Hello all!
After Oli already introduced himself I don't want to stay behind:
My name is Max, I'm 28 years old now, feeling something between ten and 40 years, living in the very north of Germany and - as you would never have expected - I paint miniatures.
That's already the most important about me... What else to say? Well, the miniatures I'm painting are growing bigger each year. I restarted two years ago after having left the hobby for more than ten years with some 28mm, GW and Rackham, went on to 54mm, up to 75mm, busts and meanwhile my first 90mm miniature is awaiting its painting. I really like historical subjects, but I would never want to miss painting fantasy figures as well. It's a good addition, especially to free your mind and let paint just flow as it wants to. It should always be fun, which brings you to your painting desk. The results speak for themselves usually.
I was very suprised when Roman asked me to be a part (a small one) of this blog, being a little monkey in his big and overwhelming jungle. I hesitated a while, not knowing if I could be a equal part of this gang. Got to say, I don't know yet, but I will do my very best :D
My latest works have already been shown here, but I like to recall them to your mind ;-)

I was more than happy winning a silver medal in Master Painting at this years Duke of Bavaria with these two. It was a great surprise to me, because I didn't expect such a high mention.
Unfortunately I could'nt find any pictures of some older miniatures of mine to show you. They at least would have been of much worse quality than those up there Raffa took for me (Gratitude, Raffiatus ;-) ).
When painting isn't a friend of mine, those days you'd rather brake your brushes, smash the fig and curse your colours, I try to sculpt a little. Mostly I'm doing busts, unfortunately haven't finished one. But you should try sculpting as well. It's really fun and your opportunities in this hobby grow.
So far from me for today. Can't tell when you will read from me here next time, but I know there will be others to take place for that.
Only one thing left to say: Keep on happy painting!
With best regards
Max aka The Maxican formerly known as Leichtmatrose
After Oli already introduced himself I don't want to stay behind:
My name is Max, I'm 28 years old now, feeling something between ten and 40 years, living in the very north of Germany and - as you would never have expected - I paint miniatures.
That's already the most important about me... What else to say? Well, the miniatures I'm painting are growing bigger each year. I restarted two years ago after having left the hobby for more than ten years with some 28mm, GW and Rackham, went on to 54mm, up to 75mm, busts and meanwhile my first 90mm miniature is awaiting its painting. I really like historical subjects, but I would never want to miss painting fantasy figures as well. It's a good addition, especially to free your mind and let paint just flow as it wants to. It should always be fun, which brings you to your painting desk. The results speak for themselves usually.
I was very suprised when Roman asked me to be a part (a small one) of this blog, being a little monkey in his big and overwhelming jungle. I hesitated a while, not knowing if I could be a equal part of this gang. Got to say, I don't know yet, but I will do my very best :D
My latest works have already been shown here, but I like to recall them to your mind ;-)
I was more than happy winning a silver medal in Master Painting at this years Duke of Bavaria with these two. It was a great surprise to me, because I didn't expect such a high mention.
Unfortunately I could'nt find any pictures of some older miniatures of mine to show you. They at least would have been of much worse quality than those up there Raffa took for me (Gratitude, Raffiatus ;-) ).
When painting isn't a friend of mine, those days you'd rather brake your brushes, smash the fig and curse your colours, I try to sculpt a little. Mostly I'm doing busts, unfortunately haven't finished one. But you should try sculpting as well. It's really fun and your opportunities in this hobby grow.
So far from me for today. Can't tell when you will read from me here next time, but I know there will be others to take place for that.
Only one thing left to say: Keep on happy painting!
With best regards
Max aka The Maxican formerly known as Leichtmatrose
Maxiatus, my beloved brother in honour and glory in the fight with the brush and colours, feel welcomed in the gang i would rather call Mind Freedom Painters then crazy Ape gang... it is an honour for me to have you here with us, you are a northern warrior, not the greatest of your kind, but close to it :)
Feel hugged :)
Hey Max, nice to see that you also get Part of the apes......
Your feeling for Colours and all this little hints you know are always welcome.
Regards Count
I really like your african, particularly the mottled skin effect on his shield.
Hey Max you old bone, lol. If I read your introduction I could think you would be a nice person, lol. I`m just kidding :-) Max is one of my very closest brother in brushes so welcome Maxi Baby, lol. He needs this, believe me ;-)
Very nice work Max and welcome to the jungle. I look forward to seeing much more from you. ~Jim J.
"...Not too obvious, but, not too secret, either. So, I'm sitting there, and in walks the biggest Maxican I have ever seen. Big as shit. Just walks right in like he owns the place. Now, nobody knew quite what to make of him, or quite what to think. There he was and in he walked. He was dark, too. I don't mean dark-skinned. No, this was different. It was as if he was always walking in a shadow. I mean every step he took towards the light, just when you thought his face was about to be revealed, it wasn't. It was as if the lights dimmed, just for him...."
hehehe Big as shit!!.. welcome home
Hello Max
Great to see you as a member of the ape gang. Now i´m looking forward to see much more great works here in the jungle. the colours will flowing like water in rain time..
Max, I'm happy you are here!
May this jungle always inspire you to realize whatever dark, crazy, vicious or humorous fantasy project rumbles in your head and wants to be released.
Looking forward to our next painting session. :o)
Greets, Bine
Hi Bine, if you click on "Comment as" you can choose "Name/url" and then you can write your name or nick.
Cheers Yvonne
Welcome monkeybrother ! Judge Ape is in da house baby !!!
thanks for this useful hint.
The anonymous time comes to an end at last. ;o)
Hey folks,
thanks a lot for your warm welcome! Feels something like home...
Hey Max,
you got some really nice Minis here. We want to see more ;P