posted from Oli, HonourGuard, silver leaf
I finished this mini yesterday, but I feel like there is something missing. The main problem is the paper, I think the text don't fits to the mini and the base. I am not sure about the idea of the red water, but thought this would stand to a good contrast to the blue skin of Tulu.
Maybe one of you have a good idea, what else I could write on it, and maybe I should change the form of the paper??
Let me know what you think. Thanks for your answers.
Best regards
I like the red water... what detracts my attention a lot is the black colour on the side, between the socket and the base... maybe a complete black socket would have worked better for the overall view... mmh... painting is again wonderful, i love the tourquise on the shovel a lot... nice paintjob, roman got no idea about the text at the moment, sry :)
a really nice paintjob :) like the red water too... an alternative to the paper would be a marker (Schild) made out of plasticcard... possibly post-apocalyptic fallout-style?
The second version of the marker is much better in my gorilla eyes...
yeah... now it´s perfect :)
Thank you guys, especially I thank you, Baphomet the idea was really great. Now I like him ;)
Sorry that I write this so late, had not much time before.. ;)
I like the contrast in colour and the toxic area base. Painting looks good too. Good job :-)