Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,...
Hey everyone,
some days ago i visited a very nice art exhebition called Stroke Artfair.
The exhebition was a very pleasing event and my brain got filled with inspiration again, if you have the chance to visit the event, go for it!
Anyway, there is a pretty cool music sampler they offer for free:
You can find the free download -here-
You can listen to a snippet -here-!
Hope you enjoy it!
Hey everyone,
some days ago i visited a very nice art exhebition called Stroke Artfair.
The exhebition was a very pleasing event and my brain got filled with inspiration again, if you have the chance to visit the event, go for it!
Anyway, there is a pretty cool music sampler they offer for free:
You can find the free download -here-
You can listen to a snippet -here-!
Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks a lot Raffa,
this is really good music.
I collect different Styles of music. Theres always the right moment for some style of music. KORN, Rammstein etc. are good while thinking about to convert my space orks on the other side i love to listen Blues, Jazz and something like that from your sampler while i am paintingor modelling ;)