posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Raffa got some new macro camera stuff and he really is a big, big help in my big, big world when it comes to so many things. He helped me out again taking some new photos of my latest models, finally better photos of the Butterfly diorama, my heart can now stop bleeding, there is a painted butterfly on it and i finally can show it a bit closer, haha...
Also Crixus can be seen in a detail shot according a better view on his face:
And a better detail shot of the little boy, standing calm in the "Soul Guardian", you now also can see a bit more of the demon skin:
I hope you like these better photos. I am really happy about them and big Kong hug goes to Chapuchin :)
Keep on happy painting!
Raffa got some new macro camera stuff and he really is a big, big help in my big, big world when it comes to so many things. He helped me out again taking some new photos of my latest models, finally better photos of the Butterfly diorama, my heart can now stop bleeding, there is a painted butterfly on it and i finally can show it a bit closer, haha...
Also Crixus can be seen in a detail shot according a better view on his face:
And a better detail shot of the little boy, standing calm in the "Soul Guardian", you now also can see a bit more of the demon skin:
I hope you like these better photos. I am really happy about them and big Kong hug goes to Chapuchin :)
Keep on happy painting!
It looks like Crixus has seen some pretty heavy fighting.
Love the butterfly :)
Love soul guardian, it looks even better now that you can see the detail on his legs and the scars so clearly
very cool Pics - i got really probs at the moment with this whole photothing
Regards Count
the photo stuff is a really big problem, that's right. idiot that i am, i finally found the right settings on my camera, only to forget to write 'em down and now my pics look crappy again. Still, good to know, that the camera has the potential to do good photos.:)
on a different note: that guardian is bitchin' hot, roman. already said so on CMON, f'ing amazing piece.
cheers you guys,
As someone who visits the blog merely to gawk at amazing paint jobs (mostly because of my own terrible lack of skills), I have to say that these are amazing pictures. The focus on the foreground in the second picture is so epically cinematic - congrats on the new hardware!
Got to say one thing:
Brilliant! Those detail shots really show the quality of your work. Especcially the Soul Guardian, to be exact: The boy beneath the demon, looks so much better on this pic. The texture, the atmosphere, the colours, they're all amazing to me.
Super works here. As the others said, the Soul Guardian and the boy are awesome. So nice textures on the cloths and on the demons' skin.
Also the colours fits so well. I love the blue eyes ;)
I for one would love to see a tutorial on how you did the Crimson Fist Termi.
Love all that battle damage!