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December 2nd - The alternative Advent Calendar
Go check here for introductional words and more information beyond this alternative advent calendar. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Storyline goes on with the decision which won the vote: "A) Check the drivers cabin first!".
Three people, will gain a badge for their help and their inspiring comment, - we are using their ideas to bring the story further. Take a sheet of paper, note your badge if you got one (we do the same) - in the end the one with most of the badges will be the winner. Don't hesitate to comment, we still got badges for 23 days to give away. The promoted ladies and gentleman for the first row are:
- Morbidus, for tying the bootlace
- Roger Verdaguer i Serrat, for checking the miniature in the figure box
- Ine, for creating enormous athmosphere
The Story goes on ____________________________________________________
"After tying your bootlace you got up on your feet. Shielding your eyes with your hands against the flickering light, you peer into the darkness outside of the Train. Only shadows and darkness there. If you want to leave this tunnel you might need some light and furthermore you can't be all alone in here, there should be other people, at least the driver.
Slowly, one step after an other you start to move through the train. The broken glass scrunches under your feet, some items, clearly from other passengers, lay around. Have they all left? Shouldn't the fire brigade or the police be here, or at least some paramedics!
Your head could use one!
You grin and laugh a bit.
Ah, my head!
Ever slowly you go on.
Further ahead you see an open door. Supporting yourself with both arms on the red doors you peer again into the darkness. Still nothing there.
Uh, you grabbed into something sticky!
It's red, is it blood?
You take a closer look on the doors, bloody hands have opened it. You might should get out of here soon!
Cleaning your hands with an left alone jacket you continue to explore the train, but wait what about the figure I did paint yesterday? I hope it is not broken. Quickly you check the figure box and open it with a deep breath. Puh! Everything still fine, lucky you! Stupid you that you did forget your wallet and your keys at Eduardo's. Checking your mobile to find it battery empty - wow! What a horrible day, but wait you even got now idea if it is day or night. Let's get to the drivers cabin quickly to fast get out of here. Final check at the stuff you are carrying at the moment:
Equipment list (this list can grow and shrink during your journey)
- 1x Figure Transport box
Your bag containing:
- your brushes
- your colors
- your last energy drink
You stumbled inside the first wagon and see a closed door at the end. This must be the drivers cabin! You don't believe any more that he is still in, but maybe there is a flashlight and maybe you can reach some one outside there. You can't hear nothing and you got used to that flickering light noise. Seems also the headache is leaving, lucky you again. While you move your hands to the door handle you hear something from the inside. Nothing you ever heard before. A strange noise. Suddenly all went slow motion before your eyes. You open the door of the drivers cabin and in front of you is a ...
As he slowly turns around you can see that it must be the driver. Something bad happened here you think but in the same moment the zombies senses spring into action and he tries to grab and bite you ... damn it! If you want to check the drivers cabin for useful stuff you have to stop this monster, you can ..."
A) Use your figure box to do a massive strike from above at the Zombies head
B) Use your brushes to stick them in the Zombies eyes
C) Drop all your stuff, turn around, run, scream, jump out of the metro
Make your decision via comment now!!
(one person, one comment, we will count and the decision voted will arrive behind the next day's door).
Happy deciding!
B) Stick it right through the eyes and brain!! Yes~ always aim for the brain~
B) Use your brushes to stick them in the Zombies eyes
You know that this is it, jump out and scream or just wait for this sucker to reach you. Either way, you won´t be able to finish that special mini, all dark night´s of training would have been wasted! Trying to shield yourself with the figurecase is an option, but so are trying to fly away shooting flowers from your ears to... No, just one thing to do!
The nerd in you shout out load (actually, it´s more of a whine) No one shall pass! Feeling like Bruce Campbell you draw two thick brushes (not your new expensive ones! Hell, you are still a painter not an animal!), and with both hands tries to push them deep inte that thing´s eyes!
What the motherfucking hell is going on here?!!
Shocked i stumble backwards and grab my Figure Box holding it between me and this ...this THING! "You Son of a bitch" i screamed him right into the face "You re in my way!" (Hell i ve got to get in there or ...)
For second i am thinking about B) sticking him my size 1 brush using for basic base colouring - this big one ya know? - into his eyes, but as it seems not my luckiest day they are unreachable somewhere in the deep of my my bag......
So i am holding my figurebox between us thinking about what to do, while this zombiething is shuffling towards me.
My Figurebox - just bought on ebay, ....an old munitonbox - its made of metal...yes its made of metal!..should be quiet hard. I start smyling (am i really smyling? Oh my god ) and....very fast stop smyling...my miniature is inside!!! But.. Eduardo is always laughing about me when i need half an hour to get out my mini from that huge bunch of pattafix i am using. that miniature wont move a millimeter!!
So i start smiling again....and A) do a massive strike form above at the zombies head, screaming the hell out of me : UAAAAAA!!!
The figure box crushes on his head...and the head broke simply of!!! like an old branch!! WTF??!?! the zombie lays on the floor and stopped moving...seems as i got him.
Shivering i take a look into my figurebox and recognize everything still fits..but whats that?! A branch of my base was broken of ?! Angry as hell i kicked the zombies head through the metrowagon : "thats for the branch broke of...motherfucker."
Finaly i turn around and take look into the drivercabin and find: ....
B) i fasten search for one my not so expensive brushes, and brake it in two pieces. ( i would never do this with a windsor & newton, i have a lot of old ones always in my brushbox). Armed to the teeth with two sharpened brushes i try to aim for the beasts eyes and stick the brushes deep in them.
if i kill the beast i will afterwards search in the driver cabin for useful things. i will also return the old brushes back to the brushbox because on a workshop somebody said "in some time you are in need of your old brushes so don´t waste them"
Oh shit! Whats going on in here??
Shocked, i stumble backward a few steps.
Almost tripping over as i slip on a banana peel that someone had thrown there.
i catch myself, then the zombie is on me, with blood dripping hands he is clawing at me. out of reflex i pull up my miniaturecase to defend myself. Normally i´am really careful with my box, but i can´t cheat on my reflexes....
the zombies smashes into the frontlid, scratching the surface and tearing it off.
[Memories are flooding back into me, i was given the box as a birthday present by my little brother, how has made it himself. I had carried it to many diffrent places and countries. Lots of my friends from closeby and faraway had signend it or left some little art on it. Damn this fxxxing zombie, he is ruining a piece of art itself]
Enraged, maddend and without thinking at my latest model, i swing the box overhead and smash it down on the zombies head. caving it in an splattering grey matter on the spiderwebbed securityglass of a metro window.
the head hanging limply on the broken spine, the dead driver dropped to the gore splattered floor.
Then i had to sit down, breathing hard. I check my miniatures box. the frontlid is missing. the lower left corner is covered in red gooish liquid. But hey, by some miracle the model is still intact! At least a little bit of luck...
After a too short rest i went to search the drivers cabin.
At the back of my head i start thinking if i should have picked up those ice-skating boots.
Fixed to a piece of wood they might be a useful weapon.
For Roman and Raffa only:
A] go back and pick up the boots
B] stop thinkin about them
without writing to much...a!
What the?! A bloody zombie!
I have seen enough of those Films, aim for the Head and don't get bitten!
In panic I stumble back.
Something, I need something to hit it hard!
I grab into my bag and pull the first thing out, throwing it at the zombie.
Most of the colours bounce back without any effect, but Liche Purpel springs open and covers halve of the Zombies Face.
No! One of my favourite colours, but the pale face with the dark violet works pretty nice and the zombie appears to be irritated for a moment.
Something hard...
My my Figure Transport box appears in my hands.
No please not!
I'm running out of time, the zombie starts to advance ones more, groaning in expectation of my juicy brain.
Suddenly I remember my Painting classes with Roman and Raffa and that, every time something went wrong, Roman said something like: “Everything happens on purpose!”
Maybe this is fortune!
Screaming I charge the Zombie!
My first hit throws the driver's hat down from the head of this undead creature!
Also I hear something loose in my box bouncing around.
My second blow crushes the Zombies face.
Tears fill my eyes, all my miniatures for the Bananalicious Painting Contest!
The third strike, throws the Zombie down.
My brushes and most of my colours are still undamaged, so my miniatures can be fixed!
Now in rage, tears running down my face, I smash the zombies head into pieces of Skull and mincemeat.
Hard breathing I take a look on the now truly dead creature, then on my box.
Luckily it did not break into pieces, blood, colour and gore all over it.
Once again I grab some random piece of clothing and wipe my box an me clean, as far as this is possible.
Now, the adrenalin fading from my body, the headache returns.
I hope it was worth it and something useful is in this in the drivers cabin.
I do not dare to take a look inside my miniature box!
So, again A.
But with a very bad conscience. ^^
B), double brush strike in both eyes
Ah shit, I almost forgott: I pick up my colours of course.
I should have known that in an empty train, with no people inside, flickering lights and all this crazy shit, no driver could be is insight the cabin. But i´m a damn optimist, and there was a small percentage that there is somebody how knows whats going on here :D
After this minds going on my brain, there is something instinctively what happends:
I don´d know why, but it seems like a good idea, because in a fraction of the second, the ex-driver (i´m sure he´s getting fired for his customers unfriendly doing!) stops his move and looks very perplexed in my direction. Even if they could, the zombie guy would say: "What the hell does this unbloody but very delicous looking human screaming so loud ?!?!"
I grab the second of his inattention and pull out my .....
In this moment there are a lot of minds in brain. At first: I painted so many survivors and huge heros for my showcase. They have shotguns, big axes or other cool weapons to blow this sucking zombies out of town. Now I AM one of these guys. But where are my fucking weapons? Do these guys started without their cool equipment? Okay, it´s the beginning of a journey. I have realize it, and need a masterplan for my weapons. A energy drink? I can drink it out, get some wings with it and fly back to Eduardos place, or on a freindly place in the world. Hmm... I think it doesn´t work.
Hit him with my figure transport box? Now Way! No,no,no! BUT I can show the zombie my figures insight. Maybe he´s getting so stunned that we have a great paint jam near the future. But I choose, it´s to risky. If he doesn´t like my minis, it could be directly in the other direction.
Than I have my colours. Dark Sea Blue is a great weapon for everthing, but could it kill some zombies? I don´t think so ...
Last but not least, there are my brushes. They are pointed, I have a lot of them, and with a good move it should be possible to place them in the eyes of the zombie-driver!
I grab the second of his inattention and pull out brushes to stick them in the Zombie eyes!
B) Take my brushes and stick them into the zombies eyes.
Then realising that the mixture of blood, brain and zombie-eyes is the perfect colour for finishing the splatter-effect on my new figure.
Take one of my empty paint pots an take a little bit of the mixtur.
Will give it a try when the light is better - I hate painting with flickering metro-lights!
Remembering I just packed my figure box with extra foam, (miniatures are major-well-done protected), I bash the zombie in his cranial area, leaving a chunk of his decaying flesh on the edge of the container. The thought occurs to me that the fleshy remains might come in handy for some basing material sometime, so I tuck it away in a ziplock bag and slip it in with my hobby supplies.
First i take
A)I use the figure box to do a massive strike from above at the Zombies head
now the Zombie is a litte bit confuse and now i take B) my brushes to stick them in the Zombies eyes.
A) For as long as it takes to make the zombie head turn into red goo. A figurebox and its innerts can be replaced.
Since now I get the idea of what is goign on ( ZOMBIEPOCALYPSE!!!! ) I need to find my way home, fuck my keys and fuck my wallet, I need to make sure my family's alright.
Time to loot and improvise a weapon. If nescessary a sock filled with a stone will do for now.......
Ohhh the humanitaaaaay!
- use brushes to stick them into zombie eyes..
while my brain just recover from the huge surprise to see such non living... non dead... "thing"... I just got the only "reactive" move... just taking brushe... of course not like I did so many time in my desk... but just by grouping at least 6 or 7 of them in one hand.... and stick it deep into the right eye on this aberration of the nature....
Just wonder why I took, without thinking.... only Games workshop "destroyed-drybruhing" brushes.... preserving all the Raphael one !!!!
Maybe a extreme instinct.... last part of rationale into this survival move !
A !
but take the good one!!!
I counted ...
A) seven
B) seven