Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....
Hey everyone!
Finally it's done, the fiiiiiiiiiiiiiirst tutorial video on youtube :)
This first video is about basic weathering techniques you can use for miniatures, tanks and dioramas.
There are also some other techniques such as my favorite blending technique..... watch the video, even if you don't own an airbrush ;)
In the video you will (hopefully) learn something about weathering, i do some stuff with my airbrush but it's interesting for "brush-only" painters, too! :)
Techniques i'll show:
- basic airbrushing
- weathering with salt and hairspray
- improve your chipping paint style
- using oils for weathering
- and some more stuff
At the moment it is "german blabla" only, but i will make some translation audio as soon as i can :)
I hope you will like it :)
PS: Oh and if you like the video you can use the donate button so that we have the power and motivation to make some more ;)
PPS: If you have suggestions for future videos, just post them, we will see what we can do!
Hey everyone!
Finally it's done, the fiiiiiiiiiiiiiirst tutorial video on youtube :)
This first video is about basic weathering techniques you can use for miniatures, tanks and dioramas.
There are also some other techniques such as my favorite blending technique..... watch the video, even if you don't own an airbrush ;)
In the video you will (hopefully) learn something about weathering, i do some stuff with my airbrush but it's interesting for "brush-only" painters, too! :)
Techniques i'll show:
- basic airbrushing
- weathering with salt and hairspray
- improve your chipping paint style
- using oils for weathering
- and some more stuff
At the moment it is "german blabla" only, but i will make some translation audio as soon as i can :)
I hope you will like it :)
PS: Oh and if you like the video you can use the donate button so that we have the power and motivation to make some more ;)
PPS: If you have suggestions for future videos, just post them, we will see what we can do!
It looks promising. If only I could speak german...
Very nice video tutorial!
I almost spilled a mouthful of tea over my keyboard when Raffa said "...I am using the toothbrush here, because I had it lying around here for my nose..."
For your nose? Geez, I hope you are not referring to some advanced weathering secrets, are you? ;)
Hahahaha! :D
awesome ! im wathching the videos !
Nice one!
Very well done, and I like those little "accidents" during filming.
Thanks for sharing....
PS: Ever thought of using oils for the light edges on the chippings? Try it ... :)
Really really cool, very clearly explained and excellent picture quality! Thanks a lot for the effort!
But you've increased my urge to buy an airbrush....argh, so expensive... maybe someday in the future.
very authentic!
Does any pious soul want to add english subtitles or at least some kind of summary of what the video shows?
For us who doesn't speak german is a liiiiiitle bit difficult to guess ;)
There will be an english version soon, promised...
Nice, very nice. I found it good that the language is german ;-)
The english version will be a great addition but with visual art you don't need load of words...Thanks and yes it is a great initiative to be followed
Nice, thanks !
Very very nice!
....and very inspiring. thanks for sharing and for the effort.
Wunderschönes Tutorial, vielen vielen dank dafür Raffa! Endlich mal richtig was gelernt, und das sogar umsonst :]. Ich weiß ja wo der Spendenknopf ist. Ich würde mich weiterhin über deutschsprachige Tutorials freuen da mein Englisch leider nicht das beste ist :/.
"Did i have to get that old to learn so much in such a short time?"
Seriously. A fantastic video. In all aspects! on MassiveVoodooTV: How to make a Slayer-Sword mini :D
Awesome stuff.
II don't understand a german word and my english is not very good, but I can say that the video shows clearly all the process and that it's very well done with a good image quallity.
Congrats and thanks for the effort!!
I will try everything soon!!
That is really awesome. Now I have a ton of techniques to try with my new airbrush :). From my point of view, your personal, individual style in this video makes it even better. Fantastic work.
Cheers, Alex
Great tutorial. Got one question though, is it possible to substitute applying paint and varnish with aerograph with some other technique?
Who is biting of his finger nails? :P
Very n1 tut, im so glad i am german so i can understand everything :D
I think u have improved my skills alot with this vid, thank u Raffa/Picster :)
Thanks both for the videos and for your site which is a great source of inspiration.
Too bad i didn't take German as second language, guess i'll have to wait a bit to get all subtlety behind the techniques.
Banana kudos anyway.
Das Videotutorial ist einfach klasse!
Echt unglaublich wieviel man in ein paar Minuten dazulernen kann. Auch wenn mir die ganzen schriftlichen Tutorials natürlich auch super gefallen, ist ein Tutorial in Videoform, insbesondere um verschiedene Techniken in praktischer Form an den Mann zu bringen, um einiges hilfreicher. Stehen denn noch mehr Videotutorials in Planung?
Ich und wahrscheinlich alle Hobbyisten, die noch nicht professionell malen, würden sich mit Sicherheit sehr freuen eine Mini von A-Z im Videotutorial mit allen grundlegen Techniken, bemalt zu sehen. Wäre das möglich?
Ein treuer Fan der Junglecrew ;)
Sehr interessante Techniken!
Mir gefällt der authentische Stil und die sympathische Art, wie Du mit kleineren "Fehlern" umgehst :)
..nun muss ich Haarspray kaufen gehen!
Also ich bin echt beeindruckt, und würde mich sehr über weitere Tuts freuen. Besonders die Technik mit dem Wetblending auf einer Mini wäre echt interessant.
Looks awesome, can't wait for the english version. my airbrush is ready!
Cheers for the hard work!
Thank you so much! Even though I dont speak German I still learned a lot. Cant wait for the next one.
Ist in Videoform und Deutsch nochmal was ganz anderes.
Ich denke eine ganze bemalte Mini in Videoform würde etwas den Rahmen sprengen. Klar, sie malen schneller als Ottonormalvcerbraucher wie ich, aber die Viods würden wohl die eine oder andere Stunde dauern. Ein Wetblending-Tut auf Mini wäre aber wirklich schön :)
Hey crazy banana lovers!
Very nice Tut......Hope we see us soon......
I´ll use it on your Typhus......
paint your world
Finally !
That really is one of the best weathering tutorials available on the net.
Thy Raffa for the given explanations, as always you guys are a dwell of inspiration to me, would love to see Roman's slap-paint-on-the-mini-and-while-its-still-wet-lay-a-path-for-your-lights technic...
Cheers !
nice videos! good to see you occasionally check the focus to get a good shot.
Vielen Dank für das deutsche Blabla. Das ist doch echt mal ne Marktlücke und englische Untertitel sind doch für internationale Zuschauer sicherlich machbar, oder?
Gaaaanz großes Bordkino Raffa ;-) Merci dafür ;-*
Hallo und ein riesengroßes Dankeschön für dieses Tutorial! Ich hätte eine Idee für den hier schon mehrfach genannten Wunsch nach einer komplett bemalten Miniatur von Anfang bis Ende. Und zwar könnte man ja jedem step eine Episode widmen und es so über einen längeren Zeitraum laufen lassen.
Das würde es für euch weniger stressig und für ums spannender machen. ;-)
Ansonsten echt Klasse denn ein Video sagt noch 10x mehr als geschriebene Tutorials, seien sie auch noch so gut. :)
Lg Solmar
Raffa, I want u to know that I wanna have sex with you in a total non homoerotic way... x)
Du geile Sau, danke für das Video, das ist groooßartig.
This is so much better than all the similar videos on YouTube together. Thank you so much for this!
Idea for future videos: blending, general highlighting, shading techniques. I simply want to see how you guys do this.
koenntest Du verraten was fuer einen Kompressor du benutzt?
Vermutlich einen ohne Lufttank, ich höre den Kompressor auf jeden Fall sobald Raffa die Airbrush benutzt, von der Lautstärke könnte es sogar meiner sein ^^. Vielleicht den kleinen von Güde?
So, extra auf Deutsch.. ich würde aber wirklich darum bitten dass es hier ab jetzt wieder english ist da wir viel internationales Publikum haben:
Beim Airbrush Studio München:
Kompressor Effect-Color Module-Air mit Druckregler, Wasserabscheider u. Drucktank
Luftleistung: 23Liter / Minute
Artikelnummer: 5727
Thanks a lot for that tutorial, it is just stunning. If you see someone do such extrem good looking effects with such minimum affort, you ask yourself "Why havn't i done that before?".
great! i'm loving it! the very best tut i've ever seen about weathering! and the best thing is, it is in my motherlanguege, yeah! Think there are enough english tut out there! but subtitles for the non-german-speaking-guys is a good idea.
weiter so!
great tutorial! I would love to see you doing gogles, glas and crystal stones! They look very nice in your way.
Great tutorial. I already tried a few parts and I love it! Thanks!
Thanks for the specific airbrush data. But since the tutorial is German, I though a German question would be appropriate ;)
Keep up the good work
Very nice to see how easy it can be.
thanks for this tutorial!