posted by roman, jarhead, kong
December 16th - The alternative Advent Calendar
Did you miss what this is all about? Go check:____________________________________________________________________________________________
December 1st
December 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
Storyline goes on with the decision which won the vote:
C) Get up again, throw something from your equipement somewhere to distract the zombies and run behind the house to get into the basement!!
Three people, will gain a badge for their help, - we are using their ideas to bring the story further. Take a sheet of paper, note your badge if you got one (we do the same) - in the end the one with most of the badges will be the winner. Don't hesitate to comment, we still got badges for 7 days to give away. The promoted ladies and gentleman who voted c) for this row are:
Denniz, for the molotov macgyvering torch.
Harald, for the good morning thing.
Nehr, for throwing the helmet too to distract even more!
The Story goes on ____________________________________________________
"Good morning vietn... ähm, massive voodoo ...
Sh*t! So close! The zombies are closing in and if you don´t do anything you will sure be there next meal.
Think dam it, think! What would MacGayver do? If you had a chewing gum and some paper clip´s you could do a bomb but no chewing gum here so you have to do the next good thing.
You quickly reach in your bag and grab the first thing you could get your hand´s on. A roll of toilet paper…great! Of couse you almost solved myself in the fall, but some toilet paper won´t help you now, if not…! You remembered the can of solvent in your bag. You covered the roll of toilet paper with solvent. Now you only need some fire. You looked around and this might be your lucky day after all, just two meters away from you is an old lighter laying on the street, and it look´s like the old user won´t be needing it anymore since all that is left of it´s former owner is the hand. Don´t want to know where the rest is. You jumped on one leg and grabbed the lighter.
But how are you going to use this without setting yourself on fire? You take the toilet brush and stick the roll of toilet paper on top of it. Getting the lighter to work on just the second try, the improvised torch is burning really good.
I toss the torch as hard as I can right at the nearest zombie and without looking how it wen´t I rush towards the basment door … but as you can see now the Zombies are pretty close and the way you want to run is not really free ... ahhhhh!!!
No time for useless thoughts, you have to focus and think fast! Best strategy? Probably: Distract more and flee faster. Good, you need another diversion. The first idea that came into your mind is to throw your bike helmet on the street, far from where you are, and hope that the horde focus the attention on that rolling noisy thing. Immediately after thinking it you are already doing it:
-Unfasten the helmet
-Throw it
-Cross finger
Great, seems working!!! "I love it when a plan comes together" (Cit. John “Hannibal” Smith). Feeling like The Flash, you get up again and run as fast as you can to Eduardo’s house. As you do the few meters that separate me from your goal, a thought pop into your head: Hundred of zombies around + main door opened = Probability of zombies inside 80%...Doesn’t feel good to me.
Equipment list (this list can grow and shrink during your journey)
- 1x Figure Transport box, damaged, Figures intact
Your bag containing:
- 1x USB charger
- 1x roll of duct tape
- 1x mobile with half of the batteries left
- your colors, many, but yellow mostly empty
- your colors, many, but yellow mostly empty
- 1x ziplock bag with zombie remains
- 1x ziplock with grandma's Santa letter (NEW!)
- 1x ziplock with green powder probe (NEW!)
- 1x energy drink
- 1x energy drink
- 1x flashlight
- 1x ziplock back with a tooth of yours
1x broom with kitchen knife attached
Armour (NEW!):
Hey! On the back of the house there is an entrance that leads to the basement where we used to spend night painting and playing roleplaying games. You should start from there, Eduardo can be there hiding. Or at least you can find something useful to help him.
You are closing in to the door but from the left you can smell the danger. One Zombie is pretty close to you and damn it! WTF!
Ok, quick, into the basement!
Oh my god!
It is locked!!
WTF again? Inside the house music starts to play, pretty loud!
This ain't funny!!
Now it is your turn again!
Describe what will happen in the next 2 minutes!
Happy Storytelling!
Oh man, i know this beat. I can´t belive what i hear.
The stormtoopersurfer is almost at my throat when the doors open.
There is Eduadro standing on top of two massive speakers. Blaring out this song als loud as possible.
Somehow it influences the zombie. He starts to dance. At least kind of. Thats really really weird but buys me time to save my ass inside.
Before Eduardo slams the door shut, he grabs a molotov cocktail. Lights it and throws it at the dancing undead.
The last i see before the doors clicks into its locks is a dancing torch.
Then Eduardo gives me a huge hug.
I just have the time to push the zombie on the floor and shoot is face with my boots.
An horrible noise of plastic and bones cracking... maybe is dead (again), maybe not...
Don't the time to look more at it, I broke the glass of the door, turn the button, enter and lock the door. Zombies will not think of doing what I have done for the button... I hope !
Music is so loud... I just understand that Edouardo turn it on to trap zombies on the ground floor, hypnotyze by the music. Three of them are in the lounge, stick to the speakers.
I heard somes "Shhhhh Shhhhhh", it's coming from upstair, where a crazy Eduardo wit the remote controls of the speakers and radio look at me, saying to come join him upstair...
What is the best... go up and maybe be trap upstair, or told him to join me dowstair and find a solution to leave !
Suddenly I remember the entrance door providentially opened and now the music... That's odd at least, and doesn't like me any more. I feel as having an arachnid sense warning "Run away. Fast!". But the stairs are blocked by the strange zombie holding surf board as shield and helmet. This is getting medieval so I charge only to get it down.
Both we roll over the ground and the walker gets stuck with its own "armour", unable to get me or even get up.
So I escape only giving a look back to the house to catch the glimpse of a zombie horde stacking and crawling inside the house. Then comes the explosion and I fall again onto the hard ground. When I turn back there's no more house, there are no more zombies on sight and wooden and fleshy shards snow all around in the weirdest f****** Christmas spirit ever.
What the hell's happening here?! And where's Eduardo!
Cathartic I cant do anything but to start laughing.
The basement door is locked, there’s a zombie approaching and what is this music that I hear?
…Seems appropriate. Eduardo really have a black humor.
Let’s face one problem at a time: A stormtrooper-surfer-zombie??? In your head you think: Man, If you were not dead probably we could have been great friends! Friend of a zombie? This thought make you smile, but you remember a video you saw some time ago on MassiveVoodoo, Zombie Experiment NYC was called, and they prove that zombie cant live with humans.
He is really near me, but this zombie is even slower compared to the others I have seen. Probably because of the heavy surfboard. He is almost over me, trying to bite me, but the stormtrooper helmet prevents his mouth to reach me. I just have time to open my zip lock bag, grab the zombie remains and splatter them on the visor of his helmet. He is blind and seems disoriented, roaming randomly. Cheated! If I manage to remain silent I should have time to open the door and be safe.
I try to force the door but can’t manage to open it. Wait a minute…I can call Eduardo with the phone. I make his number and...the line is free, I also hear it ringing inside the basement.
“Hey bro, it’s me. I’m in front of your basement door. Open up, fast!!!”
“Oh my good!”
You hear the bolt of the door that unlocks and finally you see the big face of Eduardo in front of you. Just the time to bring you inside and both start smiling and hugging with all your strength. You found him, u made it!