We were super duper happy to introduce out brand new Workshop Concept, too: Different to simply handing out Sprues of Miniatures and Base Material that each Participant has to Assemble according to his / her Knowledge we had the Goal to Work on a Common" Something", a Bigger Idea and Product that should only be possible with the Help of every Participant... Like a Giant Steampunk Puzzle, according to our Painting Philosophy this seemed very true to the very nature of the Painting Class we wanted to have... We don´t see us as Mavericks trying to paint for ourselves but as a Creative Swarm, a Team of Painters led by the dim, flickering Light of their two Monkey Teachers (that´s us, Ben and me, hahaha...:D...)... There is no Weakest link, because everyone is Working equally hard on creating the Final Product: An Authentic and Fully Detailed Victorian Steampunk Street...!...
Sometimes people are simply up for having a Great time, Happily Painting whole Nights, causing a lot of mischief, getting drunk, undressing, taking pictures and getting up late, etc., but sometimes they are very focused, even shy, eagerly listening to what we tell them, writing everything down and so on...
Saturday is also the Day when you get to the Breaking Point: People getting frustrated about not being able to recreate the Techniques we showed them with the ease and speed (surprise, surprise...^-^...), throwing their Brush away, Sighing, Cursing and so on... Hope this doesn´t sound too bad, because it really isn´t, often enough the frustrated people are the ones who keep on working hard til they reach the next Breaking Point when they figure out how to paint things up better, sending them into their very own, peaceful Painting Nirvana... It´s special and unique and different, for everyone is an Individual that firstly needs to be asked, that then needs to respond back and can finally formulate his or her own Questions in Order to start the very exciting Journey into Painting Toy Soldiers to a more Sophisticated Level... :D...
The Future is always uncertain to those, who live from brush to mouth to the next Day, but the sheer beauty of being able to Teach You how to find as many Mistakes as possible and jump headlong right into them in order to make up your own Mind, Style and Path will always keep us busking around the Globe with more Workshops like that... Make sure to visit us and allow yourself to learn once we come knocking at a Door in your Area! We are always open for Suggestions...
Follow this Link to discover all Pictures of the Singled Out Miniatures that have been Build and Painted during those Three Days!
This Link shows you the Pictures I took at that Particular Days... Some Serious Unseriousness inside...:D...
Some more Links uploaded by the Students... Enjoy! All of them!
Once Again we would like to thank Ulrich and Götz for helping us with the Organisation, Chris for coming over all the way from the UK to learn how to Lick the Brush right, CrazyWanky for the Help with the Wooden Bases and our Wonderful Students for making this Happen and a Great, Great Memory! Special Thanks to Cedric aka Mr. SMARTMAX for the Sponsoring and Overall Support! Your Minis Rock Hard, Mate! Thank you very much indeed! And Everyone: Stay Tuned for more Workshops to come in 2012 (not too many, but maybe even abroad...:)...)...
Nighty Night!
It's something you don't often see: I believe it's the most gigantic prject for a workshop ever!
wow dudes great project.. i wish we has things like that here... sure it was fun to participate
Can we get a picture of that brush holder and where you got it from?
Everything else looks cool but I want one of those brush holders :)
Hello Matt, Hello Ben,
thank you very much for this workshop. For me, as a starter in painting, it was great and I learned so much. It looked sometimes so easy, but after the first stroke of my brush, the effect looked like something, but not like yours ;)???
Have good time and as always
with best regards
Thanks so much for this great workshop. Everybody had fun AND was painting focused.
If you see the results, you know that everybody had fun with painting this cool mini!!!
awesome! congratz !
where does the wall parts for the base came from ?
size of the wooden base ?
again awesome monkeys !
Yeah, thank you so much for the great workshop and the good time we all had!! :)) I'm very happy that I had the possibility to be a part of this, and I hope that there'll be new workshops with the 2 of you in 2012! I'll be there, guys :)
Look out for my review of the workshop on our blog (before Christmas, I hope)!
So much painted Holmes, what a pleasure! Thank you
Rémy Tremblay
Thanks for the Magnificent Sculpt, Rémy...:D... It was a Pleasure and serious Challenge for everyone who painted it... Got mine with Mr. Shrimp waiting for less busy times... Gotta love Office Work...:)...