posted by roman, jarhead, kong
December 1st
December 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 23rd
The storyline goes on by the end of the story which won the best stories end, but first ...
At this point the Jungle of Massive Voodoo wants to thank everybody for their help, for their game they brought into the story during the last couple of weeks, for their ideas and for their time they invested. Sorry again about yesterdays fail by my side. I can say from my personal view I was a bit scared in the beginning while I thought about doing this alternative Advent calendar. I knew it will take much of my time everyday for 24 days and I really thought about not doing it, BUT with such energetic people helping the story to grow it was just a pleasure in the end. Thank you all! For me - as this year I did not have my own Advent Calendar I found it here everyday - with the answers and ideas you have shared. Many thanks! We hope you had your fun too ...
Your final words about the story are all cool but one has to be chosen to win the single double badge and I have decided for ...
Harald, for bringing up the Happy Ending that I had expected myself for the story and that I liked the most. Hard decision.
The Story goes on ____________________________________________________
"You close my eyes.
When You open them again the green light is still outside the window.
But the room has changed significantly.
Everything is coloured white. And there are two persons close to the window.
When your sight gets clearer you recognise the faces.
Its Eduaro and Jessica!
They are looking at you with worried faces. You can ´t belive it.
Now you realise that you are in a hospital room.
Your head aches like back in that metrowagon....
Your aching head starts to swim. With a shaking voice you ask them what had happend.
They tell you that the long painting session with them as you wanted to finish your latest project was the reason. And as you had done the final brushstroke you stood up, grabbed the miniature and danced around the room with it cradled in your hands.
As you handed it over to Jessica to show it to her you stepped back and tripped over your miniature-box.
You hit the corner of Eduardo painting desk with the backside of your head. You spilled the brushwater all over the place.
You had hit your head so hard that you were knocked unconscious. Because there was lots of blood as well, Jessica called 911 for help.
You can´t belive it, it was all a bad, a really bad dream?
Then you remember about the things we talked while painting.
Eduardo talked about the zombiegame he had put on his christmaswishlist, and how eager he is to paint those models. Jessica told that she bought the "die hard" collectors box for her dad. And we all had fun recollection the story of John McClane.
Then a Doc entered the room, he did some checks and told my that my friends haven´t been away the last day for a second. Eduardo even canceled his flight to Italy to be with his family and Jessica called her mom that she wont come with them to the alps to spend christmas in the snow.
He said that you can feel proud to have some friends like that.
Finally he said that everything is fine. They had sewn a big gash at the back of your head and that there is no further damage done.
He told me that you may go home tomorow. "So you can enjoy christmas eve" he added.
You wanted to spend it like in the last couple of years.
At home, eating wieners and bread, drink a few beers and watch a movie... alone.
But you changed my mind instantly, and invited Eduardo and Jessica to my place. To celebrate together.
They gladly accepted and promised to pick me up tomorow when you are allowed to leave the hospital."
The Story ends here ____________________________________________________
AS said, many thanks to all your help. We will count the badges for final results and will call out the winner, the one and only Zombie Survival Master 2012 after the Christmas days and will do a little "Best of Post" about it. Stay tuned and enjoy your Christmas days.
Your MV Team

December 24th - The alternative Advent Calendar - Merry Christmas!!
Did you miss what this is all about? Go check:____________________________________________________________________________________________
December 1st
December 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 23rd
The storyline goes on by the end of the story which won the best stories end, but first ...
At this point the Jungle of Massive Voodoo wants to thank everybody for their help, for their game they brought into the story during the last couple of weeks, for their ideas and for their time they invested. Sorry again about yesterdays fail by my side. I can say from my personal view I was a bit scared in the beginning while I thought about doing this alternative Advent calendar. I knew it will take much of my time everyday for 24 days and I really thought about not doing it, BUT with such energetic people helping the story to grow it was just a pleasure in the end. Thank you all! For me - as this year I did not have my own Advent Calendar I found it here everyday - with the answers and ideas you have shared. Many thanks! We hope you had your fun too ...
Your final words about the story are all cool but one has to be chosen to win the single double badge and I have decided for ...
Harald, for bringing up the Happy Ending that I had expected myself for the story and that I liked the most. Hard decision.
The Story goes on ____________________________________________________
"You close my eyes.
When You open them again the green light is still outside the window.
But the room has changed significantly.
Everything is coloured white. And there are two persons close to the window.
When your sight gets clearer you recognise the faces.
Its Eduaro and Jessica!
They are looking at you with worried faces. You can ´t belive it.
Now you realise that you are in a hospital room.
Your head aches like back in that metrowagon....
Your aching head starts to swim. With a shaking voice you ask them what had happend.
They tell you that the long painting session with them as you wanted to finish your latest project was the reason. And as you had done the final brushstroke you stood up, grabbed the miniature and danced around the room with it cradled in your hands.
As you handed it over to Jessica to show it to her you stepped back and tripped over your miniature-box.
You hit the corner of Eduardo painting desk with the backside of your head. You spilled the brushwater all over the place.
You had hit your head so hard that you were knocked unconscious. Because there was lots of blood as well, Jessica called 911 for help.
You can´t belive it, it was all a bad, a really bad dream?
Then you remember about the things we talked while painting.
Eduardo talked about the zombiegame he had put on his christmaswishlist, and how eager he is to paint those models. Jessica told that she bought the "die hard" collectors box for her dad. And we all had fun recollection the story of John McClane.
Then a Doc entered the room, he did some checks and told my that my friends haven´t been away the last day for a second. Eduardo even canceled his flight to Italy to be with his family and Jessica called her mom that she wont come with them to the alps to spend christmas in the snow.
He said that you can feel proud to have some friends like that.
Finally he said that everything is fine. They had sewn a big gash at the back of your head and that there is no further damage done.
He told me that you may go home tomorow. "So you can enjoy christmas eve" he added.
You wanted to spend it like in the last couple of years.
At home, eating wieners and bread, drink a few beers and watch a movie... alone.
But you changed my mind instantly, and invited Eduardo and Jessica to my place. To celebrate together.
They gladly accepted and promised to pick me up tomorow when you are allowed to leave the hospital."
The Story ends here ____________________________________________________
AS said, many thanks to all your help. We will count the badges for final results and will call out the winner, the one and only Zombie Survival Master 2012 after the Christmas days and will do a little "Best of Post" about it. Stay tuned and enjoy your Christmas days.
Your MV Team
Thanks for the advent fun.
Yeah, It was something great. Thanks guys!
Please, repeat the experience :) it was awesome ;)
After two days of selfimposed "no internet" policy i´am back again.
Thanks for choosing my happy ending.
And very big thanks for hosting this adventure.
Great idea and lots of fun.