... i really would like to be able to type in letters while painting only with the strength of my mind - that would be so cool, i guess i am going to wish for this power for christmas...
Again something is finished - as i really fell in love with this bust from JMD and by the fact i have ordered 2 to sent the other one to a Robert, i have decided to ask him if he allows me to paint it too... weirdo style and he said "Yes!" - thanks my friend ;)
Gaia 2.0 - JMD Miniatures
A picture of the Gaia Sisters:
Both are up to CMOn, so if you got some spare time:
I also did a shot in the cabinet with lightning, because i have been asked about seize comparison of the busts:
The upcoming days will be a bit more quiet around my workbench... tasks are bringing up the BASH Tutorial and write another one and write some mails finally... but all with time in the backpack... easy... preparing a tutorial about cleaning a miniature before painting it when it is born out from the box like this one...
Read you soon!
And never stop Habby Bainting ... bongo, bongo :)
"Your time has come, Arkvenger!"
I champ at the bit!
The gaias are realy cool - especially the last one with this "little" world in her tentacle! Awesome colourful wahses - i love her.
Aaaah the arcvenger box muhahhahaaa thats how it looks like okayyy looking forward.