posted by roman, jarhead, kong
For those who don't know Battlefield-Berlin make sure you take a look on their massive online store where you can get everything a Miniature Lover's heart beats for. They also have a brand new local store in Berlin, bigger, better and bigger - check the reopening report from the Apes here!
You are able to win a big roll of Green Stuff for your daily hobby care and sculpting work.
After being sure of that simply hit a comment on this posting, here or on the facebook link to this posting with your ID. No Anonymous posts will be allowed. Only one comment per person.
On 7th January 2012 I will randomly ( choose one of the comments and one winner will get the green stuff box.
You don´t have to pay any shipping or anything else.
The Jungle ships worldwide :)
... and out!
Big jungle gratitude to
... for supporting the jungle in December.
For those who don't know Battlefield-Berlin make sure you take a look on their massive online store where you can get everything a Miniature Lover's heart beats for. They also have a brand new local store in Berlin, bigger, better and bigger - check the reopening report from the Apes here!
There is a little gift from the guys of Battlefield-Berlin for our jungle readers that you can win.You are able to win a big roll of Green Stuff for your daily hobby care and sculpting work.
How to win?
To win the massive green stuff box you have to be a follower/subscriber of MassiveVoodoo (check on the right please!) or you have to be a fan on Facebook: CLICKAfter being sure of that simply hit a comment on this posting, here or on the facebook link to this posting with your ID. No Anonymous posts will be allowed. Only one comment per person.
On 7th January 2012 I will randomly ( choose one of the comments and one winner will get the green stuff box.
You don´t have to pay any shipping or anything else.
The Jungle ships worldwide :)
... and out!
Sounds really good !!!! I hope to be more lucky than usual :D
Hey, nice action!
This the way I know the jungle! :)
Mmm some green stuff sounds good, count me in!
Do Battlefield Berlin ship to the UK at a reasonable cost? I often see you recommend products that are often tricky to find ver here but which seem to be carried by BB.
Good of them to run the contest too!
It would be a sin not to try ;)
Me wants some! :P
would indeed be lovely! especially since i used up 2 packages today:P
Don't have anymore green stuff too :D
Great initiative, I´ll sure look that shop up when I get to Berlin:)
Gimme bananas. . . or gimme green stuff!
Thanks...and a very very very happy 2012....keep growing friends!!!
Keep up the good work!
Feel free to add some step by step miniature work with privateer press stuff, cryx range for example :)
PD: And yes, I want this roll of greenstuff!
Battlefield Berlin is my first stop for getting anything miniature-related. Their service is great and I love how they always send a few candies with my orders :)
Now that's a big roll of green stuff that I could use! Count me in!
Keep up the great work! You're blog is an inspiration.
Green Stuff Megaboooooooox :P Battlefield is a pretty good shop. You get almost everything there.
Always is more greenstuff needed
Everyone needs more Greenstuff.
- so do I!
Green Stuff is people!... oder so.
Green stuff is everytime a good idea :)
Thank you Battlefield Berlin!! You guys are awesome! :) is mean....
Greetings Guido
never can have enough hobby stuff
Great, consider me entered for the the GS. I haven't seen their site before, heading over there now. It's nice that they have an English translation option.
Juhu, Grün ist meine Lieblingsfarbe
Great ! a lot of green stuff
Good Stuff, I like me some fresh greenstuff!!!
mmmhh... i like greenstuff *_*
Greeeeeen stuff :D
You guys are awesome! I have not found a better site out there that does more to help people with this hobby then you, keep up the great work.
Ps. Who couldn't use more green stuff I know I Could use more.....
I need Green Stuff :D
Thanks for all the great work you guys do!
I want it :P
Awesome blog, great contest.
Green stuff, free, uhuuu.
Green is better ;)
Count me in!
Yeah! I love green stuff.
OOOh I want in too!
I look forward to another year of great tips, inspiration, and music from MV.
Count me in!!
Ouh, almost missed! :O
You can't have enough green stuff. :D
count me in too :)
I'm in! Luck everyone
Weeww, I use mostly milliput, but Green Stuff is always good :)
I Always need more greenstuff!
Puh, pretty late but i´ll try it also.
Good Luck to everyone ;).
Here goes the winner:
Thanks to everyone for taking part!
Keep your eyes open for more action like this in the future!