by Roman aka jar
Welcome to the Tutorial Section of MASSIVE VOODOO...
Please take a minute to read the introduction for this area so you can have a good time in here.
You may find tons of Articles about Miniature Painting, Sculpting and maybe other important hobby stuff in here written by the apes. They are arranged in categories to provide a simple navigation - for the categories we have used big banners, below them you find the articles. Those articles are linked via a banner that gives you a preview on what is behind it. Simply click the banner to get to the article you want to read. Important: We are working on translation of the articles to tender them in different languages. You will see a country flag in the article banner, if the article is already translated. Simply click the banner and choose your language afterwards. If you got some questions about something written in one of the articles simply post them via comment below the article. As soon we find the time we try to answer it.
I want to thank those great people who help us with the translation work - if you miss your language in here and want to help us, please feel free to contact Roman!
If you like what you can find here we would be happy about any kind of support!

Here you find some basic thoughts about how to start with a miniature, how to work with different materials and ideas that can make your hobby even more joyful. You know Miniature Painting is like a muscle, it has to be trained to increase Volume. A pyramid is built from a good foundation, always remember that.

A base is an important addition to a miniature, wheter it is small or big it always will help to tell a story around the miniature itself. Gaming bases, bigger display base to massive diorama bases, everything needs attention and with a moment of time you can make great details to base. Here you find thoughts on how to do start with a base to what material you can use in the end.


Basing with natural leaves
Base Finish

Thoughts on warm/cold colours



Making a photo of your painted miniatures isn't the most important thing. Somehow for showing them around it is needed as we are not much painters on this planet we have to spread the word and share our little friends in public. Here you may find the jungle way of taking photos...

Please take a minute to read the introduction for this area so you can have a good time in here.
You may find tons of Articles about Miniature Painting, Sculpting and maybe other important hobby stuff in here written by the apes. They are arranged in categories to provide a simple navigation - for the categories we have used big banners, below them you find the articles. Those articles are linked via a banner that gives you a preview on what is behind it. Simply click the banner to get to the article you want to read. Important: We are working on translation of the articles to tender them in different languages. You will see a country flag in the article banner, if the article is already translated. Simply click the banner and choose your language afterwards. If you got some questions about something written in one of the articles simply post them via comment below the article. As soon we find the time we try to answer it.
I want to thank those great people who help us with the translation work - if you miss your language in here and want to help us, please feel free to contact Roman!
If you like what you can find here we would be happy about any kind of support!

Here you find some basic thoughts about how to start with a miniature, how to work with different materials and ideas that can make your hobby even more joyful. You know Miniature Painting is like a muscle, it has to be trained to increase Volume. A pyramid is built from a good foundation, always remember that.

A base is an important addition to a miniature, wheter it is small or big it always will help to tell a story around the miniature itself. Gaming bases, bigger display base to massive diorama bases, everything needs attention and with a moment of time you can make great details to base. Here you find thoughts on how to do start with a base to what material you can use in the end.
Basing with natural leaves
Base Finish
Some addition in experimental form and tryouts always keeps your brain learning... sure not everything brings a wanted result, but you know the MacGyver guy and to achieve his level there has to be passion...
Theory is essential, but not the key to everything. Whatever, the MASSIVE VOODOO jungle brothers try to bring you the perfect mix... enjoy:
Thoughts on warm/cold colours
Painting is the most important thing, maybe or maybe not - who knows, but for sure it is something beautiful and it is all about the fun you will enjoy while swinging your brush ...
Step by Step Articles you may find beneath this banner. Let the muse dance - i hope they show a bit of the process all in all and the thoughts made or forgotten...
You know the stuff only the real freaks manage to learn... may this soon help us all, i mean us the people with two left hands...
Making a photo of your painted miniatures isn't the most important thing. Somehow for showing them around it is needed as we are not much painters on this planet we have to spread the word and share our little friends in public. Here you may find the jungle way of taking photos...
Inspiration can be everywhere...
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