The model is Brother Goriel from the Blood Angels, mine is Brother Dariel from the Chapter of the Angel Sanguine - these are the pictures i have entered in the contest, where already pretty cool stuff is in - i wish good luck to every painter and a chilled time to the jury, great to see so much happy painting in one place!
There are still some areas i want to work at, but somehow without a base around it makes only half fun - so i'll bring up a Space Hulk Base around him to get some more athmosphere pressed out of this like destroying banana.
The Tutorial of the BASH will be finished soon, when the miniature is completly finished. I did take notice and took pictures as i can remember ;)
Also i have taken a photo of my actual cabinet which always fills and empties like a nomad soul but always with room for new ideas... the shot was taken with lightning from the camera:
Mmh... nothing more at the moment... searching my brain but no words will come out... so Happy Painting!
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