As the competition rules say, only the normal base i am planning to make it rusty for the moment - after the comp i will add a bit more to the base ;) - rusty, ok? What is best to do rust? I often start with real rust pigments, which i get from Steel wool, laid down i a small 'container' with water for some days. The Steel wool fades away while the water vaporizes and left stays rust. At this point i want to thank Picster who got that crazy idea some months ago - it works really... you can also get these pigments from anything rusty, just choke them down and stomp them small. Everytime you hit them with water they will work to their own new look, haha. So far this is how this 'container' looks at mine:
I next put my attention on the Purity Seals, which i basecoated with 2~3 Layers of Rotting Flesh.
The main attention following went on the black armour parts where i put a bit of Bleached Bone into the base mix of Chaos Black with a tip of Ice blue, to set some more highlights on the miniature. On the red parts i did the same with a bit of Tanned Flesh given to Red Gore, but that is not really available to see - more to come on this point later on...
The Genestealer rests have been painted with a basecoat of Chaos Black +Regal Blue + Dark Angels Green and have been highlighted wet in wet with adding some grey and as far as i can remember a bit of Bleached Bone. His teeth got painted with Dark Flesh.
The stormbolter was painted in chaos black + ice blue, which i still got on my wet palette.
Now, think, Roman think... uhm japp - a tip of white has been set in the Rotting flesh to highlight the Purity Seals a bit. Pure white was set in his intact eye. Pure white was used to paint those belt/stripes honour things he got hanging around there. The latest black mix was used brighter on the edges by adding a tip of pure white. The red things from the Purity Seals have been done with a basecoat of Red Gore.
The Genestealer's teeth have been highlighted with a tip of white. The whole Genestealer rest has been washed with 510 Gloss Varnish from Model Colour with a tip of Chaos Black in it - also added water.
The Crux Terminatus has been basecoated with pure white and was washed with Badab Black. Also every blood drops and later gems have been basecoated with pure black.
Looks all a bit weird at the moment but time for detail will be later on - i next will go up on highlighting the reds and make 'em a bit cleaner... Slowly eats the squirrel ;) - Read you soon!
Let's see what the muse brings up tonight... Keep on happy painting all around!
PS: Ah ya, i have switched the wooden socket, because there will be added some more stuff after the comp.
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