young Miniatures, 1:10
Taking pictures is still a mess with me and so i also got ashot of him standing around on the table:
Funny things did happen to him:
I would like to call this Project "Butcher Pete" but i thought this might sound stupid, so it is just a gladiator. He will get a better looking socket when i arrive home next week.
Ay, ay... i should get way more sleep here... :) ---> but painting sessions with Robert are equal to two musician friends sitting around and jam accoustic guitar together, somehow, ney, bla bla... Hope you like him! He is also up to CMON: Butcher Pete on CMON
So far from the table in Graz, painting jam going on here so i will not to a lot blabla this time... Hope you enjoy!
Keep on happy painting!
genial , estupenda, me gusta mucho como has pintado ese busto.
as i already said : very nice and a touch of more realistic what i think is essentiell for busts.