Hey painting people,
a new painting class in Germany is ahead :)
This time it will take place in Munich.
Date is: 17th until 19nd of October 2014
Follow the link and you´ll find further information (german): click here.
If you´ll need the painting class information in English or if you´d like to help us organizing a class in your hometown, feel free to send me a mail: baphomet[at]massivevoodoo[dot]com, but don't forget to read the FAQ about Massive Voodoo's classes first.
Hi Peter,
its Julian from Fernando Ruiz's workshop in Blumberg. How are you my friend? That's what I like about you guys in Germany; it's alive and active with painting jams, workshops /gatherings! Myself and some mates here are planning to attend one of Roman's /Raffa's workshop hopefully sometime next year. Or I could just go solo like I did and come to Munich :p
Hey julian :) nice to hear from you! Please send me your mail-adresse at baphomet(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com. I'll send you the english version of the class' announcement and some further info about future classes :) as i'm on holidays right now I will send you the stuff in 10 days :)