Hey painting people,
a new international painting class is ahead :)
This time it will take place in Sprange-Chapelle (the Netherlands).
Date is: 12th until 14nd of December 2014
The class will be held in English!
We are happy to have the class in Sprang-Chapelle again. Last year it was so much fun. Thanks to Gert and Jurgen for their help again :)
Check out the last year´s class review:
If you like to attend the class, please send a mail to me (Peter) and I´ll put you on the list. My mail is: baphomet[at]massivevoodoo[dot]com
As soon as I got your mail, you´ll recieve a PDF with all necessary information (in English).
If you´ll need the painting class information in German or if you´d like to help us organizing a class in your hometown, feel free to send me a mail, too: baphomet[at]massivevoodoo[dot]com, but don't forget to read the FAQ about Massive Voodoo's classes first.
If you like to attend one of Roman´s classes in Germany, check our class in Munich: CLICK
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